Wednesday, November 07, 2012

His Majesty and Mom ! ព្រះអង្គម្ចាស់នឹង ម្ចាស់ម៉ែ !


Anonymous said...

អាមួយក្បាលនេះគឺអានរោត្តម សីហមុនីគ្មានបានធ្វើអ្វីជាប្រយោជន៏ដល់ប្រទេសខ្មែរនឹងប្រជារាស្រ្តខ្មែរក្រៅអំពីចុះហត្ថលេខាប្រគល់ទឹកដីរបស់ខ្មែរឧ្យទៅយួនតាមសិទ្ធិសញ្ញាបំពេញបន្ថែមកាលពីឆ្នាំ២០០៥នោះទេ ?
សូមកូនខ្មែរណាដែលមិនបានដឺងអំពីរឿងនេះ ? សូមយល់ដឺងចាប់តាំងពីថ្ងៃនេះតទៅ​ថាអាស្តាចម៌
មួយក្បាលនេះជាស្តាចម៌ក្បត់ជាតិខ្មែរ ? អានេះវាមិនមែនខ្មែរសុទ្ធទេ ?អានេះកូនកាត់យួន ​ ។
ម៉ែអានរោត្តមសីហមុនីនេះឈ្មោះមីម៉ូនិកជាជនជាតិយួន​។ ម៉ែមីម៉ូនិកជាយួន ឪមីម៉ូនិកឈ្មោះ 
នឹងអ៊ីតាលី ។

Anonymous said...

AH Gay King Sihamony soul is with his gay boyfriend in South Korea.

Anonymous said...

He is the most ugliest king of Cambodian. He also is the most dumb king who never had a degree in economic.

who is going to need the dancing major unless you want to be on YouTube.

This is the 20th Century and we don't need more king and queen. We need a democaracy only.

Anonymous said...

សង្គមខ្មែរសព្វថ្ងៃគឺ ជា.....គុក......
របស់អាគណប័ក្សប្រជាជនយួន (អាCPP)។
(សម័យPol Pot)
-អាឌុច គឺជា....មេគុកS-21!...
-ទាំងព្រះសពព្រះមហាក្សត្រខ្មែរព្រះនរោត្តម សីហនុ
សុទ្ធតែជា (ទណ្ឌិត)....ក្នុង(គុកយួនCPP)ទាំងអស់!
ដូច្នេះ! បើខ្មែរទាំងពលរដ្ឋ-ទាំងស្ដេចខ្មែរ មិននាំគ្នារើបំរះពីអាយ៉ង​យួនទេ ខ្មែររង់ចាំតែថ្ងៃងាប់ប៉ុណ្ណោះ….!

Anonymous said...

Him and his family are selfish. They don't care for Khmers. I don't care if he is gay or whatever. Most Westerns gay are very intelligent, proactive....but this Khmers king is beyond weak, should I say this well he just plain STUPID. But then again, it's not too late for him to help Khmers if he has the brain.

Anonymous said...

Ah Sihamonii is a gay king, every time Khmer are crying outside his palace, this gay KIng sihamonii get his cleaner to beat the khmer outside the palace back into the street. AH Gay Sihamonii is stupid thats why AH Hun Sen uses him to suck his gay boyfriends.

Anonymous said...

ពួកអាសត្វឆ្កែអស់ឯងមុននឹងព្រុសដាក់ព្រះអង្គមានបានយកខួរក្បាលមកគិតទេថា តើតាមច្បាប់រដ្ឋធម្មនុញ្ញព្រះអង្គមានអំណាចប៉ុណ្ណា?ហើយអាណាជាស្តេចពិតប្រាកដនាបច្ចុប្បន្ននេះ?ស្តេចពិតប្រាកដគឺហ៊ុនសែនណា

Anonymous said...

I Learned Khmer languages for 4 years I understood more than these low class Khmers who posted the article and posted their comments.

Hi Majesty and Mom should be said in Khmers "Peah Moha Ksat and Preah Mieda".

Anonymous said...

Ah.Mee Preits Beisach 7:52 AM, 8:56 AM, 9:37 AM, 10:45 AM, and 10:48 AM.
Have you ever thought that you may be collapsed with stroke while eating or talking?

Think about you own damn evil mind and evil deeds before you make assumption about the ones you hate.

