KI-Media loves to hear from you, and we're giving you a bullhorn. We just ask that you keep things civil. Please leave out personal attacks, do not use profanity, ethnic or racial slurs, or take shots at anyone's sexual orientation or religion. We thank you for your cooperation!
Hun Sen, the prime Minister of the Viet-Controlled regime in Phnom Penh, will order for the arrest of Sam Rainsy the minute Sam Ransy sets foot on the Viet-controlled Khmer soil (Cambodia). And that is a guarantee!!!
Khmer must wake up and know who and what Hun Sen is!
This is the right thing to do for Sam Rainsy. If he is to be arrested upon his arrival, Hun Sen will be judged as a Priminister of a country for being untruthful on his word. In addition, this also a good opportunity for the CPP government if they want a legitamcy for the up coming election.
Hahahaaaa, it is time that a coward Sam Rainsy has to bow his head to ground and begs PM Hun Sen for forgiveness. Where is International Court that Sam Rainsy has sued PM? And where is foreign government that can help him to put pressure on Cambodian government? Obviously if Sam Rainsy wants to return to Cambodia, no need to ask PM for intervene because no one stops him to come back.
Good move. But what does Mr Rainsy prepare to give in return? Is Hun Sen stupid enough to ask for nothing in return?
Kuoy Pichet
លោក សមរាង្ស៊ី បានបង្ហាញកាន់តែច្បាស់ថា គាត់ជា
កញ្ជះហ៊ុនសែន ដោយឥតប្រកែកបាន។
ពួកអស់នេះ តាមមើលវាបន់ឱ្យតែព្រះមហាវីរក្សត្រឆាប់
មិនទាន់ទាំងបាន១សប្តាហ៍ផង ក្រុមពួកវាលែង
ស្នៀតដដែល ដើម្បីឱ្យបានក្បាលចូលស្រុកវិញ។
ទីបំផុត យើងចាំមើលតើ ក្រុមពួកវា ចាប់ក្បាល
សមរាង្ស៊ីទៅញាត់គុកឯព្រៃសទេ បើពុំដូច្នោះទេ
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មកបានត្រឹមតែ ការក្បត់ចំពោះជាតិឯងតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ៕
ត្រូវណាស់ទស្សនៈលោក @3:14 PM &6:00 PM!
អាចម៍អុកដំ សម រង្ស៊ី...ឆ្កែកន្ទុយវខ្វៀននៅតែខ្វៀន
យកលេសនេះ-យកលេសនោះ ១.000ជំពួក
ធ្វើជាចង់ឃើញព្រះភក្រ្ត ព្រះសពនរោត្តម សីហនុ
រឹឯ(CPPយួនយៀកកុង-អាហ៊ុន សែន)ក៏កំពុងតែបានគុណសម្បត្តិ ធ្វើបុណ្យប្រជាភិថុត-បោកប្រាស់-ប្រើកលល្បិចបំភន់ភ្នែកពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ
យ៉ាងគគ្រឹកគគ្រេង ឲ្យព្រះ
ដែលពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ ល្ងង់ខ្លៅ-ឆ្កួតស្រឡាញ់។
ការពិតទៅ!...អាហ៊ុន សែនកូនធម៌នេះនិង
រកលេខដាក់គ្មាន !
Hun Sen, the prime Minister of the Viet-Controlled regime in Phnom Penh, will order for the arrest of Sam Rainsy the minute Sam Ransy sets foot on the Viet-controlled Khmer soil (Cambodia). And that is a guarantee!!!
Khmer must wake up and know who and what Hun Sen is!
This is the right thing to do for Sam Rainsy. If he is to be arrested upon his arrival, Hun Sen will be judged as a Priminister of a country for being untruthful on his word. In addition, this also a good opportunity for the CPP government if they want a legitamcy for the up coming election.
Hahahaaaa, it is time that a coward Sam Rainsy has to bow his head to ground and begs PM Hun Sen for forgiveness. Where is International Court that Sam Rainsy has sued PM? And where is foreign government that can help him to put pressure on Cambodian government? Obviously if Sam Rainsy wants to return to Cambodia, no need to ask PM for intervene because no one stops him to come back.
Khmer in Sydney CBD.
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