Sunday, September 09, 2012

Golden memories

Khao I Dang refugee camp in the 1980s [google]. The camp and the place is named after the 'mountain' visible in the background of this picture. At its height the camp is believed to be the largest concentration of Khmer population outside Cambodia, drawing "displaced people" [the Thai government refused to treat them as 'refugees' in a legal sense so as to deprive them of any due legal protection they would have been entitled to under international norms] from all over the worn torn country like a gigantic demographic magnet. The landmark itself is a recurring theme in the dreams [or nightmares] of the innocent multitudes who had had to pass through it. Geo-politics apart the place represents not so much a 'new dawn' but more of a new poignant human chapter in the troubled history of a long suffering land where human lives held [and still hold] no greater worth or significance than pawns on a cynical chess board that these people neither wanted nor comprehended. Driven in the main by necessity and in part by humanity's unrelenting faith in a better tomorrow, families, friends, relatives, neighbours, farmers, town-dwellers, victims as well as their former captors had paid their due price and sacrifice, risking being robbed, shot and raped  to be at the camp. It was an eerie and surreal place where instances of common and extreme compassion intermingled with those of cruelty of all shades; where night-time robberies staged to the tune of prewar romance of  happier times as rendered by the great romantics and poets of that era, and where some residents still listened religiously to the daily radio broadcast of their beloved Angka Leu or Democratic Kampuchea with an air of total freedom and immunity - School of Vice

Readers’ comments:

ពេលវេលាបានកន្លងទៅជាង ៣០ឆ្នាំទៅហើយ អ្វីៗដែលខ្មែរភៀសខ្លួនទទួលបានហាក់ដូចជានៅថ្មីៗសោះ ភាពសប្បាយ ភាពហ៊ឺរហារ ភាពអួតអំនួត
ភាពជូរជត់ ខ្លោចផ្សារ ឈឺចាប់ ខាំម៉ាត់ ទារុណ ព្រាត់ប្រាស់ វេទនា ភាពថោកទាប ភាពប្រមាថមើលងាយ ភាពភ័យខ្លាច។ល។ ទាំងអស់នេះវាជារូបមន្តនៃខ្មែរភៀសខ្លួន នៅតាមជំរុំនានាក្នុងទឹកដីដែលមានរបងព័ទ្ធជុំវិញ គ្រួសារនីមួយៗរស់នៅក្រោមដំបូលស្លឹកជាជួរ ជាជួរ ពេលយប់បំភ្លឺដោយចង្កៀងប្រេង គួរអោយសែនស្រណោះ ដែលមានបន្លឺរសម្លេងបទចម្រៀងអតីតដ៏សែនក្រលួច ធ្វើអោយនឹកស្រណោះដល់គ្រួសារដែលបានស្លាប់ទៅហើយ ។
ពេលនេះខ្មែរភៀសខ្លួនបានមករស់នៅលើទឹកដីប្រទេសនានាដែលមានសន្តិភាព សេរីភាព ជីវិតក្នុងការរស់នៅដ៏សុខសាន្ត ខុសប្លែកពីជំរុំរបងព័ទ្ធជុំវិញ
ជំរុំភៀសខ្លួនទាំងអស់អើយខ្ញុំក៏មិនបំភ្លេចអ្នកដែរ យើងក៏នៅមានរូបភាពអនុស្សាវរីយ៏ជាមួយអ្នកដែរ គ្រាន់រំលឹកឃើញនូវរឿងៗពិតកាលគ្រារនោះដែរ ប៉ុន្តែគ្រា
នេះខ្មែរភៀសខ្លួនខ្លះបានលាចាកលោកយើងហើយ ដោយបានទុកនៅអនុស្សាវរីយ៏ថែមទៀតសំរាប់គ្រួសារ នឹងមិត្តភ័ក្រ ។ នេះជារំលឹងនៅអនុស្សាវរីយ៏ដែល
បានឃើញក្នុង YouTube ។
Where a lot of friendships were made and then......separated to different countries and never to be seen each other again.