Look at your stupid life and how you treat each others in your very own family members before you curse the King.

You are not human but Ah/Mee Preit from Hell.

GOD may help the King for being born gay. You know why? So ah Yuon kantorb/CPP won't be able to seduce/corrupt him with Yuon to take Khmer throne.

If I know who you are I will drag you out from your mother hole and kick you on the head, so you won't be so dumb and so evil.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mi Yuon 7:52 AM
Your same propaganda dividing Khmer is getting too stinky.
Since you brag to know too much then who was the Queen Mom's mother? Why is the Queen Mom, Yuon if her father is French-Italian?

The Queen mother is Khmer born from a Khmer mother and a French/Italian father. She was in French country colonized by Napoleon.

Keep cursing and falsifying story so you will be sent to hell to be punished for your evil heart.

Anonymous said...

9:37 AM
What??? Why do I have to read the stupid person like you posting stupid thing on the internet?

Who requires the Monarch to have economics degree?
Did Queen Elizabeth II have economics degree?
Did King Bhumibol have economics degree?
Did Queen Beatrice of Netherland have economics degree?
Did Sulatan of Brunei have economics degree?
Did King of Jordan have economics degree? ...

FYI, you are too stupid that the occupation of King or Queen doe snot require economics degree to becoming King or Queen, any degree is fine. The King is only a symbol o funity. The King in Cambodia or Queen in England only reigns but not rule. The Prime minister rules

Before you make stupid comment like that you should check Google how one can becoming King/Queen.

Oh now you talk about "Democracy"?
Do you understand what is "Democracy"?

"Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Democracy allows eligible citizens to participate equally—either directly or through elected representatives—in the proposal, development, and creation of laws. It encompasses social, economic and cultural conditions that enable the free and equal practice of political self-determination."

Under Hun Sen the Yuon puppet Don't you dream of Democracy, but dictator and Communist only.

Anonymous said...

Guys stop fucking at each other. If you guys don't, Viet will take advantage on us and will take over Cambodia easily, like Khmer Krom land.

Anonymous said...

correct' to 12;46pm
FYI, you are too stupid that the occupation of King or Queen doe snot require economics degree to becoming King or Queen, any degree is fine. The King is only a symbol of unity. The King in Cambodia or Queen in England only reigns but not rule. The Prime minister rules

Anonymous said...

12:48 PM
Those posts at 7:52 AM, 8:56 AM, 9:37 AM, 10:45 AM, and 10:48 AM
are not GUYS but old fart men/women or Yuon in disguise who keep dividing Khmers.

This fake story of Queen mother is Yuon stated by Yuon propaganda along with the evil Khmer Buddhists in royal family members.

The funny things the more they have tried to accuse her as Yuon, the more "love and protection" God have for her and her son. :)

Yuon and Khmer Buddhists are the most evil people on this planet. May they rest in hell for eternity.

Anonymous said...

Ah CHkae Youn, no need to look into the King and Queen of Europe, why are you to ashame to compare the King of Cambodia to the King of Thailand??

Even the King of Thailand is cruel to outsiders, but protects his own people and country. But Ah Gay King SIhaomni and Mi Youn whore Monique, had many incest sex, thats why AH Gay King SIhamoni turned out gay.

Do you want to suck Ah Sihamoni dick? Ah Siahnouk penis si still cold waiting fro you mouth.

Anonymous said...

Hi ah.mee Yuon Thmart 1:16 PM

Let be civilized a little bit, will you?
Did you say that the King should have economics degree?
Thailand and Cambodia do no share the same situation. Thailand and S Korea are the two nations protected by the US, and Cambodia is not.

Monarchy in Thailand is an absolute monarchy with "lese Majesty" whereas Monarchy in Cambodia is not.

Since you carry Yuon propaganda non-stop dividing Khmers then tell us why is the Queen mother is Yuon if her mother was Khmer and father was French-Italian?

Are you that too crazy to say that a person who was born gay because of incest in the family?

When your son, daughter or grand children become gay, do you say you commit incest fucking your own kids and own parents that was why they turn to be gay?

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that our King is gay. In that case pourk ah.mee Yuon/CPP cannot seduce corrupting him.

God save the King, King Sihamoni and the queen mother.

