Sunday, October 28, 2012

A New Dawn for Cambodia: Come and meet CNRP Leaders in Seattle, Tacoma, Montreal and Lowell this weekend

27 October 2012
By Mu Sochua

Enjoy the week end with this upbeat song! We are meeting our community in Seattle and Tacoma as well as Montreal and Lowell. The support from all of you living outside of Cambodia has been very rewarding. A very sincere expression of thanks.

Mr. Pol Ham and I will be in Seattle and Tacoma

Mr. Sam Rainsy and MP, Tioulong Saumura in Montreal and Lowell, Mass.


Anonymous said...

These guys are idiots in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Agreed with you 3:08 am. To think of it, Hun Sen is not an idiot? What do you think of it, 3:08 am?

Anonymous said...

SAMDECH DECHO HUN SEN retired 2050!!!

Our my prime minister of Cambodia had done tremendous job lately by 2050 will be Dubai II. Thus, his political issues is under-control by his demand and those of you don't ever underestimate him.

Anonymous said...

3:08 AM

YOU are the IDIOT one.
They will save you from eating Yuon's craps.

Anonymous said...

5:06 AM

Your Decho Hun Sen is the ultimate traitor.
He has been selling out his country and you
to his Hanoi's Masters.
By 2050, your Cambodia will become, NOT Dubai, but the
SECOND Kampuchea Krom.

កុលបុត្រមហានគរខ្មែរ said...

Please come join us Khmer in the U.S and Canada but please don't forget to bring the money to donate to our party because no money we cannot do anything at all. We need at least one million Dollar for election campaign next year. If you don't donate money, please don't wasting your time and you are not welcome either.

Pang Sokheoun, Secretary-General of SRP in Sweden.

Anonymous said...

VC will keep on trying to make khmers kill khmers but we are not stupid anymore, CPP and CNRP is one. Since the evil kingta gone, everything evil things will be gone with him. Right now, we are siblings and we want to b united as one. From here, together, we will stand up tall and look up high. As for the VC criminals, today almost everyone knows about your wicked deed, about how you killed 3 million of innocent khmer people. Because in the end, 'the truth will always be the truth' Gandhi.

Anonymous said...

5:06am, do you think that your prime minister would live that long? Your argument has no substance.