Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Press Release: Exiled Cambodian Opposition Leader Sam Rainsy and Senator Franklin Drilon Launched International Parliamentary Committee

Exiled Cambodian Opposition Leader Sam Rainsy and Senator Franklin Drilon Launched International Parliamentary Committee

10 September 2012

Honorable Sam Rainsy, MP, leader of the biggest opposition party in Cambodia arrived in Manila this week to launch the International Parliamentary Committee for Democratic Elections in Cambodia (IPCDEC). The official launch was on the 10th of September in Club Filipino, and was attended by Senator Franklin Drilon, Secretary Neric Acosta, Congressman Jerry Treñas, and Cambodian MPs Saumura Tioulong and Yim Sovann.

Senator Franklin Drilon, who chairs the IPCDEC, introduced the committee as a "group of like-minded parliamentarians expressing their solidarity to promote full and inclusive democracy in Cambodia."

"This committee is of paramount importance in light of forthcoming elections parliamentary elections in Cambodia on July 2013", Senator Drilon added. He noted how past elections in Cambodia have been plagued with violence and electoral fraud, not unlike the plight of Filipinos not long ago.

He pointed out that, "ultimately, it must be the will of the people which sets the standard in choosing their political representations in the legislature whether here or abroad. We want to persuade the Cambodian government to promote an environment of peace and openness for opposition parties and their leaders and given free and equal chance in the political process. It is only through this method we are able to achieve an election that is credible."

"[The IPCDEC] will not only work together to ensure elections are fair, we shall use our organization in restoring democracy in Cambodia to the best of our abilities. We thereby empower the Cambodian people to make a free and informed choice. Everyone in a democratic system deserves nothing less." The launch of the IPCDEC is one significant way to effect such a change. The international committee will continue to work through international forums of parliamentarians in order to surface and give prominence to the situation of Cambodia. "Suffering states react to pressure and Cambodia is no exception," said Senator Drilon.

Thanking Senator Drilon, Sam Rainsy promised that the IPCDEC will contribute to the long-awaited democratic change in Cambodia.

"Since 1993, elections in Cambodia have been manipulated, distorting the will of the people. There is growing popular discontent. Forty percent of the electoral public has been disenfranchised," according to MP Sam. "Land grabbing is also causing political violence and unrest. Without democratic elections, there will be no channel to ease political violence."

To institutionalize democratic elections, necessary reforms were clearly explained in the latest report of the UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights, according to MP Sam [full text of the report here: http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/HRBodies/HRCouncil/RegularSession/Session21/A-HRC-21-63_en.pdf]. The report will be discussed in full at the next Human Rights Council meeting at its headquarters in Geneva later this month.

MP Sam emphasized, "the [National Election Committee] is totally controlled by the ruling party. Voters' list can be manipulated in such a way that a landslide victory can be ensured long before voting day."

"Cambodia is at a turning point. The balance of power has already begun to to shift. The change will be even greater if elections are democratic next year."

"You seem to be the Ninoy Aquino of Cambodia," a reporter pointed out. "The Ninoy Aquino we had was shot dead when he came back. Will you go that far, to risk your life, to go back to Cambodia just to begin this election?"

"I will return, definitely, for this elections," Sam Rainsy confidently declared.

The IPCDEC currently has eighty members of parliament from Europe and Asia and is accepting more members from all parliaments. For more information, contact: Mico Espina (International Parliamentary Committee for Democratic Elections in Cambodia Desk): Mobile Nos. +63908 890 8978, +63917 812 4563; Tel. No. +632 819 6071; Email: mico_espina@cald.org


Anonymous said...

Why we have to cooperate with the Philippine ?
We know so well, that the Philippine government is working again the Cambodian government and try to separate Khmer from Khmer.
As Khmer born, I will always support the Cambodian government and did not care, Sam Raingsy or Hun Sen lead the govenment of our country.

Anonymous said...

