Thursday, October 25, 2012

ព្រះសង្ឃ​១​ម៉ឺន​អង្គ​បង្សុកូល - 10,000 Monks pray for former King Sihanouk


Anonymous said...

He must be in a very bad shape to have so many monks praying for him.

et al

Anonymous said...

ព្រះមាតាជាតិខ្មែរគឺំម៉ុនិកមុនីនាជ កើតទុក្ខខ្លាំងណាមិនកោរសក់ក្បាលកាន់មរណៈទុក្ខថ្វាយព្រះស្វាមីដែលយាងចូលព្រះទីវង្គត់នោះទេ ? បែរជាទៅកោរសក់ក្រញាញ់ខាងក្រោមដើម្បីកាន់មរណៈទុក្ខទៅវិញ ? ។
សម្តែងការក្រេវក្រោធដោយនរោត្តម ប្ញណ្ណរិទ្ធ ? 

Anonymous said...

Are they from shaolin temples or VN army?

Anonymous said...

6:19 AM

We are all in bad shape, and 99% of us humans will be thrown in hell with fire, you are also included.
There will be 1% may be saved.

Anonymous said...

Ah gay SIhamony praying for Ah Narook to send him a post from hell.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on Ah.Me chhkourt chrouk 7:12 AM

My father just passed away, I shaved my hair, but my 2 sisters and my mother were told by the Monk abbot that women don't have to, only nuns should.

Why do you want to change rule? In Buddhism wife and daughters don't shave their hair when husband/father dies, but only the sons.

You need to stop twisting Buddhism around because of you have too much HATE toward the queen mother.
Lok Chhut Wuthy's wife and his daughters did not shave their hair, but his son only.

Why brought ah chhkourt Rannaridh in here? His life and his failure because of Phalla Uk that was why the Senators/Congress men/women in the US warned him not to show his stupid face again.

Fuck off and pray to your evil to take you back in hell, because you are so evil.

Anonymous said...

8:47 am kandouy/kdor s'oy niss. why are you so itching with khmers' king?
come down to cambodia we will poke your azz and eyes and send you to jail.

Khmer Monks by Day/Yuon Soldiers by NIGHT said...

These soldier monks are coming from Phnom Penh and suburb only. If all the monks come from everywhere in Cambodia, it will a million monks.

These guys are Monks by day, but Yuon/CPP soldiers by Night.

No wonder the enemy can invade and can control Cambodia, because of these guys do nothing but eat and chanting. The economy collapsed.

Now we know how the Buddhists Destroyed the Khmer Empire and continue to destroy the nation even further.

The foreigners brought in this weak religion (Buddhism) to weak the Khmer Empire and to weak the nation. But now Yuon/CPP ordered to build more temples and more monks to collect money.

Anonymous said...

(១៥)ឈ្មោះនរោត្តម សីហនុនេះចំ
ជាស្ដេចស្មោកគ្រោក ដឹកនាំជាតិខ្មែរ
បន្ទាបបន្ថោក បង្ហិនបង្ហោច

(២៥) ឆ្អឹងខ្មែរបីលាន សង្ឃគួរទ្រង់ញាណ
ស្រណោះអាល័យ បង្សុកូលជូនជាតិ
ដែលបានក្សិណក្ស័យ ដោយសារស្នាដៃ

(៤៤) វាយកសាសនា ធ្វើជាបរិវា
ជាគ្រឿងឡប់ឡែ ឈ្នាន់នយោបាយ
បំរើសុទ្ធតែ មេក្បត់ជាតិខ្មែរ


Anonymous said...

7:12 AM
You are confusing with Buddhist NUNS.
In Khmer traditional, when the husband or wife dies, the spouse (wife or husband) and daughters DO NOT SHAVE their hair, except the sons.

The women who shave their hair are NUNS only.

Don't worry about prince Rannaridh, the man who was born from a Khmer mother (Kanthol) of Indian-Morn origin, Rannaridh has always had so much hate toward hi step mother. He thinks because of the queen mother that was why his father divorced his mother.