Anonymous said...

Queen Yeay is 50% Khmer 25% Italian and 25% French. Her mother, Madame or Lady Pomme Peang was attractive and beautiful woman when she was young, many men desired her. Her older daughter HRH princess Nanette looked a lot like her. Lady Pomme Peang was a step daughter of Prince (HRH) Norodom DoungChak, one of King Norodom's son. And HRH Norodom Doungchak was a great-great grand father of Lady Norodom Soma who wrote "We should be United" to Phnom Penh Post.

Queen Yeay and her old sister raised in the house of prince Sisowath Sirimatak.

Many evil Khmers tried to hard to destroy/kill her, her sister and her mother, but the evils Khmers did not succeed until now.

Pross Sangha said...

King Sihamoni looks exactly like his father, the late King Sihanouk.
Queen Mother is old and she looks more and more like her mother Mrs. Peang, Pomme who died in Beijing.

Anonymous said...

She is Khmer but why some low class people cursing her and calling her Yuon?
Are these people who hate her "Yuon" themselves of just simply block heads who accused people because of jealousy and hate?

She does not look Yuon at all. She looks mixed Khmer and European. Because of her cheek bone is large just like Khmers. Yuon is very small and thinner and their cheek bone is narrower smaller.

She was born in French land former Khmer Krom land, but the haters made up story for they have too much hate.

GOD did not help the haters, so they ended up suffer and many were dead. But one of them is in Paris named Srey Pov, the whore princess.

Anonymous said...

ar-choy-mray sihakmuny your fucking mother was joint with khmerouge as well as your fucking father so khmerouge tribunal will arest your fucking mother soon

ar-choy-mray norodomfamily you will die all

khmerouge tribunal must call MONEK to tell the true she the one was joint with khmerouge

Anonymous said...

ar-choy-mray sihakmuny your fucking mother was joint with khmerouge as well as your fucking father so khmerouge tribunal will arest your fucking mother soon

ar-choy-mray norodomfamily you will die all

khmerouge tribunal must call MONEK to tell the true she the one was joint with khmerouge

Anonymous said...

monek sould be arest she was work with her husband as you can see in the picture Mrs monik MUST take to the khmerougr tribunal

Anonymous said...

Hi Yuon 3:17 PM/3:19 PM/3:23 PM
Why don't you write in your own Yuon language instead of your broken English not many understand?

Yeah arrest my azz. Come here to Utah so I can kick your head and shit on it.

Anonymous said...

3:19 PM
Ah.mee choy ovpuk/mday 3:18pm. Do you know that KR trial created by Yuon to make money?

Anonymous said...

to ar-choy-mray 3:30 i was send my e.mail to khmerouge tribunal to call MI-PROR-HORNG-TOM =KAN-DUY-TOM monik sould be arrest ,she was work with the khmerouge with ar-sihanuk so soon we will push the khmerouge tribunal to call her soon you see motherfucker 3:30pm

Anonymous said...

to ar-choy-mray 3:30 i was send my e.mail to khmerouge tribunal to call MI-PROR-HORNG-TOM =KAN-DUY-TOM monik sould be arrest ,she was work with the khmerouge with ar-sihanuk so soon we will push the khmerouge tribunal to call her soon you see motherfucker 3:30pm

Anonymous said...

yes,she work with her husband all along we have a lot of proof that she was joint with the pol pot and khiev sam phorn

yes she must be arrest don't let she get out time to arrest queen don't let they run a way she should tell the true if she don't we will kill her

Pross Sangha said...

Suon Sok wrote: "His Majesty and Mom ! ព្រះអង្គម្ចាស់ នឹង ម្ចាស់ម៉ែ !"

This is INCORRECT. If Khmer like Suon Sok cannot write Khmers properly, Yuon are laughing at us.
"His Majesty and Mom" is correct
but in Khmer "ព្រះអង្គម្ចាស់ នឹង ម្ចាស់ម៉ែ" is WRONG.
1) "ព្រះអង្គម្ចាស់" refers to Prince and Princess or children of the monarch (King).
2) "His Majesty" refers to the "King", so it should be "Preah Raja (or Preah Reavhea) and Samdech Mae (or Sandech Meada).

Anonymous said...

