KI-Media loves to hear from you, and we're giving you a bullhorn. We just ask that you keep things civil. Please leave out personal attacks, do not use profanity, ethnic or racial slurs, or take shots at anyone's sexual orientation or religion. We thank you for your cooperation!
If this letter cannot help Sam Rainsy returns back to Cambodia, you will see he will bend his knee, bow his head to the ground begs PM Hun Sen for forgiveness.
A coward no matter what is still a coward. Poor Sam Rainsy.
6:29 PM is a Yuon/Vietnamese whore/bastard who likes Viet/Yuon playgirl (dumb Hun Sen) to pull his pants down to let this whore/bastard to suck his cock if this dumb Viet/Yuon dog Hun Sen does not obey the orders from evil and ugly Yuon/Vietnamese masters in Hanoi.
Sam Rainsy, your letters: please to three top leaders of the CPP and supports 23 October as a holiday will not help you to return back to Cambodia. In order to get forgiveness from PM Hun Sen, you must eat all your words for the last 4 years that have insulted PM and the CPP. Plus sincere apology to PM Hun Sen.
Mr Sam Rainsy sounds so desperate. Why?
et al
គាត់អស់ផ្លូវដើរ! មានតែំធ្យោបាយហ្នឹង ក៏មិនខុស
អ្វីពីរយៈកន្លង នា២០០៦។
If this letter cannot help Sam Rainsy returns back to Cambodia, you will see he will bend his knee, bow his head to the ground begs PM Hun Sen for forgiveness.
A coward no matter what is still a coward. Poor Sam Rainsy.
ឧអាសម រង្ស៊ី អើយ ! អាឯងនេះក៏ក្បត់ជាតិដូច
អាជាស៊ិម,អាហេង សំរិន នឹងអាហ៊ុន សែន ដែរ។ អាសម រង្ស៊ី នេះវាមិនបានគិតពីប្រយោជន៏ជាតិខ្មែរដូចខ្មែរខ្លះដែលបានស្មាននោះទេ។
អាមួយក្បាលនេះវាគិតតែប្រយោជន៏ផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនវាតែម្យ៉ាងគត់ ។ ទង្វើរបស់វាទាំងប៉ុន្មានដែលមើលទៅហាក់ដូចជាស្រទ្បាញ់ប្រទេសខ្មែរនឺងពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរខ្លាំងណាស់។ តាមពិតវាចង់បានធ្វើជានាយករដ្ឋមន្រ្តីតែម្យ៉ាងគត់ ។
អាសម រង្ស៊ី នេះជាកូនកាត់យួន ។ ឪពុកវាឈ្មោះសម សារី ។ ម៉ែវាជាស្រីយួនឈ្មោះអ្នកគ្រូអេម(ប្រែហៅថានាងតូច)មានភូមិកំណើតនៅឃុំ
រកាកោង ស្រុកមុខកំពូល ខេត្តកណ្តាល ។
សូមខ្មែរជ្រាបជាតំណឹង ។ បើខ្មែរណាមិនជឿរថាម៉ែអាសម រង្ស៊ី ជាយួនទេ ? សូមស៊ើបសួរខ្មែរមានវ័យចាស់ៗនៅភូមិរកាកោងទៅ នឹងបានជ្រាបករណីរបស់ម៉ែសម រង្ស៊ី ជាយួននេះមិនខានទ្បើយ។
ប៉ាង សុឃើន ខ្មែរនៅអឺរុបខាងជើង ។
6:29 PM is a Yuon/Vietnamese whore/bastard who likes Viet/Yuon playgirl (dumb Hun Sen) to pull his pants down to let this whore/bastard to suck his cock if this dumb Viet/Yuon dog Hun Sen does not obey the orders from evil and ugly Yuon/Vietnamese masters in Hanoi.
Sam Rainsy, your letters: please to three top leaders of the CPP and supports 23 October as a holiday will not help you to return back to Cambodia. In order to get forgiveness from PM Hun Sen, you must eat all your words for the last 4 years that have insulted PM and the CPP. Plus sincere apology to PM Hun Sen.
Pi Anh.
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