Saturday, October 27, 2012

ដំណោះស្រាយដ៏សាមញ្ញរវាងលោក ហ៊ុន សែន និងលោក ប្រធាន សម រង្ស៊ី

ហ្វេសប៊ុក៖ ​ខ្មែរ​ សុវណ្ណភូមិ


Anonymous said...

The simple resolution between PM Hun Sen and convicted criminal Sam Rainsy is PM Hun Sen is just a puppet has no right to deal with Sam Rainsy's case. So, Sam Rainsy should go to solve the problem with Hun Sen's master. Indeed, Sam Rainsy must aware that he had announced that if he wants to return back to Cambodia, he will not deal with puppet but he will deal with master of puppet. Please leave PM Hun Sen alone.

Pi Anh.

Anonymous said...

The simple resolution between PM Hun Sen and Sam Rainsy is no deal, no promise or condition. Sam Rainsy's case is a matter of the court. Please leave this case to the Court. That's it. :)

Anonymous said...

លោកសមរាង្ស៊ី ដឹងច្បាស់ថា លោកហ៊ុនសែនជាអាយ៉ង
ពិតប្រាកដហើយ ចុះលោកមិនខ្លាចក្លាយខ្លួនជាយ៉ងដូច
ម្នាក់ថែមទៀតដូចហ៊ុនសែនទេឬ វាមិនត្រឹមតែអាយ៉ង
ទេថែមទាំងក្បត់ជាតិផង នេះជាពាក្យពេជ្ររបស់លោក

Anonymous said...

Please make no mistake that PM Hun Sen right now doesn't need Sam Rainsy, but Sam Rainsy is so desperate need Hun Sen. Thus, don't ever talking about promise not to call Hun Sen as puppet can pave the way for Sam Rainsy returns to Cambodia. It is not easy like that. Sam Rainsy should think about life after politics.

Anonymous said...

Pi anh
You are fucking VC get out of my country now before it is too late. Isn't 3 million death enough already? so, you are the one who should leave us (khmer people) alone. You may think you can get away from it for now, ok?! but I promise you will pay the price for what you and your VC criminals did to us and to our people. Well, it doesn't work no more, so don't you ever call SR convicted criminal when he is our national hero for protecting our border and nation. So, again fuck off mother fucker and a bloodsucker! do ma mite.

Anonymous said...

After PM Hun Sen has rejected to reconciliation with a convicted criminal Sam Rainsy, it won't be long Sam Rainsy will going to bend his knee, bow his head low to the ground and asking PM Hun Sen for forgiveness.

In 2006, Sam Rainsy had sent two letters to apologise PM Hun Sen and Prince Ranarith. But this time, he must do the same. One letter apologise to PM Hun Sen and another letter apologise to H.E Hor Namhong.

Sam Rainsy, please don't be shy baby. Do it before it is too late because time is running out fast.

Pi Anh.

Anonymous said...

Do ma mite. mite la con cho. mite lam ngey arc, mot ngay now do, mite share chet. Mite dong co hong. I kong biet la mite ngey eat tit ngey 'VC cannable'. do ma mite, mite de chet de.

Anonymous said...

Pi anh

You are the a criminal VC leaving in srok khmer trying to swallow the whole of srok khmer but time will come for you thief mother fucker.

Anonymous said...

អាយ៉ងសម រង្ស៊ី ! ដឹងច្បាស់ឬទេ?ឬក៏ដឹង....ធ្វើជាមិនដឹង?

-ទាំងប្រជារាស្រ្តខ្មែរទាំងអស់ និង

ជាប់ជាចំណាប់ខ្មាំង (CPP)របស់គណបក្សប្រជាជនគ្មានសល់!
គឺយួនវាអកស៊ី ទាំងនគរបាត់ទៅហើយ!
CAMBODIA តែឈ្មោះទេ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

កុលបុត្រមហានគរខ្មែរ said...