Hi Mee.Ah Yuon 3:47 PM/3:48 PM/3:58 PM

Go and fuck your own mother, daughter and son, and stop your insanity. I told you that KR trial created by your Yuon to make money from donors.

Come to Colorado I will poke your stinky azz with a hot iron.

Leave Khmers' queen mother alone.

Anonymous said...

i a gree with 3:58 pm mother queen should go to tell the true at the khmerouge tribunal we have a lot of her picture was joint with khmerouge if she love khmer people or she must kick vietname out to show that she love khmer people if she don't that mean she is a murder as well as her husband

Pross Sangha said...

3:47 PM/3:48 PM/3:58 PM

Why don't you write in Khmers or Yuon? your English is terrible worse than a child 2 years old. An old fart like you cannot write and cannot understand anything about Cambodia, beside using nasty words like Manuss BAT PhSAR and who is going to listen to your BAT PhSar letter?

Anonymous said...

well yes ,we have seen a lot of her picture joint with the pol pot with her husband she must go to the khmerouge to tell the world she must knew some thing and the khmerouge tribunal should call the queen to tell what was her husband was hide if she don't she must be arrest

Anonymous said...

every one now we send e.mail to ask the khmerouge tribunal to call the queen came to tell the true while she was joint with the POL POT with her husband don't let the murder go a way

Pross Sangha said...

4:05 PM
This day Pictures are like movie, they cannot use as evidence. Because enemy can CUT and make it different from the original ones. The queen mother was just a wife a small person with no power like China, Hanoi, Soviet and US.

Like someone said that Khmer rouge Trial is a fake trial created by Viet Hanoi to fool Khmer people and to collect million of dollars from foreigners. She had nothing to do with beside following her husband.

The people who responsible for the tragedy in Cambodia were Vietnam, China, US and Soviet. I think Thailand too but mainly Vietnam expansionism.
If you can read French and English, this website has all for you to learn who were behind killing Khmers.

Anonymous said...

the queen no more dick she may use the vibrator or her finger in her pussy ....will you believe or not ??? her pussy will be itchy

Pross Pov said...

4:15 PM/4:20 PM
Relax old man. Your hyper behavior makes enemy so happy.
Can you make any sense at all?
Just because you have pictures of her with Khmer Rouge does not make her a criminal.

Are you paid by Yuon to act suspiciously dividing Khmer people?

There can never have any warrant for arrest those who posed pictures with the serial killer, if they were in captivity.
Not in a civilized court like US or European nations. May be your communist court yeahh.

Anonymous said...

4:29 PM
You must be sick whore from HELL. If I have the power I will hang you alive. You psychopath fucker.

Anonymous said...

this queen must call or arrest she alway with communist all the time so sould not let this queen go a way

Anonymous said...

this psychopath 4:29pm/4;37pm is not a normal animal. it is a monster from hell.
so what is she was with the communists, million of them were. the country was communist and so everyone was communist.

why don't you drop dead and be in hell?

Anonymous said...

this queen sould be question what so ever ,because,she alway with her husbamd during POL POT the court must call for question

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the queen pussy will have a new dick ? will see how long she can hold ? or she use the vibrator ? or she ask Mr hor 5 hong for suck her pussy or Mr khiev kha-gha-reth to lick her pussy ?

Anonymous said...

4:44 PM
Do you mean Yuon/Hun Xen's court?
Every wife should be with her husband. Nothing wrong with that.

You too you should be with your husband instead of being crazy by yourself.

Anonymous said...

4:50 PM
Wow, you are going down too low. Are you an animal or Preit from hell?

Anonymous said...

This 4:50 PM is called a Khmer low class and Yukom bat P'Sar. These kind or people cannot be reasoned with.

Anonymous said...

i believe the queen will ask Mr thom-mikor to fuck her pussy soon

Mr thom-mikor will take over ar-shihanuk

Mr thom-mi kor take your time and do your best with the wrinkle pussy

Anonymous said...

the queen pussy need a long dick to reach Gspot or two man

Anonymous said...

Shut up mee Yuon chumkourt 5:00 PM
You are real sick.

Anonymous said...

khmerouge tribunal must call queen monik for a question during POL POT regime

Anonymous said...

Yuon has one job is to DIVIDE Khmers, and this person who insult the Queen mother is purely Yuon.

