Monday, October 08, 2012

Buddhism: Cambodian way of life [-Several of them are mere Hochimonks]

In Cambodia, temples and monks can be seen everywhere.

October 8, 2012
CNTV (China)

Cambodia is a nation of Buddhism. 95 percent of its population are followers, and the monks hold a important place in society. As CCTV reporter Feng Jinchao found out, for Cambodians, Buddhism is more than just a religion.

In Cambodia, temples and monks can be seen everywhere. Buddhism is the dominant religion. One tradition is to send a boy to a temple to be a monk at the age of 13. From ancient times to the present day, temples have been the most important institutions of education.

Sao Chanthol, Lt. Governor Monk of Phnom Penh, said, "Monks learn from the Buddhist doctrine. We need to know what the Buddha wants us to do, and we can help common people in their daily lives, such as funerals."

Unlike Buddhists in China, Cambodians follow the Hynayana School, which allows monks to return to secular world if they want.

Som Chea is a monk in Phnom Penh. Besides his routine duties in the temple, he belongs to an N-G-O called Salvation Center Cambodia. Every two weeks, he meets a group of patients with AIDS and mental illness, to speak on Buddhism and help them pursue inner peace and confidence.

Som Chea has been a monk for over 20 years. He comes from a remote and devastated village 60 kilometers from Phnom Penh. Like many others in Cambodia, he was raised and educated in the temples. For these people, temples are where their spirit can rest forever, even after returning to the secular world.

That is why temples are everywhere in Cambodia. And now as the country faces fast economic development, there’s little dramatic social unrest. For hundreds of years, Buddhism has taught people to both do good and be good.


Anonymous said...

Buddhist temples are growing like mushrooms, and Khmer Monks are about a million monks and why don't they make an army? These men are grabbing the food that poor Khmer people work so hard to feed themselves and their families.

This Million Khmer monk troops are not helping Cambodia and the Khmer people but destroying the society and economy.

A million monks in a poor country under a Tyant and Yuon. Go figure!!

Anonymous said...

go to work instead parade in imposter monk, fagot pple.

Anonymous said...

Sao Chanthol who the hell he is said, "Monks learn from the Buddhist doctrine. We need to know what the Buddha wants us to do, and we can help common people in their daily lives, such as funerals."

Gotama Buddha WANTED People to reach a Nothingness which is called Nirvana. He wanted people to give up all the desires, including the nations people built. Gotama Buddha's philosophy rejected by the majority of his own people (Indians), not only they did not follow him, they did not make His Nothingness Philosophy as a State Religion, They stay worship GOD (Hinduism).

What Buddhist Doctrine? China, Japan, Korea and Yuon in the old day the people of those countries are Buddhists Daoism & Taoism, and Cambodia, Thailand, Lao and Burma are Thevarada Buddhism.

While Buddhism in japan is about to be dead, Buddhism in China, Korea and Vietnam Buddhism is deceasing, but Buddhism in Cambodia keeps increasing.

Don't know why but it keeps increasing. It may be it has something to do to do with each Pagoda has to collect money for the MafiaCPP/Yuon.

The Economy relies on the citizen who work to keep the nation goes and strong. But when million men race to become Monks, then who feed them and help the nation?

Therefore, the nation is automatically fallen to corruption and crimes.

That is why the results from Buddhism is the destruction of the Khmer Empire.

The two foreign Kings of Khmer Empire used Buddhism to control people from rising against their absolute power/authorities.
Suryavaraman I allowed Khmers to worship both Hinduism and Buddhism, but Jayavaraman vii declared Buddhism as a state religion, he persecuted Khmers who rose against him, many escaped. Khmer Buddhists made Jayavaraman vii as a great hero and they covered up his crimes.

Khmer Buddhists were/are like deadly disease injected by the tyrants who fear that they may be killed by other tyrants, so Buddhism allow the tyrants to control and rule over the lives of people who know nothing that Buddhism destroyed the Khmer Empire and the small nation they have left.

These million Khmer monk troops are part of the tyrant's army to destroy Khmer nation.

Anonymous said...

China TV wrote "In Cambodia, temples and monks can be seen everywhere."

I am pretty sure, the Chinese too look down on Khmers and telling Khmers to know teh source of why the nation collapsed.

