Saturday, September 22, 2012

Vote if you live in the US


Anonymous said...

I won't vote and I don't care, I should take care of myself. The government cut off lot of benefit so far, why would vote? You are Khmer and you are not American, don't you think you are American and know lot of polictices.

Anonymous said...

I have a comment to the person above. If you don't give a damn care of voting, why you bother to spend your F. time to make a comment this page. You can't even spell the word " Politic". Please spend your F.time go back to school to learn more English.

Anonymous said...

Get your last vote in now before Obama declares martial law to bring about the New World Order. America is about to be buckle in at the knees by the burdern of debts that we cannot pay.

Anonymous said...

And you think Romney and company will erase the US debt? What is your point?

Anonymous said...

My point is; this maybe the last US election we may ever had. Constitutional America will be thing of the past. The creditors of the American debt will decide the fate of America for the future.

Slavery bring forth death and debt was imposed on the American people by the Federal Reserve which is not part of the US government but was given power to put the Freedom loving people under bondage until the burden reached unbearable point of surrendering our sovereignty rights to the United Nations, the enity of the New World Order.

Anonymous said...

Romny and Republicans may reverse the progress
that Obama has achieved.
Remember the problems started in Wall Streets, and by Big Cats republicans.