After world war two, it was the Chinese who immigrated out of their country and spreading all over the world, now it's the Cambodian turn.

Baay Kdaing
With the pictures of Khao I Dang refugee camp and 2 beautiful songs about it, I am transported back in time to the place that formed the beginning of my freedom and hope for a better future.

I believe many Cambodians share the same feeling about this refugee camp.

Thank you, School of Vice for the picture and the songs.

Anet Khmer
The word "Khao I Dang refugee camp" and the songs about it certainly bring back a lot of past, but unforgettable souvenirs.

It was certainly my home for a few years!

Thank you Mr. School of Vice for the songs and picture posted.

Pissed off


Khao I Dang Doung Chit - Chhun Vanna
Keo Sarath - Chum rum khaov i dang


Anonymous said...

ពេលវេលាបានកន្លងទៅជាង ៣០ឆ្នាំទៅហើយ អ្វីៗដែលខ្មែរភៀសខ្លួនទទួលបានហាក់ដូចជានៅថ្មីៗសោះ ភាពសប្បាយ ភាពហ៊ឺរហារ ភាពអួតអំនួត
ភាពជូរជត់ ខ្លោចផ្សារ ឈឺចាប់ ខាំម៉ាត់ ទារុណ ព្រាត់ប្រាស់ វេទនា ភាពថោកទាប ភាពប្រមាថមើលងាយ ភាពភ័យខ្លាច។ល។ ទាំងអស់នេះវាជារូបមន្តនៃខ្មែរភៀសខ្លួន នៅតាមជំរុំនានាក្នុងទឹកដីដែលមានរបងព័ទ្ធជុំវិញ គ្រួសារនីមួយៗរស់នៅក្រោមដំបូលស្លឹកជាជួរ ជាជួរ ពេលយប់បំភ្លឺដោយចង្កៀងប្រេង គួរអោយសែនស្រណោះ ដែលមានបន្លឺរសម្លេងបទចម្រៀងអតីតដ៏សែនក្រលួច ធ្វើអោយនឹកស្រណោះដល់គ្រួសារដែលបានស្លាប់ទៅហើយ ។
ពេលនេះខ្មែរភៀសខ្លួនបានមករស់នៅលើទឹកដីប្រទេសនានាដែលមានសន្តិភាព សេរីភាព ជីវិតក្នុងការរស់នៅដ៏សុខសាន្ត ខុសប្លែកពីជំរុំរបងព័ទ្ធជុំវិញ
ជំរុំភៀសខ្លួនទាំងអស់អើយខ្ញុំក៏មិនបំភ្លេចអ្នកដែរ យើងក៏នៅមានរូបភាពអនុស្សាវរីយ៏ជាមួយអ្នកដែរ គ្រាន់រំលឹកឃើញនូវរឿងៗពិតកាលគ្រារនោះដែរ ប៉ុន្តែគ្រា
នេះខ្មែរភៀសខ្លួនខ្លះបានលាចាកលោកយើងហើយ ដោយបានទុកនៅអនុស្សាវរីយ៏ថែមទៀតសំរាប់គ្រួសារ នឹងមិត្តភ័ក្រ ។ នេះជារំលឹងនៅអនុស្សាវរីយ៏ដែល
បានឃើញក្នុង YouTube ។

Anonymous said...

Where a lot of friendships were made and then......separated to different countries and never to be seen each other again.

After world war two, it was the Chinese who immigrated out of their country and spreading all over the world, now it's the Cambodian turn.

Baay Kdaing

Anonymous said...

With the pictures of Khao I Dang refugee camp and 2 beautiful songs about it, I am transported back in time to the place that formed the beginning of my freedom and hope for a better future.

I believe many Cambodians share the same feeling about this refugee camp.

Thank you, School of Vice for the picture and the songs.

Anet Khmer

Anonymous said...

The word "Khao I Dang refugee camp" and the songs about it certainly bring back a lot of past, but unforgettable souvenirs.

