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Christian scholars admit that they do not know. They admit that, if the four gospels were written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, they must have been written in Hebrew. And yet a Hebrew manuscript of any one of these gospels has never been found. All have been and are in Greek. So, educated theologians admit that the Epistles, James and Jude, were written by persons who had never seen one of the four gospels. In these Epistles -- in James and Jude -- no reference is made to any of the gospels, nor to any miracle recorded in them.
The first mention that has been found of one of our gospels was made about one hundred and eight years after the birth of Christ, and the four gospels were first named and quoted from at the beginning of the third century, about one hundred an seventy years after the death of Christ.
We now know that there were many other gospels besides our four, some of which have been lost. There were the gospels of Paul, of the Egyptians, of the Hebrews, of Perfection, of Judas, of Thaddeus, of the Infancy, of Thomas, of Mary, of Andrew, of Nicodemus, of Marcion and several others.
So there were the Acts of Pilate, of Andrew, of Mary, of Paul and Thecla and of many others; also a book called the Shepherd of Hermas.
At first not one of all the books was considered as inspired. The Old Testament was regarded as divine; but the books that now constitute the New Testament were regarded as human productions. We now know that we do not know who wrote the four gospels.
The question is, Were the authors of these four gospels inspired?
If they were inspired, then the four gospels mast be true. If they are true, they mast agree.
The four gospels do not agree.
Matthew, Mark and Luke knew nothing of the atonement, nothing of salvation by faith. They knew only the gospel of good deeds -- of charity. They teach that if we forgive others God will forgive us.
RGI - with all that "knowledge" do you mean to tell me YOU are going to die in your sins? And you want me to follow you? No thanks, i rather have Jesus the Son of God, my Saviour and my coming King.
The book of Revelation is also a Gospel book. And was written by John, the same author Gospel of John is.
If Robert G. Ingersoll is sincer with with his assement of the 4 Gospels do not agree is ok, but if these so called "scholars" are nothing more than infiltrators to poison the mind of those who believe is a different story.
The Gospel of Matthew see Jesus as the King--laying down the rule of his kingdom on earth.
The Gospel of Mark may see Jesus as the Servant, serving.
Gospel of Luke see Jesus as the healer--setting people free from sickness and oppression.
The Gospel of John see Jesus as the Son of God, or as God having power over his creation from the Beginning of this Age.
If anyone disagrees with my assement of the four Gospel say so. But not from the mouths of unbelievers.
I dreamed and saw Jesus Christ when I was a bad boy. I dreamed seeing hell and heaven and I witnessed miracles a few times in my life.
When I saw hell I was terrified but when I saw heaven I wanted to stay.
The Disciples of Jesus Christ would had never followed Him or the Christians would never exist if Christ did not perform so many miracles and was not resurrected.
Does anyone reading this ever known of the Dead Sea Scrolls?
The Dead Sea Scrolls validate that the Bible is 99.9 percent accurate being the inspired Word of God both the Old and New testament.
.Found in the land of Israel .Written in the languages of the Bible, Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek .Include our oldest Biblical manuscripts .New information on early Judaism .New information on early Christianity--not Roman Catholic
The Biblical Scrolls are up to 1,250 years older than the traditional Hebrew Bible (Mosoretic Text).
You can learn of the Dead Sea Scrolls here by Peter Flint:
Dr. Peter Flint touches on the argument of the four Gospels by Roberty G. Ingersoll
Jesus said there would be no marriage in heaven (where God is), therefore I assume he is not married. Marriage is for earthly creatures and for the purpose of having more people, multiplying. God blessed all his creation by saying, "Be fruitful and multiply", not so with Plan Parenthood they said, "kill your babies and be deminished."
But God is married to all who believe in him. He is married to the people of Israel and Israel is his wife by legality. You will see this analogy throughout the scriptures that believers are the bride of Messiah and he is our bridegroom. This does not mean there is sexual intamacy like in the physical realm.
The heavenly hosts in heaven are created beings to carry out his commands, they are not offsprings of his married life. Satan was one of his created beings but he rebel against God's command and became a rebel. Not only that, but 1/3 of the angelic host in heaven chose to follow him. So the problems in the world are due to these fallen angels who reign over the government of men from the air (heavenly places). The world will never achieve true peace until these rebels are cast down. Democracy will not work for a peaceable future.
A fact never went into partnership with a miracle. Truth scorns the assistance of wonders. A fact will fit every other fact in the universe, and that is how you can tell whether it is or is not a fact. A lie will not fit anything except another lie.
Who wrote the New Testament?
Christian scholars admit that they do not know. They admit that, if the four gospels were written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, they must have been written in Hebrew. And yet a Hebrew manuscript of any one of these gospels has never been found. All have been and are in Greek. So, educated theologians admit that the Epistles, James and Jude, were written by persons who had never seen one of the four gospels. In these Epistles -- in James and Jude -- no reference is made to any of the gospels, nor to any miracle recorded in them.
The first mention that has been found of one of our gospels was made about one hundred and eight years after the birth of Christ, and the four gospels were first named and quoted from at the beginning of the third century, about one hundred an seventy years after the death of Christ.
