Dear Friends, Families, and Supporters:
Dinner Reception with MP Mu Sochua and H.E. POL HAM in Seattle!!!
We, the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) Task Force of Washington, are pleased to announce that we will host a big Dinner Reception for MP Mu Sochua and H.E. POL HAM of the newly-merged Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) in Seattle:
Saturday, October 27, 2012. From 5:00 PM-12 AM
Asian Resource Center: (206 860-8522)
1025 S. King Street Seattle, WA 98104. (Downtown Seattle)
Dinner Reception hosted by SRP & HRP of WA and many members/supporters.
Raksa Sok: 206 850 7565 (Email: Khmerforumwa@gmail.com)
Larry Seng: 425 280 8242
BunRong By: 360 486 0357
Samoeun Van: 206 931 4886
Chanvong Kim: 206 713 2083
Another major reception in Tacoma:
Sunday, October 28, 2012. From 3:00 PM-7 PM
Portland Avenue Community Center (near Tacoma New Temple):
3513 East Portland Ave Tacoma, WA 98404. Tel: (253) 591-5391.
Buffet Reception hosted by Khmer Voice for Democracy (KVD)
Bona Bunphoath: (253) 209-2525
Sameth Mom: (253) 651-4115
Hoeun C. Voeuk: (253) 226-2100
Raksa Sok: (206) 850-7565
For your information, our delegates will be in Seattle-Tacoma, Washington fromTuesday, October 23, 2012 - Monday, October 29, 2012. They will provide updates about current situation in Cambodia, answer your questions, and ready to take all your comments/opinions to find way to rescue our beloved country.
Please find the attached flyer & detailed schedule and help spread out the words…!!!
For more details, please contact: Raksa Sok: 206 850 7565, Larry Seng: 425 280 8242, Samoeun Van: 206 931 4886, BunRong By: 360 486 0357, & Chanvong Kim: 206 713 2083. Email: Khmerforumwa@gmail.com
Hope to see you all there!
Sincerely yours,
Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) Task Force
State of Washington
Email: Khmerforumwa@gmail.com
Please come join us but make sure you bring money to donate to our Cambodia National Rescue Party. If you don't donate, please don't wasting your time and you are not welcome either.
Pang Sokheoun, Secretary-General of SRP in Sweden.
Pang Sokheoun, Secretary-General of SRP in Sweden
លោកឯងស្គាល់ពាក្ស Fuck you ឬទេ ?
កាលណា អ្នកផងទាំងពួង គេមានលុយ ឬ អោយ ឬ ជួយ គឺសំរេចទៅលើទឹកចិត្តរបស់គេ O.K!
ដូចនេះកុំចាំបាច់ណែនាំគេឯងធ្វើអ្វី ? ... ជាហេតុនាំឲ្សគេឯងជេររហូតដល់ម៉ែ ឬ ឧ៏ពុក អ្នកឯងទៀតផង ។
Fuck you too.
Pang Sokheoun, Secretary-General of SRP in Sweden.
Pang Sokheoun អើយ! Pang Sokheoun ...
បើទោះជា ឈ្មោះ ពីត ឬ មិនពិត នៅឯណាច្បាស់លាស់ក៏ដោយ ... អញមិនខ្វល់ថា អាហ្អែងជាស្អីនោះទេ ?
សុំសួរថា កាលណាបើមិនបានគេ ជេរ អាហ្អែងច្រោះបាយមិនចូល ឬ ដេកមិនលក់ ?
ឥលូវអញនិយាយថា Your MotherFucker .
នៅឯ Sweden មើលរំលងមកដល់ អាមេរិក រួចហើយធ្វើចេះនិងចង់ណែនាំ លុយក្នុងហៅប៉ាវ របស់គេទៀត ?
សួរមួយទៀត កំណើតអាហ្អែង កើតចេញមកពី ម៉ែ=ឧ៏ របស់អាហ្អែង ក្នុងរឿង នយោបាយ គឺទុកសំរាប់ឲ្សអ្នកផង
ទាំងពួង ជេរ លេងឥចឹងឬ ?
9:33 AM, can we report the Sweden government to arrest you because you are dangerous to Sweden National Security and because you are the Communist Yuon/Vietnamese CPP spy using someone's name Pang Sokheoun, Secretary-General of SRP in Sweden.
You will be kicked out and stay with your Yuon/Vietnamese bosses in Hanoi who love you to death.
សូមអរគុណ លោក//////&លោកស្រី 7:04PM!
ការពិត អា នរក 9:33 AM វាមានទំលាប់តែឥចឹង កាលណាបើមិនមានអ្នកផងទាំងពួង
ជេរ ដល់ខ្លួនវា រួមទាំងឪ=ម៉ែរបស់វា នេះទេ គឺវាច្រោះបាយមិនចូល និង ដេកមិនលក់
សោះឡើយ ។
ម៉្យាងទៀត អានេះ 9:33 AM ពូជវាទាំងអស់កើតមកគឺទុកសំរាប់អោយអ្នកភូមិ អ្នកស្រុក
ទូទាំងពិភពលោក ជេរ លេង ជាល្បែងប៉ុណ្ណោះ ។
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