Friday, November 02, 2012

Queen Monineath's Message to the Nation

Her Majesty Queen Mother Norodom Monineath Sihanouk published a letter thanking all the public including cabinet members and the clergy for showing up in mass to receive the Royal Body of Late King Father on 17-10-2012 braving the scorching sun heat and rains and Her Majesty Queen Mother and His Majesty King Norodom Sihamoni expressed Their most profound heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all the people of Cambodia and vowed to served the People and the Nation till Death does them apart.

Their Majesties also thank gracefully all relevant government institutions and the clergy for having swiftly assisted in the organization of the religious ceremonies and for showing their unrepentant love to the late King Father.

Their Majesties also thank profoundly the Chinese Government and Doctors for having attended to the Late King Father’s Health over the last 42 years meticulously. The Chinese doctors already advised Their Majesties since the last 2 years that His Majesty Late King Father’s Heart condition was worsening.

His Majesty King Father over the last few months had not eaten much nor slept much neither did He talk much. He just kept quiet and kept praying to Buddha on daily basis. Three weeks before His Majesty Late King Father passed away, He already started to develop some syndromes and the Chinese Doctors have done their very best to find remedy to cure Him.

In the evening of October 14, His Majesty Late King Father experienced serious chess pain and we escorted Him immediately to Beijing Hospital on emergency basis. Her Majesty Queen Mother then phoned His Majesty King Norodom Sihamoni from the hospital to notify Him of Late King Father’s condition and that was the last time His Majesty Late King Father spoke to His Son and nobody else afterwards.

On Behalf Of His Majesty late King Father, Her Majesty Queen Mother thanked again the Chinese Government for their continued support in all sort both moral and material and care in the past as a most dear friend of Cambodia since 1955.

Her Majesty Queen Mother again expressed Her heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all government institutions, the clergy and the people for demonstrating their love and expressing their deepest condolences to Her and His Majesty King Norodom Sihamoni.

1st NOVEMBER 2012


Anonymous said...

The King and the Queen, if they choose to, can help the Khmer people tremendouy.
However, they may choose to be indifferent so that they can still receive and collect the " Food Stamps " benefits from Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

Ooops ! Correction:

can help the Khmer people tremendously


khmer, Love said...

The last phone call from king father to the young king:
keep your head up, do not let the vietnames's slave control your mind. Prepare to abdicate if the democracy
not better and the kohs trol not being return to khmer.
Money from the croc will never make you happy, but
your right decision will.

Anonymous said...

9:07 pm,

Let's hope and pray that the son King
will carry out his father's wishes.