It was certainly my home for a few years!

Thank you Mr. School of Vice for the songs and picture posted.

Pissed off

Anonymous said...

This camp was divied by ethnic group and political persuasion.

Which section of the camp you lived in Theary? Chinese, of course!

Anonymous said...

I miss an English teacher who taught private lesoons on the opposite of the basket ball yards, opposite to sangkat 19.

He was not old, nor taht tall, but was a cool teacher. I did not remember his name. The last lesson I attended before leaving KID was at his own hut.

Anonymous said...

There were two very excellent English teachers in Khao I Dang back then.

One was a young, single, slender young man who had a younger, beautiful sister who went to went to OZ with another family.
He was very good with grammar.

Another one was a little older and shorter but I never attended his class.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

KHAO I DANG CHOMROM JET KHGNOM is certainly a well-composed song by Mr. Kravanh Daran and sung well by Mr. Nuon Sarun with music played by admirable Cambodian musical artists.

Once again, special thank you to Mr. School of Vice for the well-written introduction to the song and the picture.

How can one who lived in KID forget such a camp where tear of suffering and that of happiness took turn to flow down from the tired and crying eyes of every Khmer refugee who lived in and called it home for some years.

The suffering of the Cambodian people continues and seems to find no end in the foreseeable future; this suffering is more due to the stupidity of Cambodian leaders of different era who somehow have difficulty in learning to understand that a leader serves and not be served by his or her people.

The future of Cambodia rests in the hands of the Cambodian people who must stop being passive and docile passengers allowing the crazy drivers to drive vehicle of Cambodia and the passengers to destruction; they must become the drivers themselves through protest and pressure directing the vehicle through congested and dangerous traffic even though they are not sitting at the steering wheel.

It is time to make whoever wants to drive the vehicle of Cambodia be responsible for their driving and responsibility.

Pissed off

Anonymous said...


"It is time to make whoever wants to drive the vehicle of Cambodia be responsible for their driving to the passengers."

Pissed off

Anonymous said...

2:05 AM, the one I attended his lessons was young and single. He was good and often let his students translate a certain phrase or idiom.

Anonymous said...

All are good comments. When I first arrived in Khao I Dang in late late '79, I felt free since I was serving in Khmer Republic Army. I did not have family. I did not know what to do and did not where to go and re-build my life I just played Cambodian chess and made a lot of friends there. Now I don't know where they are.

Khmer Kompong Chhnang

Anonymous said...

Keo Sarath's KID Duong Chet is one of the popular songs sung in PP Karaoke these days.

I hated the camp and I missed it too. I often went up the mountain and jumped naked into the warm waterfall streaming down the top of the mountain for an hour every morning before getting out of the warm water , walking back down to learn my basic English lessons with Kru thy at the temple. That was in December 1979 before the siam solderis fenced it off.

Very nostalgic. In Khmer we called it Phnom Porpeal...veru sad...once part of the Khmer Empire.

We should write a novel of these existences.

Anonymous said...

Khmer Kampong Chhnang
Me too I'm a Khmer Kampong Chhnang
Soramarith class 1973
I want to know you

Anonymous said...

Everytime I see the scenery of Kampong Chhnang it reminds me of Srok Khmer - Palm trees dotted the places- endless sight, Phnom Kangrey stretching all the way to the end of horizons, across the Tonle Sap. It has been like this since time immemorial. Kampong Chhnang has never been touched by modern development. Srok Khmer, Snaer Khnom....sad and nostalgic.

Anonymous said...

My dear Khmer Sihanoukist falling asleep back then and is still asleep now...what a shame!


Anonymous said...

You are very destructive and negative just about everything. Khmer will never move forward with your mentality.

Anonymous said...

10:19 AM,
Can you give me your e-mails address?
I want to know you too. Thanks,
I was also attending Ecole Militaire Khmer de Kompong Chhnange in 1971 while you were still attending Lycee Soramarith.

Khmer Kompong Chhnang