If Lok Protean Sam Rainsy cannot return to Cambodia, how can I go back to Cambodia? I have donated a lot of money to SRP. Why doesn't Lok Protean use foreign courts and foreign governments to put pressure on Hun Xen to allow Lok Protean returns to Cambodia. Sending letters to please 3 top leaders of CPP make Cambodia national rescue party lose face to Khmer people. Lok Protean please wake up!!!

Pang Sokheoun, Secretary-General of SRP in Sweden.

Anonymous said...

a chea sim, a hang surin and a hun shit are traitors of all times. soon all of their children and grand children will be youn slaves too. by then I will laugh at them hahahaha dumb khmer leaders. dumb just like kingta did. when reality hit he cried and so will the above dumb leaders do. hahahaha dumb khmers and don't, VC is laughing at them too hahahaha and soon VC will say, sorry dumb people of cambodia, it is now called Nambodia hahaha good bye ahahaha

Anonymous said...

Hey Vietnamese/Yuon Dog Eater called Pi Anh @6:12 PM,

When are you going to stop your nonsense? Cambodia/Srok Khmer is not place where you have been talking shit like the Communist Vietnamese/Yuon talk? Would you please stop eating innocent dogs, Dumb Yuon/Vietnamese Dog Eater?

This Dumb Yuon Dog Eater called Pi Anh ("From Me") is so paranoia and nonsense for many times.

So, You, Dumb Yuon Dog Eater called yourself Pi Anh, are worried about losing the stolen property and land from Cambodia and Khmer owners.

Anonymous said...

7:12 PM is also Dumb Yuon Dog Eater as well like Pi Anh who sat behind computer to bark nonsense for Yuon/Vietnamese Dog Eating Nation, Communist Vietnam that currently control criminal CPP regime.

Both of Dumb Yuon Dog Eaters are hiding among Khmer/Cambodia society at home and abroad.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sin is a lot dumber than I thought. Hun Sin needs to fire his dumb advisers for not knowing thing. By let Sam Ransy come in the country, Sam Ransy is less like to talk more bad things about the current government.

Refusing to accept San Ransy, this dude will be traveling all over the continents talking bad about the current government again.

Enough is enough. Dumb people and dumb country don't think.

Anonymous said...

តើអាចរស់បានប៉ុន្មានឆ្នាំ After that where
do you go ?

Anonymous said...

Hey Dumb Yuon/Vietcong @8:38 PM, how dare you? Why are there several Dumb Yuon/Vietnamese dog eaters talking like the criminal gangsters in Cambodia when they don't belong here in Cambodia. You, dumb Yuon/Vietnamese dog eater talked like you created problems and the civil wars among Khmer/Cambodian people.

Dumb Yuon Dog Eaters like 8:38 PM are so incredible and unbelievable because they don't know what they are thinking. Those Dumb Yuon/Vietnamese Dog Eaters like Pi Anh, 8:38 PM, etc., think like Cruel and Wild Animals as criminal Dumb Yuon/Vietnamese folks in The Yuon/Vietnamese Dog Eating Nation, Communist Vietcong/Vietnam.

Those Dumb Yuon/Vietnamese Dog Eaters have kept on and on talking nonsense just Dumb Yuon Dog Eaters in Communist Vietcong against Cambodia because they think they are so smart like cruel killers to kill people to steal land in Yuon/Vietnamese Dog Eating Nation and they influenced the illegal Dumb Yuon/Vietnamese Dog Eaters in Cambodia to hurt and kill Khmer/Cambodian people (property, land and natural resources owners)to steal for their illegal businesses just like criminal Yuon/Vietnamese Dog Hun Sen and his criminal and dumb Yuon/Vietnamese masters in Hanoi, the Vietnamese/Yuon Dog Eating nation, Communist Vietcong.

Anonymous said...

សុំជួយបន្ថែម ជីវិតមនុស្សយើងមិនទៀតទាត់ទេ
ជួនកាល ដេកធ្លាក់ពីលើខ្នើយចំសរសៃពិសេស ក៏
អាចស្លាប់បាន ឬ ក៏កំពុងតែ ឈរថ្លែងសន្តរកថា
ក្នុងពិធីចែកសញ្ញាប័ត្រដល់និស្សិត ស្រាប់តែដួល
កើតខ្យល់គ ស្លាប់មួយរំពេច មកតែពីកម្មអាក្រក់
ដែលបុគ្គលនោះបានសាង ហ្នឹងហើយជីវិតគឺពុំ
អាចកំណត់បានថា ចាំដឹកនាំកម្ពុជា៥០ឆ្នាំទៀតសិន
សឹមស្លាប់ ពិតជាមិនអាចទេ៕

Anonymous said...

