Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Kbott Kech Prorm Preang Krong Paris (by Sek serei & Sam Vichea)


Anonymous said...

Make sure you don't talk bad about CCP in front of Phy Siphom (ex-long beach man) and also don't talk bad about CCP infront of Mr. Lamarin Pan (Long Beach business insurance man.)

They all love Mr. Hun Sin.

be carefull.

Anonymous said...

ខ្ញុំ នៅតែយល់និងមិនអស់សង្ឃឹមថា អង្គការសហប្រ
កិច្ចព្រមព្រៀងនាទីក្រុងប៉ារីស ២៣​តុលា ៩១ ដ៏សំខាន់
ដែលជាអាយុជីវិតរបស់កម្ពុជា!ប្រសិនណា អង្គការសហ
ប្រជាជាតិលែងរវល់ បានន័យថា ពិភពលោក នឹងកើត
មានសង្រ្គាមឆាប់ៗ ព្រោះយោងតាមគោលការណ៍
អ្នកណាខ្លាំងអ្នកនោះឈ្នះ ដោយទុកឱ្យមេដឹកនាំយួន
ហាណូយឈ្លានពានលេបកម្ពុជាតាមអំពើចិត្ត គឺ

កុលបុត្រមហានគរខ្មែរ said...

Burn his body over there (China). Don't bring back to Cambodia. He was a Traitor to Khmer people. The Khmer people have suffered enough by him. He did not respect even his own mother. He was an evil king . He should be alive until he can serve his punishement in the Khmer Rouge trail. Please don't forget he was the person who killed Lok Protean Sam Rainsy's father.

Pang Sokheoun, Secretary-General of SRP in Sweden.កុលបុត្រមហានគរខ្មែរ