Yuon pretend to call for KR trial, and Yuon keep dividing Khmers come all forms.

Anonymous said...

Yuon have million tricks. Pretending to curse the queen to please one small group of Khmers at outside of Cambodia to fight with Khmers in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Yuon have too many tricks to destroy and divide Khmers. This Yuon is aggressively dividing Khmers, so Khmers cannot move ahead.

Anonymous said...

Hey, fucking haters! what about stopping spreading shit and homophobic comments and move your stinky ass from your computer or else and help the country if you're that better than them, huh? That just pissed me off, just good at barking. Have a minimum of respect for them even if you don't like/love or can't stand them.

Long Live to the Queen-mother and King Sihamoni.
From France.

Anonymous said...

5;27 pm,
It is another Yuon tricks to divide Khmers.
Yuon created Pol Pot.
Yuon helped Pol Pot
Yuon chased Pol Pot out
Yuon created Hun Sen
Yuon created Khmer Rouge trial making million US dollars.
When Yuon saw all Khmers in Cambodia mourning the King, Yuon now found a new way to divide Khmers in Cambodia and Khmers out of Cambodia. So Yuon pretend to curse the queen mother and calling for KRT again claiming the Khmer queen mother is with Communists with her husband.

Yuon have only one JOB is to make Khmers fight Khmers, to weak Khmers.

Anonymous said...

I knew from the beginning that crazy person who cursed our King and our queen mother is Yuon,

Because Yuon have ONLY ONE Job is to DIVIDE Khmers from Uniting. This Yuon divider trying to break Khmers apart, we knew.

Anonymous said...

5:27 PM
Why do you expect Yuon to help Khmers?

Yuon have only one JOB is to DIVIDE Khmners. And that hater is Yuon.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, guys I don't mean Yuon to help khmer (Yuon are all useless)... I mean khmers who are against Mornarchy and just here to look down on the Royal Family... etc.

Anonymous said...

The Monarchy hates Youn?

If the monarcy hates the Youn, why did Ah CHkae SIhanouk allowed the Vietcong to set their base in Cambodia? Why did AH SIhanouk became a Khmer ROuge and asked the country to join the Youn and the Khmer Rouge?

AH CHkae chkoot you need to educate yourself. If you want to fuck SIhanouk's youn whore Monqiue. You can. AH SIhanouk will join her after you are done. Ah Chkae CHkoot.

What exactly did Ah chkae Sihanouk did to Khmer since the Pol Pot regime that helped Khmer kicked Youn out of the country? Or specifically what did Ah Gay SIhamonii do to help the country when they seek his help when they land and their houses are burnt down crying for intervention. AH CHkae CHkoot.

Anonymous said...

ព្រះមហាក្សត្រខ្មែរព្រះនរោត្តម សីហមុនីព្រះអង្គគ្មានអំណាចទេ ។
មិនមែនជាជនជាតិយួន ដូចការចោទប្រកាន់,ជេរប្រមាថ ,បរិហាកេរ្កិ៍, ញុះញង់ ,មើលងាយ
-ពូជពង្សស្ដេចខ្មែរលោកក៏ជាខ្មែរ, ដូចពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរយើងដែរ!
សព្វថ្ងៃនេះ ម៉ា-នគរស្មែរ (ÑÂM̀B́ƠĐỈÂ),
គឺអាង្វៀងហ៊ុន សែន!...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

replied to loser 12:46 PM

You are the most stupid person who ever posted stupid comment.

You compared the loser King Sihamony to the Great Britist Queen Elizabet II, and other great king leaders who did not have economic degree?

For sure, They don't have alot dancing losers in the palace in their countries. However, those countries they know how to hire many smart people such as doctors and best economic people to assit them.

Also Many of these great leaders, they ruled the world and their countries are alot richers many times more than Cambodians.

Many nations speak English because Great Bristist Queen Elizabet II. However, the King of Cambodian know how killed 3 million people of its own and know how to give our land such as Kosh Tral to Viet.

Other countries have nice pave roads and many public bathrooms. Their countries were not filthy like Cambodian. I can go On and On.

Once again, You are just an azz kisser like the rest of Cambodians.

You can not "improve" our country if you can't acept full responsiblity.

Anonymous said...