Because these lazy guys do nothing but rely on the Khmer people to feed them. They are leeches. They have too many temples to stay and food to eat without worrying to go to earn money and find places to live.

I bet most of them are Yuon and ah Hun Xen's spies.

If this million guys go to work no matter where they work, they can bring some money to their families to buy food, medicine, and clothes. Those money they earn can spend in Cambodia, that is what they ought to do.

These guys were and are the sources of the nation collapsed. Without economy to feed the nation, the nation must be collapsed.

This article from China TV is a way to criticize the stupid Khmer Buddhists who destroy the nation.

Anonymous said...

5:14 AM,
"Wow" very impressive comments from you and China TV, but to call: Stupid Khmer Buddhists is no better than Vietcong or Al Qaida & Talaban who destroyed buddah in Afganistan.

How about monks in Thailand, or in China, are they lazy too? Being a monk, it's people choice but sometime poor Cambodian family have no choice but to seek help from the temple.

Infact, being as Khmers, a lot of teenager did it to pay respect to their parent for giving life- according to Buddish religion.

5:14 AM, If you want to find out more, don't just assume like ah Hun Sen, go ask the experience monks at any Cambodian temple.

Anonymous said...

6:28 am
China today does not have Buddhist monks, but in Tibet, those monks are Tibetans. China keeps them to keep Dala Lama out.

Thailand is a big and a rich nation compare to many poor nations. Its population is 70 million. Cambodia has about 14 million and about half are Vietnamese, and Cambodia has more temples and more monks than in Thailand with respect to the population. Thais can feed those lazy monks, but Cambodia cannot.

Thai Buddhist temples in the US are less than Khmer Buddhist temples.

The Buddhist Khmer Temples in the US are used to make money by whoever control the Temples together with Monks.

Why calling stupid Khmer Buddhists is not better than Vietcong and Al Qaida & Talaban who destroyed buddah in Afghanistan?

Calling Stupid Khmer Buddhists are way better than the son of bitch Jayavaraman 7 who destroyed the Empire who persecuted the Khmer Hindu who built the empire.

People's choice? But why don't these lazy guys stop grabbing food from the poor people? Go to work or plant food for themselves or helping to feed the poor while they have big land and big temples to live free. They are lazy and take advantages from the poor people.

Cambodia is the poorest nation, but why million of these guys do nothing beside going from house to house grabbing food from the poor?

The nation cannot be strong and be freed if the economy is weak and collapses.

Why compare Cambodia to a rich country like Thailand who has never faced war or holocaust like Khmers? You are crazy.

The Khmer Buddhists are terrorists who destroyed the Khmer Empire, and stop denying your crimes.

Cambodia needs to build first economy to have food to eat, to strength the people, but how can if Cambodia's million men are not working but relying on other poor to feed them?

If you are the only one who work and the 10 rely on you to feed them. HOW will you survive?

Only the dictator/Tyrant would adopt this backward religion to control the people, so they can stay in power for a long times as they want.

Those foreigners who became King sin Cambodia adopted this Buddhism to control the people from rising against them.

Why did not Buddha's own people (Indian/Nepalese)worship him? Why should they?

The Empire should stay as Hinduism as we started, but why this Buddhism?

The Khmer Buddhists were/are terrorists who destroyed the Khmer Empire. Stop denying and stop lying, we knew all about your LIES for about 800 years.

Anonymous said...

សង្ឃប្រទូសសីល ៧ មករា ទេព វង្ស ,នួន ង៉ែត ,ណយ ច្រឹក ,សៅ ច័ន្ទថុល្ល, អ៊ំ លឹមហេង។ល។គឺជាសង្ឃក្លែងក្លាយ បួសស៊ីបាយយប់ បួសលេងស្រី បួសលេងល្បែងស៊ីសង បួសផឹកស្រា មានកំភ្លើងខ្លីគ្រប់ដៃ មានអង្គរក្ស ឆ្វេងស្តាំ ក្បត់ជាតិ ក្បត់សាសនា ក្បត់ប្រពៃណីដូនតា ក្បត់ម៉ែឳខ្លួនងង សព្វថ្ងៃបួសធ្វើឆ្កែបំរើ ក្រុមអាយ៉ងលក់ជាតិ លក់ទឹកដី អាសង្ឃ ៧ មករា អាសង្ឃឃាតករ អាសង្ឃភេរវករ អាសង្ឃឥតសីល អាសង្ឃស្លៀកលីអូ អាសង្ឃ រមិលគុណ ពួកអាឆ្កែសង្ឃឯងប៉ុន្មានក្បាលនេះ នឹងចុះនរកអវចីយ៍ ជាក់ជាមិនខានឡើយ។

Anonymous said...

