Friday, November 09, 2012

News Article: CEDAC calls for farmers to focus on rice seed selection for improving yield

Dear Press,

CEDAC has been working for years in promoting farmers to improve local rice seeds.

As Cambodian farmers are now starting their rice harvest, CEDAC would like to call for farmers to select their best panicles from healthy plants to store as seeds to be used during the next season.

It is the right time for farmers to select rice seeds for the next season. CEDAC is therefore introducing some urgent technical measures to be taken by farmers so that rice yields can be increased next year.

For more details, please refer to the attached press release in Khmer.

Thanks and best regards,

Him Khortieth
Communication Officer
Cambodian Center for Study and Development in Agriculture (CEDAC)
#119, St 257, Teuk Laak1, Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh

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