Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Obama Could Push for Fair Elections in November Visit, Opposition Says

US President Barack Obama speaks at his last campaign rally in Des Moines, Iowa, on November 5, 2012.

His visit comes with a new “pivot” to Asia policy, which has seen greater US engagement in the region.

06 Nov 2012
By Men Kimeng, VOA Khmer

WASHINGTON DC- No matter who wins Tuesday’s election in the US, the current president, Barack Obama, will make a scheduled visit to Cambodia later this month to attend meetings with Asian leaders.

Sam Rainsy, the head of the new Cambodia National Rescue Party, says the US president could use his visit to push for free and fair elections in Cambodia next year.

That would put him alongside other international supporters for an improved election in July 2013, such as the UN, European parliamentarians, Australia and the Philippines, he told VOA Khmer.

The UN’s special rights envoy to Cambodia, Surya Subedi, has made specific recommendations on how Cambodia can better its election process, including by allowing the full participation of Sam Rainsy.

I believe that President Barack Obama will support the UN,” said Sam Rainsy, who is in exile and faces 12 years in prison on charges he says are politically motivated.

Obama is scheduled to be in Cambodia Nov. 18 to Nov. 20, attending meetings in the East Asia Summit, which will be held along with a major Asean summit, chaired by Cambodia. His visit comes with a new “pivot” to Asia policy, which has seen greater US engagement in the region.

US Embassy spokesman Sean McIntosh said US participation in the meetings is to “promote peace, prosperity and stability in the region.”

But the US has also started to take a closer look at Cambodia itself.

Kurt Campbell, the top US diplomat for East Asia, told the Associated Press last week that the US is concerned with measures the government has taken against dissent, including opposition officials, civic organizations and individuals.

But whether that concern will play out during Obama’s visit is an open question.

Kao Kim Hourn, a secretary of state for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told VOA Khmer talks will not include human rights and democracy. “There should not be misunderstanding or confusion,” he said.

However, Sam Rainsy said it is now time for more international involvement in Cambodia’s troubles.

“Now the whole world is paying attention to Cambodia, to demand true democracy,” he said.


Anonymous said...

KI base upon your info OBAMA would come to visit Cambodia prior to the November 6Th Election and now you think he cares about Cambodia ? DEMOCRATX!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OBAMA! cares about khmer! I don't think so..wait and see! Obama is going to attend the asean. I think OBAMA is focusing more on gina, not Ah HUN SEN or Ah khmer plure. Khmers are too much PLUR.

Anonymous said...

Obama is re-elected for 4 more years. China is happy with Obama won this 2nd term, but Vietnam is not happy about it. Because Obama won't help Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

Obama will be in Phnom Penh for USA , not for Sam Ransi nor even for Cambodia .
As long as the situation of Cambodia won't disturb super powers or other ASEAN
countries to do business in the region , Obama won't do much for up coming
election in Cambodia which , of course , won't be free and fair with newly selected
NEC and Sam Ransi will surely loose . Uprising is only choice left but not from far
abroad , Sam RANSI must lead within , uphill battle against newly purchased TANKS .But how many die-hard fighters will rally on Rainsi'side ???

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen et son clan ont donné la terre et mer Khmer au Viet. C'est la faute de Rainsy!!! Des millions immigrations Viet sont entrés illégalement au Cambodge, C'est la faute de Rainsy!!! Le 7 janvier 1979, l'invasion des Youns au Cambodge,c'est la faute de Sam Rainsy!!En 1997, il y avait eu un coup d'état sanglant en plein jour à Phnom Penh: c'est la faute de Rainsy!!!
Hun Sen a signé des traités complémentaire en 2005 pour donner la terre et mer Khmer au Viet: c'est la faute de Rainsy!!! Hun Sen est un homme parfait!!! Il est unique éternel dans ce monde d'avoir trahi son peuple, sa race, sa nation Khmère.Bon courage à Hun Sen et son clan en particulier Phay Siphan.

Hun Sen and his clan have given the land and sea Khmer Viet. It is the fault of Rainsy! Millions immigration Viet entered Cambodia, it is the fault of Rainsy! In 1997, there had been a bloody coup in broad daylight in Phnom Penh is the fault Rainsy!
Hun Sen has signed treaties in 2005 to provide additional land and sea Khmer Viet: it is the fault of Rainsy! Hun Sen is a perfect man! It is unique and eternal in this world have betrayed his people, his race, his nation Khmer. Good luck to Hun Sen and his clan in particular Phay Siphan.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia is not Sam Rainsy's only
country. if People believe in being controlled and managed by the Viet
and Viet's puppet, let it be so.
No one including Hun sen or Sam Rainsy will live a hundred years old.

Anonymous said...

Anybody who opposes Obama from visiting Cambodia should kill themselves because Obama don't listen to you!

Anonymous said...

Cambodian will welcome the Free world leader Obama, The Cambodia national rescue party will have to cry and swallow shit again, because no one in the world would listen to them. It seems to me that those oppositions and their stupid supporters have to learn how to rescue them self first before they're thinking about rescue others. Just look at their party logo, it looks like an egg is about to explode all over their faces. further more people in Cambodia would like to see ScamSR his his party dis-sapper from Cambodia politic. Sooner and later the stupid khmer oversea will stop support them as well. By the way those brain dead ScamSR supporters are wasting their money and times for nothing, their party is guarantee failure....loser go home and clean my dirty toilet...Long Live My hero Hun Sen, Fuck all the cockroaches dumb fuck ScamSr supporters...Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

Vietnamese/Yuon Dog Eater Pi Anh @12:23 AM - When are you going to free the innocent dogs that your stole and capture to make yourself so wealthy to sell dog meat illegally from Cambodia to your Dumb Yuon/Vietnamese Dog Eaters in the criminal Vietnam?

Anonymous said...

To Pi Anh,

I pee on Ah Pi Anh !!!