6:28 am
China today does not have Buddhist monks, but in Tibet, those monks are Tibetans. China keeps them to keep Dala Lama out.

Thailand is a big and a rich nation compare to many poor nations. Its population is 70 million. Cambodia has about 14 million and about half are Vietnamese, and Cambodia has more temples and more monks than in Thailand with respect to the population. Thais can feed those lazy monks, but Cambodia cannot.

Thai Buddhist temples in the US are less than Khmer Buddhist temples.

The Buddhist Khmer Temples in the US are used to make money by whoever control the Temples together with Monks.

Why calling stupid Khmer Buddhists is not better than Vietcong and Al Qaida & Talaban who destroyed buddah in Afghanistan?

Calling Stupid Khmer Buddhists are way better than the son of bitch Jayavaraman 7 who destroyed the Empire who persecuted the Khmer Hindu who built the empire.

People's choice? But why don't these lazy guys stop grabbing food from the poor people? Go to work or plant food for themselves or helping to feed the poor while they have big land and big temples to live free. They are lazy and take advantages from the poor people.

Cambodia is the poorest nation, but why million of these guys do nothing beside going from house to house grabbing food from the poor?

The nation cannot be strong and be freed if the economy is weak and collapses.

Why compare Cambodia to a rich country like Thailand who has never faced war or holocaust like Khmers? You are crazy.

The Khmer Buddhists are terrorists who destroyed the Khmer Empire, and stop denying your crimes.

Cambodia needs to build first economy to have food to eat, to strength the people, but how can if Cambodia's million men are not working but relying on other poor to feed them?

If you are the only one who work and the 10 rely on you to feed them. HOW will you survive?

Only the dictator/Tyrants would adopt this backward religion to control the people, so they can stay in power for a long times as they want.

Those foreigners who became Kings in Cambodia adopted this Buddhism to control the people from rising against them.

Why did not Buddha's own people (Indian/Nepalese)worship him? Why should they? Because his doctrine will lead the nations to Nothingness.

The Empire should stay as Hinduism as we started, but why this Buddhism?

The Khmer Buddhists were/are terrorists who destroyed the Khmer Empire.

Stop denying and stop lying, we knew all about your LIES for about 800 years.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia adopted the wrong Religion, the religion that led to the destruction of Economy.

Without a strong Economy the nation become weak and at the end it led to the destruction of the empire.

Because the poor people have to feed these million mouths who do nothing but Nothingness.

Anonymous said...

7:46 AM,
Stop bullshit about Hindu is better than Buddhist. You need to study history again before starting your accusations, and create fiction from fact.

If you want me show you where to read just let me know, because without prove between you and will never come to conclusion, and let see who's the liar for 800yrs.

"Infact, you sound more like Al Qaida than Hindu follower."

Anonymous said...

5:09 AM

Khmer Buddhists are terrorists destroyed the Khmer Empire built by Khmer Hindu.

It is not a fiction it is real but the Khmer Buddhists keep denying their crimes that they destroyed the Khmer Empire.

Jayavaraman 7 adopted this backward religion since around 13th century, it is about 800 years. In History.

Anonymous said...

5:09 AM
You sound so Yuon, ah Yuon thieves.
Everything that can weak Cambodia you would march on Khmer blood.

I knew my history, Jayavaraman was not Khmer, he claimed he was but he was from Java. He was the first who adopted Buddhism as a state religion. The empire was not built by Buddhism but by Hinduism. He adopted as a state religion since around 13th century.

Speaking defending my country that the Khmer Buddhists destroyed the empire, you said I sound like AlQaida? You sound so ah/me Yuon thieves who accused the Khmer victims as they are Racist.

There were no history said Khmer Buddhist created the Khmer Empire. This famous Angkor Wat was built by Hindu King, King Suryavaraman II.

You support these terrorists (Monks) because these guys are lazy and do nothing to help the economy but to weak and destroy Cambodia.

Khmer Buddhists are the terrorists. An dyou are ah/me Yuon like virus inside Cambodia.