Thursday, October 25, 2012

Paris Peace Agreement Anniversary Reinstated as National Holiday

By Khuon Narim and Joshua Wilwohl - October 24, 2012
The Cambodia Daily

In a significant reversal for the ruling CPP government, the Council of Ministers announced yesterday that October 23, the anniversary of the signing of the Paris Peace Agreement in 1991, has been reinstated as a national holiday, eight years after it was dropped as a day of celebration.

The decision reverses a 2004 government directive that dropped the date from the official calendar of national holidays in order to promote January 7 as National Liberation Day, which marks the toppling of the Khmer Rouge in 1979 by forces led by senior leaders of the CPP and backed by the Vietnamese army.

“The government has decided to put October 23, the day of the Paris Peace Agreement, as a holiday for civil servants, employers and workers nationwide from 2013 and on,” the Council of Ministers’ Press and Quick Reaction Unit said in a statement.

The statement did not give a reason for the government reinstating the holiday, however, the move comes amid a national outpouring following the death of King Father Norodom Sihanouk, who was instrumental, along with Prime Minister Hun Sen, in ensuring the success of the Paris agreement.

Phay Siphan, spokesman for the Council of Ministers, said that he was unaware of the decision to reintroduce the holiday and could not comment.

In 1991, the U.N.-backed international agreement ended the country’s protracted civil war and paved the way for Cambodia to move from a communist state to a democracy and allowed the U.N. Transitional Authority to oversee free and fair national elections in 1993.

But the agreement has been long criticized by the CPP for failing to disarm the Khmer Rouge, which continued to fight government forces until late 1998. The ruling CPP also lost the 1993 election, leading to an uneasy coalition government between the royalist Funcinpec, led by then First-Prime Minister Prince Norodom Ranariddh, and then Second-Prime Minister Hun Sen. The coalition finally descended into factional fighting in 1997, which saw forces loyal to Mr. Hun Sen defeat Prince Ranariddh’s forces in tank battles in Phnom Penh.

Outside the Royal Palace yesterday, three people who had gathered to mourn the late King Father said the holiday should not have been removed in the first place.

“This holiday should have been [on the calendar] every year,” said Long Visal, 34. “I don’t know why the government changed it. It is very special for all the Cambodian people because the King Father was important in bringing peace to the people with that agreement.”


Takeo said...

Hun Sen made Paris Peace Agreements as a National Holiday but nothing change in yuon slave government to protect and safeguard national interests and Cambodian territory from yuon enchroachment.

Anonymous said...

The bilateral treaties including the 2005 supplemental treaty with Vietnam must be rescinded.

And that 1991 agreement must be fully enforced.

The 1991 Paris Peace accord clearly stipulated that this agreement will supersede all previous bilateral treaties.

Vietnam must stop using tricks. If the above statements are not met, the government's reinstatement does not mean anything.

This is a propaganda to gain vote from Khmer people.

Therefore, the unification of the 2 main parties forced the CPP to do something that they refused to do before.

Khmer people must follow closely about this "superficial" reinstatement.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Mr. Bun Thoeun for your wise comment. Please keep up with this kind of comment. It is very importantly useful for all Khmer. Your wisdom is educational to our population. It is not just a criticism on the ruling party.

Thanks and Best Wishes to you.

Anonymous said...

Ah Hun Sen is once again, using this is an election ploy to win the 2013 election.

First Ah Hun Sen cries for his Emmy Gold Award, now Ah Hun Sen pretends to acknowledge the Paris Agreement Act.

Ah Hun Sen is scared of Ah Sihanouk from hell? Or is Ah Hun Sen scared of his Youn master?

Anonymous said...

Update from hell:

Sihanouk just broke Ah Pham Van Dong's right leg and Ah Ho Chi Minh is still in coma after Sihanouk broke his head with a brick from behind - surprise attack.

Anonymous said...

