Monday, October 08, 2012

Surya Subedi – Enough Is Enough

Surya Subedi meets the press at Beung kak Lake-Phnom Penh

October 8, 2012
By Mu Sochua

Prof. Surya Subedi lets the government know there is a limit to his patience.

The U.N. rapporteur makes lengthy visits on a regular basis to Cambodia. Each visit takes him directly to the field and places where conflict occurs. His reports are not gathered in air-conditioned room.

As Cambodia is seeking a non-permanent seat at the UN Security Council and the number of “yea”votes is rising, it is of great concern to all that the violation of human rights and the rejection of UN reports can lead to a UN member state that can get away with major violations of human rights.

But that is not too unusual business in this world body. The international community shows no teeth to prime minister Hun Sen’s tactics of shutting down his critics. When will they realize that statements alone does not work.

The November visit of President Obama should be a good moment for the US to seize and to put human rights and free and fair conditions to this major event. Prime Minister Hun Sen does need the recognition of the West and in particular the of the U.S.A.

There is a good reason for signing the Obama petition.

I will meet with US officials at the State Department , in Washington this Thursday.

I will bring more than 10,000 thumbprints for the release of Mam Sonando and other co-defendants.
By Surya Subedi

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