Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Urgent Information: Sangkat Niroth residents to gather in front of the PP City Hall

This morning (24 Oct 12), the residents of Sangkat Niroth will be gathering in front of the Phnom Penh city hall. More info please contact: HRTF-Anti-Eviction Hotline: 068470480

Source: Phearum Sia


Anonymous said...

Here again, land grabbing issue and problem start again and again. Children no school to attend, seat on the street screaming and crying. Don't the damh parent suppose to send them to school? It is bullshut to see children on the street. My kids are at school, they don't involve in this shutties.

Anonymous said...

Well,if your land evicted or you are in jail,I bet your children would do the same,right????