By Mu Sochua
Commemorating the signing of the 1991 Paris Peace Accords.
Leaders of the Cambodia National Rescue Party call for national reconciliation for national interest.
Dedicated to publishing sensitive information about Cambodia
I think that is a good and honest move from the CNRP to launch a national reconciliation.
We strive to achieve a free and fair election first: the loser will gracefully concede the defeat and the winner will accept the loser as an essential element of the new government to develop the country together.
It is time for the government to stand up and look straight at Vietnam’s face.
We must abandon the stupid saying:" Teuk Leung Trey Si Sramauch, Teuk Hauch Sramauch Si Trey".
To reduce our social friction, me must start looking from the fundamental concept of our society.
Here are some examples:
1- "Chaul Steung Tarm Bot, Chaul Srok Tarm Prortes".
This one is the worst because if most of the people commit corruption, you must commit corruption too. To get along with thieves, make yourself thief too.
2- Sach Min Barn Si, York Cheung Pyour Kor.
If you see people commit crime or corruption, ignore it because it is not your problem.
3- Nouv Min Nouv, York Pler Phnouv Birth Klerk.
If you see the parent torture their children, ignore it because it is not your children or your business.
4- "Trey Kampleay, Slap Prous Ter Morth"
If you see the high ranking officials commit crime, don't say anything because they will kill you if you spread the words.
5- "Porg Morn Kom Chul Neug Thmor"
You will get hurt badly if you chastise the "big one".
Generally, our society seems to teach us to care only about ourselves, not to care about others or the public interest or the national interest.
The above statements are only a few of our social problems.
I said before, there must be something fundamentally wrong with our people's mentality because we grow up absorbing the wrong concepts such as the above concepts.
Bun Thoeun
Bun Thoeun, I appreciate your comments as always. You've made a really good sense. Please keep up these kind of comments. They are helpful to our younger generation and intellectuals.
-ដោយទាំងសម រង្ស៊ី (អាយ៉ងហ៊ុន សែន)
-កឹម សុខា (ជាមនុស្សរបស់យួន)!
ជាប់ជាចំណាប់ខ្មាំង របស់គណបក្សប្រជាជនគ្មានសល់
គឺយួនវាអកស៊ី ទាំងនគរបាត់ទៅហើយ!
CAMBODIA តែឈ្មោះទេ!!!!!!!!!!!!!
គឺ....ÑÂM̀B́ƠĐỈÂ !
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