The fact was his mother was not well educated beside a star of Apsara dancer just like his new young wife Phalla Ouk.

The queen mother and her sister, prince Thomico's mother (princess Nanette) both were raised in the house of Sisowath Sirimatak. The queen mother graduated with Bac II. She was intelligent woman and a very good wife to King Sihanouk in spite of all attacks by her own Khmers who were jealous with her and was abused by Rannaridh's mother, by Norodom Norleak etc.. who beaten the carp of her.

Karma always follows us, Kanthol died later and Norodom Norleak ended up alone in Paris today supported by King Sihamoni and the queen mother.

Anonymous said...

Let me see, a Buddhist you can sin all you want because the monks will pray your soul or is it "nothingness"? into Nivarna.
No, that isn't it-sin is not a Buddhist term. OK, as a Buddhist a person can committ adultery, lie, gamble, kill your neighbor etc, in death you trust the monks to do their job to pray you into "nothingness" as though you never committed any bad thing in your life time? Yes, that's it-the monk's prayers make void the law of karma. Bingo! I'm joining Hun Sen's crowd. Joining the plunder before nothing is left for me.

Anonymous said...

ក្រុមកវីខ្មែរ my azz 9:09 AM.
Krom Yuon spies yes.

I did not see any documents or history said the king killed his own people for 3 million but Yuon.

Anonymous said...

I love you Ex King Norodom Sihanouk. I love you and I know you love me too. My King,

Anonymous said...

Where were these "monks" when Chhut Wuthy, Chea Vichea, Piseth Polika, Ven. Sam Buntheoun, and other Khmer heroes were gun down???!

Justice delayed...but must not be is watching!

Anonymous said...

9:43 AM
Those Buddhist monks are more Yuon soldiers than the real Buddhist monks.

Look at those huys (monks), look at their bodies. Big builder and strong, and you know who feed them? The poor people. These guys are fucking lazy and do nothing else beside chanting then sucking blood from the poor. Monks and nuns are lazy, not only they never plant vegetable and fruit to eat like the Christians, but they just fucking lazy. Now they go around making money by renting houses calling temples to make money.

Khmer Buddhists DESTROYED the Khmer Empire.

Anonymous said...

9:49 AM
These monks are CPP/Yuon soldiers by night.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Khmer Buddhists are the ruthless and are the most evil people on the planet. King Sihanouk did all he could to save his nation, but the fucking Khmer Buddhists were too evils, may be they were cursed by the Khmer Empire's creator King Jayavaraman ii(2) that's why they are so evils.

They have never admitted their faults/sins but they always blame others.

Anonymous said...

Practicing buddhism the cpp-vietcong way...under darkness and corruption!

These cpp-vietcong "monks" are not representative of khmer people.

Anonymous said...

ចិនកុម្មុយនីសដែលបានសម្លាប់ជនជាតិទីបេ​​​​​​​​​ គឺផ្ទុយនិងស៊ីហនុដែលបានចូលដៃកុម្មុយនីសសម្លា​ប់ខ្មែរស្លូតត្រង់វាល់លាន (The Buddhist monk Dalai Lama​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ made ​​the nonviolence policy​ against​ the Chinese communist regime that​​​​​​​​​​​​ murdered his people,​it is the opposite of that Norodom Sihanouk associated ​​​​​​​​​​​​​with the Communist Khmer rouge murdered of the millions khmer innocent).
Paris V

Anonymous said...

9:46 AM,are you Krom Yuon spies,
isn't it?
គោដំបៅខ្នង ក្អែកហើររំលង រំសាយកន្ទុយ។


Anonymous said...

10,000 monk means 10,000 adult men workless.

Anonymous said...