Pi Anh You are a DUMB CPP Dog. When are you going to see that you and all your CPP dogs is the reason why our country is a puppet to your YOUN families.

Anonymous said...

ចរិតសំរ៉ាំងស៊ី គឺដូចជាឆ្កែកន្ទុយខ្វៀន ពេលតត្រុក
ក្រោមស្នូក គេលាតកន្តុយ តែពេលក្រោយគេ
ហ៊ុន សែនមិនអាចជឿរលើចរិតថោករបស់

Anonymous said...

ត្រកូលព្រះបាទ ហ៊ុន េទៀន ៉ហ៊ុន ៉ និង ត្រកូល ព្រះបាទ នរោត្ដម ៉នរោត្ដម ៉ យើង តើមួយណាគ្រាន់បើជាងមួយណា? សូមកុំនាំគ្នាខកចិត្ត ហើយតាមដែ្ហរត្រកូល ៉ហ៊ុន ៉ ឬ ៉នរោត្ដម ៉ ព្រោះ អី គ្មានត្រកូលណាមួយគិចផុតពីចៅថ្វាយពាក់មួកដួនទេ មានតែព្រះជាម្ចាស់ទេដែលទ្រង់យល់....សំណាងល្អគ្រាប់ៗគ្នា!!

Anonymous said...

Reply to dumb 8:58 PM

You kept on accusing everybody else as "Vietnamese/Yuon Dog Eating nation, Communist Vietcong."

Look yourself in the mirror and you will find out it is "you" who is dumb racist loser Viet.

Sam Rainsy is smart. Why would he want to go back to a loser country and deal with people like "you".

He should keeping on traveling and talking smack about the current government. Me, I would invite Sam Rainsy to come over and gave him a spot in the government. This way, he is not "out there" talking bad about "you" morron Viet.

Anonymous said...

One way or another, this Vietnam's slave Hun Sen has always found the problems with any Khmer nationalists who have the courage to stand up against his master Vietnam.

Hun Sen has removed the parliamentary prerogative of the opposition party members at will. This kind of abuse must not exist in a democratic country. And that rampant political repression must stop as well.

On the contrary, I've never heard Hun Sen mentioned anything about the Vietnamese who have been flowing massively into Cambodia and destroying most of Khmer natural resource.

It is apparent that the word "Vietnam puppet" is fitted nicely with Hun sen's character.

If you are a public figure, you cannot stop people from calling you this or that. If you are really not a puppet, why should you care about people calling you puppet?

Hun Sen can avoid people calling him puppet by going back to his old job which is taking care of the buffalos - Kweal Krabei.

The solution to resolve the current Cambodia crisis is to stop playing Vietnam’s game: Khmer fight with Khmer.

I really like the CNRP’s approach toward the national reconciliation. It is extremely difficult to dislodge Vietnam if Vietnam is still able to keep the CPP on its side.
Therefore, Mr. Hun Sen will become Khmer hero if he can facilitate the NEC’s overhaul, and allow Sam Rainsy to return to Cambodia.

Whether the CNRP wins or loses the election, Khmer people will respect you (Hun Sen) because you did the right thing – the first concrete right step toward Khmer unity.

Just remember that the CNRP has solemnly declared that it will never bear any grudge against any political party members, including the CPP’s members.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

to 8:58 PM

You sound like Viet Hun Sin agent. If you were not their agent, you need to "grow" up.

You kept saying everybody else eat dog. Have you ever eat "dog" yourself?

Anonymous said...

Hey 8:38 PM,

Ooooop, sorry for mistyping.. It is not for you.

It is for Pi Anh above.

