Please find below a short summary of the number of page hits on KI-Media.
- 14 millions on 09/23/2011
- 16 millions on 06/18/2012
- 17 millions on 10/08/2012
- 7: Number of days with lack of sleep per week.
- 365: Number of days of hardship per year.
- 4: Average number of days per week hit by at least one emotional article
- 7: Number of days per week with at least one outrageous news from the Banana Kingdom
- 6+ years: Of satisfaction.
Heng Soy and KI-Media team
Good work KI Media. The world need to know the truth. The Khmer Rogue Hun Sen and CPP stooges have been in power for 33 years many dying without justice. Here you give them a voice!!
HI, K-Media
Please kindly link to my website
Thank you
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