KI-Media loves to hear from you, and we're giving you a bullhorn. We just ask that you keep things civil. Please leave out personal attacks, do not use profanity, ethnic or racial slurs, or take shots at anyone's sexual orientation or religion. We thank you for your cooperation!
Bravo, ah Chheang Vun! He usually sleeps during Assembly Meeting, when he wakes up he has a very good idea. Called people ah Phnorng, ah prey phsay Sic!!
Samdach Hun Sen gave Cambodia the freedom to live the way they thought best. Under CPP, There is no persecuttion in Cambodia, its people enjoy freedom of speech and liberty. There are lots of forests, animals, water, and rich farmland for all Cambodia to be used and prouded of. In addition of peace and prospirity, Cambodia now a day welcome all foreigners included Youn to live and work in Cambodia. ScamSR and his followers might have to sit down and creat an other party name after Pi Anh.ahahahahahahha
sometimes i do not hate the dog eaters as much as i do the dog of the dog eaters- the stupid Khmer who support and love the dog of the dog eaters. i want to see how sufferd they are under the viet control. i would say this is what you want just liike the existence of the Khmer Rouge, this is what you want.
ឈាង វុន គឺអាអត់ពូជ គឺវាខ្មែរមិនខ្មែរ យួនមិនយួន ចិនមិនចិន ???
Which HELL did AH Chheang Vun come from?
He looks like a ghost butcher !!
Go back to hell Ah Roleuy Chheang Vun aka Ah Ngyuen Van Bok !!
Update from hell:
The agreement between Sihanouk and Yumphubal is still in force:
Yumphubal will take Hun Sen to hell in 2013 the same way as Hok Lun Di went to hell.
Sihanouk just hit Ah Pham Van Dong's head with a sling Shot.
Ah Pi Anh is still licking Ah Ho Chi Minh'a asshole.
អាអត់ពូជឈាង វុន...
Yuon carries Khmer name. Chheang Vun is YUON.
He was the Vietname expert during 1979-92. That is clear why deal with Khmers people like this.
លោកឈាង វុនស្គាល់វប្បធម៌ជនជាតិដើម(ព្នង)
មួយពួកជនជាតិភាគតិច្ចទាំងនោះ។ វប្បធម៌កុល
សម្ពន័(ព្នង) កាលណាបើមានមនុស្សណាប្រព្រឹត្ត
ខុសមេ កន្ទ្រាញរបស់គេតែងបណ្តេញចេញពីក្រុម
គេ។ដូច្នេះ ទមិឡ ឈាង វុន នេះជាមនុស្សព្រៃសុទ្ធ
សូមបងប្អូនជួយតាមដាន មនុស្សព្រៃគ្មានការចេះ
ដឹងបែបឈាង វុន ជាមនុស្សឈ្លើងសង្គម៕
អា :
-ង្វៀងឈៀង វុន នេះមើល...
អាយួន "ឈៀង វុន" ចុយម្រាយ!
ពួកអា(ង្វៀង),អា(ហូ)ទាំងអស់នេះ ដូចជា :
-ឈៀង វុន
-ឡៅ ម៉ុងហៃ, ឡៅ ម៉េងគិន,
ឡាយ គឹមហ៊ាង,ឡេង ប៉េងឡុង,
លឺ ឡាយស្រេង,លី ធាងចេក,
-យឹម កិច្ចស៊ែ,យឹម ឆៃលី,យូ ប៊ុនឡេង,
-,ហូ ណាមបូវ៉ា,ហ៊ុន សែន,ហែម ហេង,ហេង សំរិន,ហេង ឡាយ,
-កាំង ហ្កេកអ៊ាវ,កៅ គឹមស្ហៀរ,គាត ឈុន,គី តិច,
-សុខ អាន,សុខ គង់,
ស៊ា កុសល់,ស៊ាន ប៉េងសែ,
សាម ហ៊ាង,សេង ធារី,
-អឹង យុក តិចហូ, អេង ឆៃអៀង,
ឱម យិនទៀង,
-ចាន់ សារុន,ចៀម យីប,ជា លាង,ជុំ កុសល,
-តាវ សេងហួរ,តូច ប៊ុនហួរ,
-ខៀវ កញ្ញារឹទ្ធិ,ងួន ធីញ៉ឹល,វ៉ា គិម ហុង,
-ពុង ប៉េងចេង, ពុង ខៀវសែ,ពុង ឈីវហ្កេច,
មួ សុខហួរ,សេង ធារី,...etc...
Bravo, ah Chheang Vun! He usually sleeps during Assembly Meeting, when he wakes up he has a very good idea. Called people ah Phnorng, ah prey phsay Sic!!
Ah nis yuon puon nov srok khmer teh ter...
1.19 AM
You are so confused, you don't know what you are talking about. I hope you were not a former Khmer Rouge killer.
Samdach Hun Sen gave Cambodia the freedom to live the way they thought best. Under CPP, There is no persecuttion in Cambodia, its people enjoy freedom of speech and liberty. There are lots of forests, animals, water, and rich farmland for all Cambodia to be used and prouded of. In addition of peace and prospirity, Cambodia now a day welcome all foreigners included Youn to live and work in Cambodia. ScamSR and his followers might have to sit down and creat an other party name after Pi Anh.ahahahahahahha
sometimes i do not hate the dog eaters as much as i do the dog of the dog eaters- the stupid Khmer who support and love the dog of the dog eaters.
i want to see how sufferd they are under the viet control. i would say this is what you want just liike the existence of the Khmer Rouge, this is what you want.
Ah cheang van is youn sot sat.
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