11:16 PM

A: Why am I stupid for making remarks toward your nonsense claiming by you that the King did not even have economics degree?
Where are the requirements that every monarch should earn economics degree?

A: Why not? You said the monarch should have possessed "Economics degree" and it odes not matter whose monarch is rich or poor, you get to bring them all to prove your claim that not the world monarch should possess "economics degree". To becoming King or Queen, it is not by choice of the person but by the members of each royal court or by who will be next in line (Heir).
So I proved your claim to be the most uneducated person on Monarchy system and on Yuon Expansionism in Cambodia.

A: If they don't have a lot of dancing, is it King Sihamoni's faults for he was chosen by Kings' maker? Hire what? I want you to read and learn to understand that this current King is not a ruler but he only reigns. He has no power to rule the country, and why would you make such a stupid comment that the King should hire somebody to assist the country economy? It is Hun Sen and his clans' job to do that. If King Sihamoni has power like King Bhumibol who reigns and rules both, I am sure he would, but the King of Cambodia does not have power. He is a puppet only.

A: Why would you make another stupid comment claiming that Cambodia should be rich like others while you have no knowledge that Yuon are all over in Cambodia con-quested Khmer Economy through their puppets Hun Sen, Chea Sim and Heng Samrin? When the enemy (Yuon) destroyed the souls of Khmers means they are among living as Khmers speaking Khmers etc., why would you even make this stupid comment that Cambodia is going to be rich while Yuon are everywhere since 1800's robbing Khmers in all regions? When Yuon becoming Khmers like Mrs. Men Sam-An, Hor Namhong, etc.. how are you going to kick them out? There are about 6 millions of them among Khmers? You don't seem to understand anything not to mention understand about monarchy system.

A; So what this English becoming International Language has anything to do with other non-English languages? English is the easiest to learn so the world voted for it. The US found by the English men, so the US senate voted for English as its language, and the other nations followed.

A: No, the King of Cambodia did dot kill hsi own people, but that is from Yuon straight propaganda to divide Khmers and who are you anyway trying to hide Yuon crimes killing Khmers, Cham, Montagnards and lao people? When someone accused Khmer King of killing Khmers that person is either Yuon or stupid Khmers who follow Yuon propaganda to divide Khmers. You are either Yuon or stupid Khmer like Hun Sen et al.

A: And why blame the poor King who has no power? Go one so it makes you even look more Yuon who has ONE Job to divide Khmer people.

A: I am glad I am with my million Khmers supporting my King while you are a divider from Yuon Hanoi trying to divide my Khmer people.

A: No one can improve the country as long as there are some stupid people around talking nonsense such as yourself following Yuon's trick.

Anonymous said...

When Khmers unite under monarchy, then Yuon come out attacking dividing Khmers. This 7:28 PM is Yuon among many Yuon who can speak can write Khmers like Ly Ngoc Dinh (Ly Diep).

Yuon make sure Khmer people cannot UNITE.

Anonymous said...

Creating a division among Khmers are first from Yuon, then Yuon brainwashed stupid Khmers.

Yuon sent a Sino-Yuon woman to be married prince Sihanouk, so to kill him. She ended up married a Sino-Khmer Medical Doctor, and prince Sihanouk married his 7th Khmer-French/Italian wife princess Monique instead. Then a few days later at Psa Kapkor (kill cow Market), the piece bodies of that Sino-Yuon was found in a plastic bag (hands, leg, head were cut apart).

The beautiful Sino-Yuon woman did not complete the mission to kill prince Sihanouk, then she was killed for not doing her job as a spy.

Then later among Khmer royal family members, the new divison created by Yuon spreading all over saying Mrs. Pomme Peang was Yuon and so her two daughters and it was pleased those evil Khmers so much. But you know GOD was on good people' side that was why this queen mother was saved and lived on with her husband. Her enemies were dead.

Pomme Peang's daughters were raised in the house of prince Sirimatak since they were little kids after their father Izzi went back to France and passed away. Not sure if prince Sirimatak and Pomme Peang were lover or not, but he raised her two daughters.

One of the main person who sent false words were queen Kosoma, then Norodom Norleak aka Srey Pov. Srey Pov real mother (concubine of King Monivong) was Sino-Khmer. She had a lot of servants and some could be Yuon spies.

