Monday, October 08, 2012

Mutual respect can bridge differences of opinion

United Nations special rapporteur on human rights Surya Subedi (C) visits Phnom Penh’s Borei Keila community in May. Photograph: Vireak Mai/Phnom Penh Post
Monday, 08 October 2012
Surya P. Subedi
Letter to the Phnom Penh Post
I am an independent expert working on behalf of the United Nations with a view to helping the people of Cambodia.
Dear Editor,

First of all, I have a great deal of respect for the Prime Minister of Cambodia, both as a person and as the leader of the country and the Government.

I recognise that the Prime Minister has achieved a great deal for Cambodia.

But there is room for improvement in the governance of Cambodia, and my job is to identify the shortcomings in the system and offer my recommendations to address them.

I do not wish to descend into criticism at a personal level, nor do I wish to have a dialogue with the Prime Minister or anybody in the government through the media.

I have had a good level of co-operation from the government of Cambodia, and my dialogue with the Prime Minister has been productive in the past. I look forward to working with him in the future.

Our approach may differ on some issues, but they can be addressed in a mutually respectful manner and through dialogue.

I am working in my professional capacity in Cambodia, and I expect others to do the same.

I am not representing Nepal in Cambodia. I am a professor of international law, a barrister in England and a human-rights advocate.

I am an independent expert working on behalf of the United Nations with a view to helping the people of Cambodia.

I have also been advising, in my personal capacity, the government of Nepal on legal and constitutional matters.

Nepal has a liberal democracy in which the judiciary is independent and people do not go to jail for criticising the government.

The civil society is vibrant, and the government in Nepal respects, and listens to, the representatives of civil society.

Nepal has a democratic interim constitution at the moment, and people have been trying to write a new constitution with a view to strengthening democracy, human rights and the rule of law.

Both Cambodia and Nepal have gone through similar experiences in the past, and have a great deal to learn from each other.

I have welcomed, and would welcome, any advice the Prime Minister of Cambodia has for the people and the government of Nepal.

Both of these ancient Asian nations have a rich cultural heritage, and the people of Nepal respect the people of Cambodia for who they are and what they have been able to achieve.
Surya P. Subedi
United Nations Special Rapporteur for Cambodia


Anonymous said...


Thanks SO much for helping poor Khmer people.

You are one of Khmer heroes. Every Khmer knows you now. You are such a highly competent person.

We deeply respect and admire your assessment, courage, and opinion on Cambodia.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

Mr. Subedy,

Thanks SO much for helping poor Khmer people.

You are one of Khmer heroes. Every Khmer knows you now. You are such a highly competent person.

We deeply respect and admire your assessment, courage, and opinion on Cambodia.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

This thug is a foreign agent, a stooge of the west, Hun Sen should give him the boot out of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Vietcong never agree on anything even if those people is working for United Nation. The comment @ 1:49 AM, reminds me of how Khmer Rough accused most of prisoners as CIA.
"Stooge of the west?" How about Hun Manet, he went to America military academy called "West Point" so who the hell is he? You need to remind Ah Hun Sen too.

So, the conclusion, CPP or Vietcong slaves is no differences than Pol Pot regime.

Anonymous said...

Hun Manet got an invitation from West Point to attend, anyone got a problem with that, bring it up with the US government. Subedi was appointed by the US, thus made him a stooge of the west, it is a fact all peace-loving countries are quite aware. Hun Sen should boot this terrorist out of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Nobody got problem except yourself of having too much bad dream and start accusing this UN personel.

So if the US is bad why did Hun Manet attend the school then?
If the west is bad why not kick them all out including US Embassy too.
There's a lot of foreigners in Cambodia, are they all bad too? Stop having too much bad dream, your demanding is suck, get a life before it's too late!

Anonymous said...

If hun sen really has brain or is a human being, after reading this letter of the U.N. rep, he would be ashamed and disgusted of his own actions of words against the U.N. rep. hun sen is a brut and shit head to lead the government of Cambodia and her people. Die hun sen!!!