"លោកប្អូន សួន សេរីរដ្ឋា ជាទេវតាខ្មែរពិតៗៗៗ!!!"

មនុស្សធម្មតាក៏អាចជាទេវតាបានដែរឧ្យតែមាន ឧត្តមគតិនិងសុឆន្ទ:ល្អបរិសុទ្ធ.....
លោកប្អូន សួន សេរីរដ្ឋា​នឹងជួយ​សង្រ្គោះ
-អាសមមិត្រ...........សម រង្សី
-អាសមមិត្រ...........កឹម សុខា
ឲ្យ​បានអំណាចនៅ 2013 ម៉េចក៏ល្ងី​ល្ងើរភ្លើមិលគុណនិងទេវតាក្មេងឬក៏សម រង្ស៊ីមើលងាយសួន សេរីរដ្ឋា(កូនក្មេងថ្នា​ក់កុមារដ្ឋាន)?មិនដល់ខ្លួន?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

រិះគន់គេពេក តើបានប្រយោជន៍
អី ត្រូវឆ្នោតប៉ុន្មានលានដែរហើយ
តាំងពីចេះសរសេរមកនោះ បើ
មិនជួយចូកជួយចែវ កុំយកជើង
រាទឹក សូមស្ងប់អារម្មណ៍លោកទៅ
ហីនំ ធម្មំ ន សេវេយ្យ
បមាទេន​ ន សំវសេ
មិច្ឆាទិដ្ឋឹ ន សេវេយ្យ
ន សិយា លោកវឌ្ឍនោ
ថោកទាប មិនគួររស់នៅដោយ
សេចក្ដីប្រមាទ មិនគួរសេពគប់
នូវការយល់ខុស មិនគួរជានៅ
ឲ្យចង្អៀតលោកឡើយ ។
Do not follow ignoble ways
do not live in negligence
do not embrace wrong views
do not be the one to prolong
sansara (lit.,the world).
A la loi vile, on ne doit pas se conformer, avec la négligence
on ne doit pas cohabiter. A
l'opinion fausse on ne doit pas
se conformer on ne doit pas
être de ceux qui accroissent
le monde.

2:27 AM

Anonymous said...

អាលោកតាពិត @2:41 AM
កុំផ្កាប់មុខពេក !អាបុកគល់និយម !

(បើមិនជួយចូកជួយចែវ កុំយកជើងរាទឹក)
អាចាញ់បង្រ្គប់កិច្ច អាអ្ហែង !គួរទុកពេលលុញក្ដខ្លួនឯងទៅ
កុំចំណាយពេលមកប្រដៅគេ !
តើបានប្រយោជន៍អី ត្រូវឆ្នោតប៉ុន្មានលានដែរ?អាអ្ហែង!.....

Anonymous said...


Can people abroad have a right to vote for the national election in a frame work of International Parliamentary Committee?

If we can vote outside of Cambodia, Hun Sen will lost and will be in jail the next day. Or might be hung from the tree in a next hour.

We need a regime change in Cambodia.

For 1:51AM

You're a stupid Cambodian who support any govenment even Ah Hun Sen is working for Youn. Open your big eyes and ass to see clearly what ah Hun Sen does to Cambodian people and the country. If you can't see clearly, you must be a retard person.

Ah Kwak Hun Sen gives
Khmer land to Youn,

Grab people land and properties to give to the rich,

Beat up Khmer people everyday,

Deforest the trees all over Cambodia,

Let Youn citizen come and go like their own country.

Let Youn citizen live in Cambodia and give them Cambodia citizen.

Hurt Khmer Krom people.

Kill Khmer people and opposition members.

Let Youn agents dress in Cambodia military and police uniforms to control Khmer.

All of Hun Sen's PM and Hun Sen himself go to Vietnam to fuck Youn girls and come back to sign off Khmer land to Youn.

Do you still support Ah traitor, Ah Hun Sen?