I knew this real story because my mother's aunt was also King Sihanouk's concubine and she knew a lot about the plots to kill Pomme Peang and killed her two daughters by another concubines of prince Sihanouk.
Yuon used that to divide Khmers, and Khmers used that to break prince Sihanouk from Pomme Peang's daughters.

Too many plots to divide and to kill each others among Khmers created by Yuon like in the movie. The facts Pomme Peang was beautiful and so her two daughters, and they're all pure Khmers than the accusers who carry Yuon propaganda.


Anonymous said...

Ah Chkae chkoot, if the Gay King Sihamonii have no real power why is AH Gay King Sihamonii releasing pedofiles, and allowing pedofiles to continues to rape your children?

If ah Gay Sihamonii have no real power why is AH Gay Sihamonii signing away the land treaties to Youn?

Why do we need Ah Gay Sihamonii Ah CHkae CHkoot

Anonymous said...

If really he has no power why he still reign as a king and if he has a khmer heart he has to leave to live in France, Beijing or Pyongyang. Do not reign as king and still not hear about khmer people's suffer.

Anonymous said...

Hi Doggy 4:42 AM,

Are you too stupid to understand the word "PUPPET"? The King has no power, he is only a puppet of Hun Xen.

The Puppet King is the King controlled by others such as Hun Xen.

A puppet does what he or she tells to do. The King was ordered to sign and seal. Hun Xen uses the King to fool the public so all Hun Xen's crimes will be the King whose to blame.

Anonymous said...

5:57 AM
Eh, are you Yuon or Khmer? Why are you so stupid asking stupid question like that?
This King only REIGNS not RULE. Hun Sen rules. "Reign" means the King is only a symbol or a father to his poor people. He is a PUPPET. He is there because his million poor people love him and fell even he and them are in Hun Xen's jail at least they are together and will die together.
The King visits his poor people and he brings food, clothes to them. He also builds them homes, and he continues to do so in-spite of he is Hun Sen's prisoner.

You hate him and you insult him and you want him to leave his country, Cambodia while his million poor people cry for him to stay? Are you Yuon? Why cannot Khmer people love and want their King to stay in jail with them.

Hun Xen uses this tricks by pretending to show respect to the King because Hun Xen knew million Khmer people love him, and Hun Xen has tried to fool Khmers.

You should leave million Khmers who love their King alone.

And don't go to Cambodia curse their King, and if you do, they will axe your head off from your body.

Anonymous said...

YUON Have many TRICKS to DIVIDE Khmers not to be United. When million Khmers love and mourn their King, YUON have new tricks by insulting their King.

Khmers Can never be UNITED as long as Yuon exist.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 11:05AM
You know he likes to be Hun Sen's puppet. Do you before being KING his mom went to see Hun Sen and Chea Sim many and many time at their house ... to beg them for his son to be king. Shame to and shame. So Hun Sen can order that he wanted and want ... and he continues. If our king has a head and intelligent head he has to quit and denounce Hun Sen instead of staying to be an idiot king ! Because of him and his Mom by begging HS and CS.
BTW I am not yuon but I hate to be puppet like him .

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 11:05AM
You know he likes to be Hun Sen's puppet. Do you know, before being KING his Mom went to see Hun Sen and Chea Sim many and many times at their house ... to beg them for his son to be king. Shame to and shame. So Hun Sen can order what he wanted and want ... and he continues to order. If our king has a head and intelligent head he has to quit and denounce Hun Sen instead of staying to be an idiot king ! Because of him and his Mom by begging HS and CS.
BTW I am not yuon and I hate to be puppet like him .

Anonymous said...

(SUON SOK)....នេះជាអត្ថបទចិត្ត​សាស្រ្ត
កុម្មុយនីស្ត,ក្នុងគោលបំណង គឺវាចង់ ដុតកំដៅឧ្យខ្មែរនិងខ្មែរ(ទាំងពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ-ទាំងពូជពង្សស្ដេចខ្មែរ) ក្នុងប្រទេស-ក្រៅប្រទេសឧ្យបែកបាក់គ្នា ប្រយោជន៍ដើម្បីវាងាយ លេបយកស្រុកខ្មែរ

Anonymous said...

SUON SOK .......នេះជាយួនយៀកកុង!