Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Similarities between the current political crisis in Cambodia and that in 2005

Dear Readers,

Please find below a suite of letters exchanged between Opposition Leader Sam Rainsy, former King Sihanouk, Hun Xen and Ranariddh regarding the political crisis in 2005. Because of the similarity between the current political crisis in Cambodia and that in 2005, we are presenting here these letters.

The 2005 political crisis

On 3 February 2005, a vote in the Cambodian National Assembly removed the parliamentary immunity from SRP MP Cheam Channy, fellow MP Chea Poch and party leader Sam Rainsy. Rainsy and Poch, both facing possible charges of criminal defamation, left the country. Cheam did not leave, and was arrested later the same day by military police. He was charged by the Cambodian Military Court with the criminal offences of Organised Crime and Fraud, as well as a military charge of disobeying orders. These charges relate to accusations that Cheam had created an illegal army for the SRP. Cheam appealed by letter to Prince Norodom Ranaridh, but the prince responded that he could not intervene in judicial matters.

Cheam was brought to trial on August 8, after courts exhausted the maximum six months allowed by Cambodian law for pre-trial detention. In his defense, Cheam stated, "I have never recruited or appointed anyone in an army structure, nor have I taken money from anyone ... I am pleading with the court to set me free. I have never done anything even close to what the charges against me say." The prosecutor argued that Cheam's actions had endangered national security. The following day, the Military Court sentenced Cheam to 7 years imprisonment. Amnesty International criticized the trial, stating that it "fell far short of international standards for fairness and failed to produce any evidence to corroborate the charges against him". Following his conviction, Cheam was returned to solitary confinement in the Phnom Penh military prison.

Chronology of the exchanged letters

  1. On February 10, 2005, Sam Rainsy sent a complaint to the King-Father
  2. On the same date, former King Sihanouk sent an Open Letter to both Hun Sen and Ranariddh
  3. On February 11, 2005, both Hun Sen and Ranariddh rejected the King Father's 5-point proposal
  4. On February 13, 2005, former King Sihanouk sent a letter to Sam Rainsy expressing His regret
The letters showed a close relationship between Sam Rainsy and former King Sihanouk in their attempt to help solve a national crisis.

Thank you,

KI-Media team

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1- February 10, 2005: Sam Rainsy sent a complaint to the King-Father

2- On February 10, 2005, former King Sihanouk sent an Open Letter to both Hun Sen and Ranariddh

3- On February 11, 2005, both Hun Sen and Ranariddh rejected the King Father's 5-point proposal
4- On February 13, 2005, former King Sihanouk sent a letter to Sam Rainsy expressing His regret
Meeting between former King Sihanouk with the family of opposition leader Sam Rainsy


Anonymous said...

បើខ្មែរនាំគ្នាជឿថា បានឃើញព្រះភក្រ្ត
ព្រះមហាក្សត្រនរោត្តម សីហនុ
ជាអ្នកមានបុណ្យ នៅលើផ្ទៃព្រះចន្ទនោះ....

អារន្ទះបាញ់ហ៊ុន សែន ក៏ជាអ្នកមានបុណ្យដែរ!
ព្រោះវាជា(កូនធម៌-រមិលគុណ)របស់ ស្ដេចសីហនុ។
...ព្រោះអ្នកមានបុណ្យត្រូវតែ រត់រកអ្នកមានបុណ្យដូចគ្នា។


នរោត្តម សីហនុ និងមុខអាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុន សែន

បើមិនអញ្ចឹងទេ !...
នរោត្តម សីហនុ...........
ហើយវាអាចរកលេស បាញ់កាប់សម្លាប់ពលរដ្ធខ្មែរ
ស្នេហាជាតិណាមួយ ជាមិនខាន។
ទាំងអស់នេះជាកលល្បិចយួន-និងអាហ៊ុន សែន!
សូមពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរប្រយ័ត្ន !!!..សូមប្រយ័ត្ន....!!!

Anonymous said...

evil families.

Anonymous said...

the Khmer usage: Anh Jeung Te
was invented by Hun Sen.
it is grammatically incorrect.
In my older generation we refuse to use such wrong term.

Anonymous said...

-Queen Mother was born in Saigon Vietnam (Kampuchea Krom)
-Queen Mother is not Vietnamese.

Queen Mother 's Khmer Kampuchea krom and half European .