ណែពូកអាសាធារណរដ្ឋ កុំមើលស្តេចខ្មែរ និង ព្រះសង្ឃខ្មែរដែលបានសូត្រធម៍បង្សុកូលជូនស្តេចខ្មែរ ពូកអាទមិឡ អត់សាសនា កូនអាចុយម្រាយអត់ពូជ ពូកអាឆ្កែឯងគ្មានជួយរកដំណោះស្រាយសំរាប់ជាតិ គិតតែពីរកជំលោះ កាដូយម៉ែវា អា១៥ អា២៥ អា៤៤ ពូកអាអត់ពូជ

anti-Yuon said...

10:56 AM
Only Yuon spies would lie that Yuon did not kill Khmers, and you are YUON SPY who is trying to blame the Khmers' King.

សមាជិកក្រុមកវីខ្មែរ my azz. You are all Yuon. real Khmers do not try to divide Khmers but Yuon.

Anonymous said...

11:59 AM
Khmer Buddhists DESTROYED the Khmer Empire, the Khmer Empire was created by King Jayavaraman 2. The greatest King, a unifier who united many small nations to ONE called Khmer Empire. The greatest King Jayavaraman 2 was Hindu he worshiped GOD, the creator (read Hinduism). But later the Buddhism was adopted in late 13th century by a son of bitch Jayavaraman 7, then later the Khmer Empire declined and then collapsed.

Those fucking million monks in Cambodia are mostly Yuon soldiers, they are fucking lazy sucking Khmer people blood to feed them.

The nation is so poor because of million of these monks do nothing but sucking the poor.

The Khmer Buddhists are real Thmil/MONSTERS/EVILS/DESTROYERS.

Anonymous said...

Damn Yuon 10:43 AM,

Dala Lama does what? He was a monk but also a ruler of Tibet.

Tibet had no government no army, but Dala Lama was the ruler.
First he was not supposed to rule a nation. Second he lost Tibet forever. Fucking Buddhists did not see Buddhism is weak and destroy the nation? If Buddhism was to help the nation, Buddha's own people (Indian-Nepalese) would worship him already. They remain worship GOD (Hinduism).

King Sihanouk in-spite of the poverty of the nation and had no army, and in-spite of big nations trying to use Cambodia as the pawn of war, and in-spite of Yuon hidden among trying to kill all Khmers, Khmers are still having a country and million are alive.

Yes because of the King, a friend of China, that was why China launched a punitive military campaign to frustrate Yuon genocide plan. Dala Lama? He is a monk and a politician who destroyed his own nation for ever.

Anonymous said...

10:43 am
when your heart has so much hate toward someone your opinion is always biased.

whatever your heart is so black and or so evil, but why you do not try to elaborate or try to understand that Dala Lama was a Buddhist monk, and King Sihanouk was not a monk but twice king and leader (politician).

Dala Lama abused Buddhism because he was not only a head of monks in Tibet, he was King, ruler, governor.. all above in his native land.

Dala Lama may be a good man, but for the sake of the nation his path was wrong. If Tibet had a government, army, Tibet may have a chance 50/50% to survive.

Anonymous said...

Khmers used to worship GOD (Hinduism) in the ancient time. Hindu believed in a supreme GOD, the creator, He manifested to many forms Shiva, Visnu... called gods.

King Jayavaraman 2 was a tyrant, but also a great conqueror. He united nations to one empire called Khmer Empire.

Khmer Buddhists never mention the father of the Khmer Empire was King Jayavaraman 2, because the greatest King was not Buddhist.

That's why the Khmer Buddhists are cursed by the Father of the Khmer Empire, King Jayavaraman 2.

Like these many monks in Cambodia, they are evils who live their lives like leech or vampires. They sucking our poor people blood who work too hard to feed themselves.

We call them Ah Thmil million Monks destroy the nation.

Anonymous said...