You are a good guy!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey 8:38 PM/11:16 PM,

Ooooop, sorry for mistyping.. It is not for you.

It is for Pi Anh above.

You are a good guy!!!

From 8:58 PM

Anonymous said...

Ah Bat PSAR HUN XEN is a LOWEST CLASS below SHIT. Ah Hun Xen sees himself as a sole owner of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

SAMDECH DECHO HUN SEN retired 2050!!!

Our my prime minister of Cambodia had done tremendous job lately by 2050 will be Dubai II. Thus, his political issues is under-control by his demand and those of you don't ever underestimate him.

Anonymous said...

Samdach Dech Hun Sen is a Penis and Mr. Sam Rainsy is a vagina. Penis is always need a vagina and a vagina is always need Penis. They both mean to be together "Vagina and Penis" that's nature way.

Vagina needs Penis,
Penis need Vagina,
Hun Sen needs Sam Rainsy and
Sam Rainsy needs Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

I love this idea so so much. It makes a lot of sense. How come I have never thought of such an idea before. That is right. Let Hun Sen accompany Sam Rainsy to the area where the border stakes were uprooted. Let the location verified by GPS and by Cambodian and Vietnamese border authorities. That is the best idea ever. Let the world knows whether Mr. Sam Rainsy's action was right or wrong.

Anonymous said...

8:38 PM, your comment is so confusing and making no sense. Watch what you are posting. Some bloggers like the one called you Dumb Yuon/Viet Dog Eater because of your offensive comment "Enough is enough. Dumb people and dumb country don't think."

Anonymous said...

ជាការល្អប្រសើរណាស់ ដែលហ៊ុនសែន មិនឱ្យលោកសមរង្សីចូលស្រុកនោះ នេះជានយោបាយមួយឱ្យយើងទាំងអស់គ្នាជាពលរដ្ឋគិត
ពិចារណាឱ្យហ្មត់ចត អ្នកកាន់អំណាចសព្វថ្ងៃគឺមិនមែនហ៊ុនសែនម្នាក់ឯងទេ ហ៊ុនសែនគឺជាអាយ៉ងរបស់យួន(ដែលគាត់ធ្លាប់បាននិយាយ)
បុរសសង្ហានេះគ្មានអំណាចអ្វីទាំងអស់។ ពលរដ្ឋទូទាំងប្រទេសដែលបានបាត់បង់នូវអំណាចរបស់ខ្លួន ត្រូវក្រោកឈឡើង ទៀមទារយក
សិទ្ឋអំណាចខ្លួនជាម្ចាស់ប្រទេសមកវិញឱ្យបាន យើងត្រូវធ្វើអ្វីរួមគ្នាក្នុងពេលតែមួយ បង្ហាញពីការមិនពេញចិត្តពីររបបរស់នៅ ឱ្យអន្តរជាតិ
មើលឃើញ។ហើយយើងត្រូវប្រុងប្រយ័ត្ន ការបោះឆ្នោតនាឆ្នាំក្រោយនេះ យើងកុំសង្ឃឹមឱ្យសោះថាយកជ័យជំនះលើគណប័ក្យប្រជាជន
អស់លោកតែងតែនិយាយថា៖យួនពេញស្រុក តើយួនបោះឆ្នោតឱ្យអ្នកណា?។

Anonymous said...

Vc is controlling everything in srok khmer there is nothing we can do about it. Unless CPP wake up and say to the VC enough is enough and leave us alone. But VC wants more just like they took laos, charm, khmer krom, khmer indigenous etc. Hun Sen must wake up by now before it is too late. CPP+ CNRP =brothers and sisters, so stop outsiders to interfere with out lives. before its too late.

Anonymous said...

Samdach Decho Hun Sen is in love with Mr Sam Rainsy because they both confront each other for so long until Hun Sen starts to realize that he is falling in love with Mr Sam Rainsy. The reason why Hun Sen banned Mr Sam Rainsy from coming to Cambodia because he afraid that his wife might kill Mr Sam Rainsy in jealousy act like she did to the actress Pi Seat Pi Li Ka.

You both should love each other and take care each other.