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Every body should bow your head for the "stupid" king of Cambodia
If you don't respect the "stupid" king of Cambodia, you will be send to Prey Sar prision.
Note: Cambodia count is the "richest" country in the world and we have many natural resources per The Ex-King Noro-dumb Sihanouk's statement.
(most outside world think Cambodia is the poorest.)
Order by One Eye King.
Noro-dumb Sihanouk was the "most" coward leader in the world. He would not stand on his own feet and fight back like other leaders.
During Lon Nol's uprising, Xihanouk fled the country so fast.
During Viet invasion in 1979, Sihanouk fled the country so fast.
During the uprsing during the post UN, Xihanouk and his dumb son Ran-Ah-Rid fled the country so fast.
During the late arguement with the One Eye King, Sihanoukd and son fled to China so fast.
You don't see king of Thailand do that, only the King of Cambodia.
Welcome to Cambodia.
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