-ពាលតិរច្ឆាន គឺក្រុមកវីខ្មែរហ្នឹងហើយ!
-អាយួននិងអាមេចោរហ៊ុន សែន វាត្រូវការ ក្រុមកវីខ្មែរខ្វាក់នេះបៀមអាចម៍ព្រួសដាក់គ្នា រវាងខ្មែរនិងខ្មែរ!....(ស្ដេចក៏ជាខ្មែរ)
-ក្រុមកវីខ្មែរខំបំរើអាយួនយៀកកុងនិងអាហ៊ុន សែនដោយមិនទាន់ដឹងខ្លួន។
ឆ្អឹងខ្មែរបីលាន...មិនមែន NORODOM SIHANOUK & POL POT & TA MOK ទេ!
និងអាហ៊ុន សែន អាមេអបគមន៍!
(1975...2012...2013 ?????.....)

Anonymous said...

ទេនៅពេលកាន់មរណៈជូនព្រះស្វាម៉ី តែព្រះរាជមាតាជាតិព្រះអង្គកោរសក់ក្រញាញ់នៅខាងក្រោមផ្ចិតទៅវិញដើម្បីសម្លាប់ចៃជើងប្រាំបី(MORPION DU PUBIS)
កាលព្រះស្វាម៉ីនៅមានព្រះជន្មាយុព្រះរាជមាតាជាតិខ្មែរម៉ូនីនាជម៉ុនិកសីហនុមិនហ៊ានកោរសក់ក្រញាញ់នៅខាងក្រោមផ្ចិតទេព្រោះសក់ដុះថ្មីមកប្រៀបបានទៅនឹងបន្លាស្បូវចាក់ឧ្យឈឺផ្សាលិង្គព្រះស្វាម៉ី ។
ព្រះមាតាជាតិខ្មែរម៉ូនិកស៊ូរទ្រាំឧ្យចៃជើងប្រាំបីខាំយ៉ាងពីបាកវេទនាបំផុតតែមិនហ៊ានកោរដើម្បីទុកឪកាសថ្វាយព្រះស្វាម៉ីឧ្យប្រព្រិតរួមភេទសប្បាយទៅតាមចំណង់ព្រះអង្គកុំឧ្យលិង្គព្រះអង្គឈឺចាប់ដោយសារសក់ដុះមកចាក់លិង្គ ។

Anonymous said...

ទេនៅពេលកាន់មរណៈជូនព្រះស្វាម៉ី តែព្រះរាជមាតាជាតិព្រះអង្គកោរសក់ក្រញាញ់នៅខាងក្រោមផ្ចិតទៅវិញដើម្បីសម្លាប់ចៃជើងប្រាំបី(MORPION DU PUBIS)
កាលព្រះស្វាម៉ីនៅមានព្រះជន្មាយុព្រះរាជមាតាជាតិខ្មែរម៉ូនីនាជម៉ុនិកសីហនុមិនហ៊ានកោរសក់ក្រញាញ់នៅខាងក្រោមផ្ចិតទេព្រោះសក់ដុះថ្មីមកប្រៀបបានទៅនឹងបន្លាស្បូវចាក់ឧ្យឈឺផ្សាលិង្គព្រះស្វាម៉ី ។
ព្រះមាតាជាតិខ្មែរម៉ូនិកស៊ូរទ្រាំឧ្យចៃជើងប្រាំបីខាំយ៉ាងពីបាកវេទនាបំផុតតែមិនហ៊ានកោរដើម្បីទុកឪកាសថ្វាយព្រះស្វាម៉ីឧ្យប្រព្រិតរួមភេទសប្បាយទៅតាមចំណង់ព្រះអង្គកុំឧ្យលិង្គព្រះអង្គឈឺចាប់ដោយសារសក់ដុះមកចាក់លិង្គ ។

Anonymous said...

9:46 AM+11:59 AM+12:16 PM+5:51 PM,are you Krom Yuon spies,
isn't it?
គោដំបៅខ្នង ក្អែកហើររំលង រំសាយកន្ទុយ។


Anonymous said...

យីអើ!.....អា..@5:58 PM...@5:59 PM

អាអ្ហែង! ដឹងច្រើនពេកហើយ!.....
អញ្ចឹង!........អាបិសាចនេះ ចុយក្តិតម៉ែវាទេតើ?

