Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Romey & Obama (by Yim Guechse)


Anonymous said...

OBAMA = មេឃ


អាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុន សែន = បាតបង្គន់អាចម៍

Anonymous said...

Obama won a second term. What are the implications for us Cambodians ?

Anonymous said...

11:50 AM
It means the Communists are in power for 4 more years. Thus Obama won't upset his comrade Hun Xen.

Obama is Socialist/Communist, more poor people wants him, because million immigrants entered the US voted for him.

Anonymous said...

Since Obama's name is incoded in the scripture passage of the book of Ezekiel, I suspected that he could win re-election and he did. What this means is that he could be the very man who will bring about WWIII in Middle East which will affect the whole world. He already got the wheels moving with the Arab Spring that has gone past Fall. All about Israel!

Why is the world so fixated on Israel? And the Muslim people can't stand to have Israel as a nation? President Obama is not very friendly toward Israel because he is a Muslim himself.

God brings calamity upon nations for the sake of Israel. I noticed that Norodom Sihanuok was a supporter for Palestine Liberation Movement. If he was that could spell big trouble for his nation and himself and it appeared like that was the case.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Stop wasting people time. It is useless piece of shit!