We now know that there were many other gospels besides our four, some of which have been lost. There were the gospels of Paul, of the Egyptians, of the Hebrews, of Perfection, of Judas, of Thaddeus, of the Infancy, of Thomas, of Mary, of Andrew, of Nicodemus, of Marcion and several others.
So there were the Acts of Pilate, of Andrew, of Mary, of Paul and Thecla and of many others; also a book called the Shepherd of Hermas.
At first not one of all the books was considered as inspired. The Old Testament was regarded as divine; but the books that now constitute the New Testament were regarded as human productions. We now know that we do not know who wrote the four gospels.
The question is, Were the authors of these four gospels inspired?
If they were inspired, then the four gospels mast be true. If they are true, they mast agree.
The four gospels do not agree.
Matthew, Mark and Luke knew nothing of the atonement, nothing of salvation by faith. They knew only the gospel of good deeds -- of charity. They teach that if we forgive others God will forgive us.
With this the gospel of John does not agree.
Robert G. Ingersoll
RGI - with all that "knowledge" do you mean to tell me YOU are going to die in your sins? And you want me to follow you? No thanks, i rather have Jesus the Son of God, my Saviour and my coming King.
ខ្ញុំយ់ថា សេងធារីមិនគួរណា ផ្សព្វផ្សាយទ្រិស្ដីសាសនាយេស៊ូនៅក្នុងគេហទំព័រ នេះឡើយ។ ព្រោះថា ពួកយើងទីនេះ ភាគច្រើនគឺជាក្រុម មនុស្សពាល ។ មិនស្គាល់ឡើយបុណ្យបាប ចង់ជេរអ្នកណា គឺជេរព្រលះមិនសំចៃដៃឡើយ ។
The book of Revelation is also a Gospel book. And was written by John, the same author Gospel of John is.
If Robert G. Ingersoll is sincer with with his assement of the 4 Gospels do not agree is ok, but if these so called "scholars" are nothing more than infiltrators to poison the mind of those who believe is a different story.
The Gospel of Matthew see Jesus as the King--laying down the rule of his kingdom on earth.
The Gospel of Mark may see Jesus as the Servant, serving.
Gospel of Luke see Jesus as the healer--setting people free from sickness and oppression.
The Gospel of John see Jesus as the Son of God, or as God having power over his creation from the Beginning of this Age.
If anyone disagrees with my assement of the four Gospel say so. But not from the mouths of unbelievers.
I dreamed and saw Jesus Christ when I was a bad boy. I dreamed seeing hell and heaven and I witnessed miracles a few times in my life.
When I saw hell I was terrified but when I saw heaven I wanted to stay.
The Disciples of Jesus Christ would had never followed Him or the Christians would never exist if Christ did not perform so many miracles and was not resurrected.
Was God married or single ?
We all know Virgin Theary is definitely single !
Does anyone reading this ever known of the Dead Sea Scrolls?
The Dead Sea Scrolls validate that the Bible is 99.9 percent accurate being the inspired Word of God both the Old and New testament.
.Found in the land of Israel
.Written in the languages of the Bible, Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek
.Include our oldest Biblical manuscripts
.New information on early Judaism
.New information on early Christianity--not Roman Catholic
The Biblical Scrolls are up to 1,250 years older than the traditional Hebrew Bible (Mosoretic Text).
You can learn of the Dead Sea Scrolls here by Peter Flint:
Dr. Peter Flint touches on the argument of the four Gospels by Roberty G. Ingersoll
Was God married or single?
Jesus said there would be no marriage in heaven (where God is), therefore I assume he is not married. Marriage is for earthly creatures and for the purpose of having more people, multiplying. God blessed all his creation by saying, "Be fruitful and multiply",
not so with Plan Parenthood they said, "kill your babies and be deminished."
But God is married to all who believe in him. He is married to the people of Israel and Israel is his wife by legality. You will see this analogy throughout the scriptures that believers are the bride of Messiah and he is our bridegroom. This does not mean there is sexual intamacy like in the physical realm.
The heavenly hosts in heaven are created beings to carry out his commands, they are not offsprings of his married life. Satan was one of his created beings but he rebel against God's command and became a rebel. Not only that, but 1/3 of the angelic host in heaven chose to follow him. So the problems in the world are due to these fallen angels who reign over the government of men from the air (heavenly places). The world will never achieve true peace until these rebels are cast down. Democracy will not work for a peaceable future.
1:08 AM
I don't believe Ms. Theary Seng is virgin. She is Christian who is trying to redeem just like billion people around the world.
About what Ben said, I kind believe him. Because we humans have some sort of experiences in life, bad or good we don't know.
Too many miracles and strange things happen everyday to some people, and we cannot explain it neither Doctors nor Scientists.
I believe that GOD exists and I believe that Jesus Christ is Preah Se-Ar-Metreyya.
A fact never went into partnership with a miracle. Truth scorns the assistance of wonders. A fact will fit every other fact in the universe, and that is how you can tell whether it is or is not a fact. A lie will not fit anything except another lie.
Robert Green Ingersoll
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