Anonymous said...

អា សមាចុយក្រុមកវីខ្មែរ....@7:28 PM
សមាជិកយួន ក្រុមអាក្អែកកវីស្មែរ!
ចាំបាច់ស្អីខំសរសេរប្រើពាក្យថា *ក្រុមកវីខ្មែរ*

ចង់អួតខ្មែរ ថា*ក្រុម*ខ្លួនមានបក្ស-មានពួក-មានគ្នា ច្រើនគគ្រឹកគគ្រេង
...រាប់រយដំបរស្វា...ដើម្បីឲ្យគេកោត ?
អាអ្នកសរសេរ,វាសរសេរតែខ្លួនវា (វា ថា*ក្រុម*)...អាចោលម្សៀត!!!!!!!

ព្រះសពព្រះមហាក្សត្រ នរោត្តម សីហនុ...........
-អាពាលតិរច្ឆាន គឺក្រុមអាកវីខ្មែរហ្នឹងហើយ!
អាក្រុមឆ្កែកវីអស់នេះ មិនខុសគ្នានិងអាឈ្លើយហ៊ុន សែនចុយម្រាយ
តើក្រុមអាកវីខ្មែរ សុទ្ធតែជាក្រុមមនុស្សបរិសុទ្ធណាស់ទៅឬ?
-អាយួននិងអាមេចោរហ៊ុន សែន វាត្រូវការ ក្រុមអាកវីខ្មែរខ្វាក់ នេះបៀមអាចម៍ព្រួសដាក់គ្នា រវាងខ្មែរនិងខ្មែរ!....(ស្ដេចក៏ជាខ្មែរ)
និងអាហ៊ុន សែនដោយមិនទាន់ដឹងខ្លួន។
ឆ្អឹងខ្មែរបីលាន...មិនមែន NORODOM SIHANOUK & POL POT & TA MOK ទេ!
+អាហ៊ុន សែន អាមេអបគមន៍!+ អាក្រុមកវីស្មែរ ផងដែរ
(1975...2012...2013 ?????.....)

Anonymous said...

8:05 PM
9:46 AM+11:59 AM+12:16 PM+5:51 PM,are you Krom Yuon spies,
isn't it?
គោដំបៅខ្នង ក្អែកហើររំលង រំសាយកន្ទុយ។


Anonymous said...

!0,000 monks Oth Pra Yorch.
Think about Khmer Interest too.
Kom Tveu Chear Trangol Min Barn Kar!!

Anonymous said...

(សមាជិកក្រុមកវីខ្មែរ)...hun xen spies!

Anonymous said...

9:49 PM
9:46 AM+11:59 AM+12:16 PM+5:51 PM,are you Krom Yuon spies,
isn't it?
គោដំបៅខ្នង ក្អែកហើររំលង រំសាយកន្ទុយ។


Anonymous said...

(១២)ចាំទេកាលនុះ សីហនុស្រែកព្រុះ
សម្លេងសំដី វិទ្យុប៉េកាំង
ពិរោះពេកក្រៃ ឲ្យខ្មែរចូលព្រៃ

(១៣)ខ្មែរទាំងនគរ ជឿថាស្ដេចល្អ
គ្មានចិត្តគុំគួន សុខចិត្តចុះចូល
ដោយមិនដឹងខ្លួន គេលេងបិតពួន

(១៤)រណ្ដៅមរណៈ វាល់លានខ្មែរធ្លាក់
ព្រោះស្ដេចកម្លៅ ធ្វើនយោបាយ
បន្សល់ទុកនៅ ប្រវត្តិអាស្រូវ


Anonymous said...