A Sign of the Time:

A great day for those who celebrate October 23, 1991 when all factions laid down arms and began the peace process that led to Paris Peace Agreement. This date was once recognized to be a National Holiday and dropped by those who are in power and now King Sihanouk has only been gone less than 10 days and we are beginning to see new changes happening in Cambodia. This reinstatement of the National Holiday is simply stated that the regime is toning down. Cambodia can be a good place to call home for every Khmers around the globe, but it must begin with the concept of political ambitions. Think of Cambodia First. Warning: For those Chinese who are living in Cambodia, if you really love your own race as a Chinese then you should fucking appreciate Cambodia as a country that provide you life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...and if you do not put Cambodia First before your interests, then GET THE FUCK OUT OF CAMBODIA! You Chinese want to preserve your heritage, traditions, cultures, arts and language, likewise, Cambodia want to preserve the same things as We, the Cambodians also have our own Civilization, Sovereignty, Traditions, Cultures, Arts and Language as well. Therefore, you Chinese must learn to speak Khmer properly, read Khmer properly, write Khmer properly, obey Khmer Laws and promote Khmer Civilization and not Chinese because Cambodia is NOT FUCKING CHINA. This also implies to Vietnamese and other races living in Cambodia.

Jeyo Kampuchea!


Anonymous said...

1:09 PM
How about your fucking Yuon flowing incessantly into Cambodia and also have the right to vote?

Anonymous said...

2:39 pm

FUCK THE YUON TOO. I am 100% supporting Cambodia. I do not choose side with either China or Vietnam. Cambodia can be a much better nation WITHOUT these FUCKING PARASITES in Cambodia. And if You are a Vietnamese or a Chinese and wanting to LIVE in Cambodia, then I suggest YOU start thinking by promoting Cambodian Civilization, Cultures and Traditions, Arts and Language or else GET THE FUCK OUT OF CAMBODIA. If you DO NOT understand this WRITING then You Do Not Understand me personally. Eventhough I am not a 100% pure Khmer breed, but I PROCLIAM MYSELF to be KHMER 100%. I BORN AS KHMER and DIE AS KHMER.

I hope I have clearified myself for the sake of misrepresenting myself. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

XMEN (Xenophobia Men)

Keep dream. People like you keep Cambodia divided, and poor. Keep begging, blaming others, and praying for the dead king who caused millions death in Pol Pot. Chinese and other Non-dumb Khmer are here to stay in Cambodia because we are smart and able to help you whether you realize or not. Just because your dark skin does not automatically make you a patriotic Khmer. Chinese in Cambodia are real patriotic Khmers, and always put Cambodia first because it is their country, and they build it!
Xenophobia Men, go that?

Anonymous said...

It is a common human behavior to act out defensively when one feels oneself inferior to other people. A low-esteem person is always wanted match up to other people and always demanded respect from others. Cambodia petition for the UN seat is an example. Cambodia is so poor, can’t even feed its people, can’t even protect its territory, and yet want to be one of UN seat to keep security in South East Asia region. That is laughable.

Another example is the XMEN (xenophobia men) demanding respect for Cambodia. No one shows disrespect to Cambodia (except recent misunderstanding of unintentionally tearing a photo). This XMEN cry out to kick Chinese and Vietnamese, and other nationality out of Cambodia. His crying out is to boast his fake power and demand a respect from others. He dreams that he should be above others because his darker skin would entitle him and his xenophobia pack to be Khmer. Keep dreaming, Keep begging, and your laziness would keep your XMEN inferior!

Anonymous said...

12:52 am and 2:02 am,

You both are either dyslexic individual or simply idiots. I think you have problem reading or you're both having reading comprehension problem. I advise you both to read my writing again and tell me which part did I propose of kicking the Chinese or Vietnamese out of Cambodia. By the way, I am not a dark skin person if that is what you're assuming. But that is beside the point. The point is that Khmer Rouges were a bunch of weak and embicile groups of people and who sided with China. Khieu Samphon, Ieng Sary, Noun Chea and Saloth Sar, these individual were numbskul and a pact of extremists led by King Sihanouk. I need not say further. Having read your opposing view, I can clearly see you're both are not 100% Khmers and that you are a descended race of sorts, therefore, your view is to protect what you have now at the present time, but Cambodia will NOT REMAIN to be in this predicament position any longer. Our Khmer Parliament consists of 85% Sino Chinese. The New Generation of Cambodia from around the world knows and awares of Vietnam and China policy toward Cambodia. I can assure you...eradications of these FUCKING PARASITES are on its way and the PRESERVATION OF OUR KHMER GLORY IS ON ITS WAY. WE WILL SIDED WITH UNITED STATES, ENGLAND. CAMBODIA WILL BE THE NEXT ISRAEL OF ASIA.