សមាជិកក្រុមកវីវិកល តេជោ ហ៊ុន សែន....
មានភារកិច្ចដដែលៗ យ៉ាងផ្កាប់មុខខាង:
ជេរប្រមាថ ,បរិហាកេរ្កិ៍, ញុះញង់ ,ចោទប្រកាន់
,មើលងាយដល់ព្រះសពព្រះមហាវរក្សត្រនរោត្តម សីហនុ.......លោកក៏ជាកូនខ្មែរដូចយើងដែរ....យ៉ាងហោចណាស់ព្រះអង្គក៏មានគុណធម៌ សីលធម៌ ខ្ពស់ជាងអាឈ្លើយហ៊ុន សែនដែរ។

Anonymous said...

9:49 PM+9:49 PM ARE YOU .hun xen spies! isn't it?

គោដំបៅខ្នង ក្អែកហើររំលង រំសាយកន្ទុយ។


Anonymous said...

សមាជិកក្រុមកវីខ្មែរ កាន់តែមានមហិច្ឆិតា

Anonymous said...

6:02 AM.
ARE you Hun Sen spies! isn't it?

គោដំបៅខ្នង ក្អែកហើររំលង រំសាយកន្ទុយ។


Anonymous said...

Wow, a lot of damn Yuon spies write/speak Khmer continue to bombard to divide Khmers non-stop.
These Yuon called themselves "សមាជិកក្រុមកវីខ្មែរ".

When we say Yuon spies means Yuon/CPP altogether and your fucking damn Yuon/cpp spies are one who have nothing to do beside continuing your fucking shit breaking Khmers apart.

Anonymous said...

6:50 AM
Don't write your comment in English, just write it in Khmer, because your English comment makes you look too stupid. Why? Because you claimed "សមាជិកក្រុមកវីខ្មែរ", and believe me readers can figure out very fast that you are one of the crazy old generation led by Ly Ngoc Dinh, the psychopath who has a diabolic mind. And yeahh, you are one of them, since Ly Ngoc Dinh is Yuon spy.

The correct sentence should be written as follows:
1) Are you a Hun Sen's spy?
2) You are a Hun Sen's spy, aren't you?
3) It is a Hun Sen's spy, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

This ក្រុមកវីខ្មែរ work for Yuon led by Ly Ngoc Dinh aka Ly Diep.

Yuon help ah Hun Xen for the land, and behind Yuon trying to block ah Hun Xen from letting Khmer nationalists in.

Anonymous said...

9:02 AM
9:16 AM
1) Are you a Hun Sen's spy?
2) You are a Hun Sen's spy, aren't you?
3) It is a Hun Sen's spy, isn't it?

គោដំបៅខ្នង ក្អែកហើររំលង រំសាយកន្ទុយ។


Anonymous said...

ចិនកុម្មុយនីសដែលបានសម្លាប់ជនជាតិទីបេ​​​​​​​​​ គឺផ្ទុយនិងស៊ីហនុដែលបានចូលដៃកុម្មុយនីសសម្លា​ប់ខ្មែរស្លូតត្រង់វាល់លាន (The Buddhist monk Dalai Lama​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ made ​​the nonviolence policy​ against​ the Chinese communist regime that​​​​​​​​​​​​ murdered his people,​it is the opposite of that Norodom Sihanouk associated ​​​​​​​​​​​​​with the Communist Khmer rouge murdered of the millions khmer innocent).
Paris V

Anonymous said...

យួនប្រើឱ្យ 9:36 AM ធ្វើតែកិច្ចការដដែលៗហ្នឹង!
ក្នុងនេះវាគ្មាន ស្អីដែលត្រូវទាក់ទងនឹង គោដំបៅ
ខ្នងទេ មិនដឹងជាក្រុមវិកលចារិកកវីខ្មែរ ចម្លងអត្ថ
បទមកពីកន្លែងណាទេ ឬ ក៏ អាយួនយៀកកុង
ជាអ្នកសរសេរ?​សំខាន់ទៅទៀត ក្រុមវិកមចារិក
កវីបំផ្លាញខ្មែរ មិនទាំងចេះនិយាយនិងអានអក្សរ

Anonymous said...

1:02 PM
I support with you !

Anonymous said...

សមាជិកក្រុមកវីវិកល តេជោ ហ៊ុន សែន....
មានភារកិច្ចដដែលៗ យ៉ាងផ្កាប់មុខខាង:
ជេរប្រមាថ ,បរិហាកេរ្កិ៍, ញុះញង់ ,ចោទប្រកាន់
,មើលងាយដល់ព្រះសពព្រះមហាវរក្សត្រនរោត្តម សីហនុ.......លោកក៏ជាកូនខ្មែរដូចយើងដែរ....យ៉ាងហោចណាស់ព្រះអង្គក៏មានគុណធម៌ សីលធម៌ ខ្ពស់ជាងអាឈ្លើយហ៊ុន សែនដែរ។

Anonymous said...

1:02 PM6:45 PM6:47 PM
1) Are you a Hun Sen's spy?
2) You are a ក្រុមយួន's spy, aren't you?
3) It is a fools's spy, isn't it?

គោដំបៅខ្នង ក្អែកហើររំលង រំសាយកន្ទុយ។


Anonymous said...

7:43 PM..សមាជិកក្រុមក្អែកកវីខ្មែរ(Xmer VC)

1:02 PM6:45 PM6:47 PM(khmer Angkor))

Anonymous said...

7:43 PM សមាជិកក្រុមកវីខ្មែរអត់ពូជ ជាទីរាប់អាន, លោក ឃើញច្បាស់ហើយឬនៅ ក្រុមខ្មែរមានពូជ
និងក្រុមកូនខ្មែរស្នេហាជាតិទាំងអស់សាមគ្គីគ្នា ប្រតិ
មើលងាយ មើលថោកដល់ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែររបស់

Anonymous said...


(១២)សូមចាំ,ពេលនេះ (ក្រុមកវីខ្មែរ-យួន)
ស្រែកព្រុះសំដី (Ki-media)
ពិរោះពេកក្រៃ ឲ្យខ្មែរ(ភ្លើតាម)

(១៣)ខ្មែរទាំងនគរ ជឿថា(ស្ដេចល្អ)
គ្មានចិត្តគុំគួន (ដោយចិត្តស្នេហា)
(លោកមានគុណធម៌ មានសីលធម៌ខ្ពស់
ជាងអាឈ្លើយហ៊ុន សែន)។

(១៤)រណ្ដៅមរណៈ វាល់លានខ្មែរធ្លាក់
ព្រោះ(ក្រុមកវីខ្មែរ-យួន)កម្លៅ (ធ្វើនយោបោក)
បន្សល់ទុកនៅ ប្រវត្តិអាស្រូវ


Anonymous said...

ក្រុមខ្មែរមានពូជ 3:02 AM ពូកែលួចចំឡង
កែបន្លំសំណេរដើម(ក្រុមកវីខ្មែរ) នេះបញ្ជាក់អំពី

Anonymous said...

ក្រុមខ្មែរមានពូជ​ 3:02 AM

ពិតជាពូកែចំឡង និងកែសំណេរដើម
ទាបថោករបស់ក្រុមខ្មែរក្រៅស្រុក ដែលបញ្ជាក់
អំពីចរិតក្រុមក្បត់ព្រះមហាវរក្សត្រនរោត្តម សីហនុ របស់ ក្រុមខ្មែរក្រវីក្ត៕

Anonymous said...

-ដោយទាំងសម រង្ស៊ី (អាយ៉ងហ៊ុន សែន)
-កឹម សុខា (ជាមនុស្សរបស់យួន)!

ជាប់ជាចំណាប់ខ្មាំង របស់គណបក្សប្រជាជនគ្មានសល់
គឺយួនវាអកស៊ី ទាំងនគរបាត់ទៅហើយ!
CAMBODIA តែឈ្មោះទេ!!!!!!!!!!!!!
គឺ....ÑÂM̀B́ƠĐỈÂ !

Anonymous said...

7:23 PM ពូកែលួចចំឡង
កែបន្លំសំណេរដើម(ក្រុមកវីខ្មែរ) នេះបញ្ជាក់អំពី