Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Sacrava's Political Cartoon: Bandith Lao's Opinion

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at


Anonymous said...

Dr Loa humble opinions whacked by humbled Khmer humbling his humbled opinions.

Anonymous said...

The strenght of Khmer opposition is whoever dares to talk the truth or express their opinion which is contrary to its view, it insults those people as much as it can.

Anonymous said...

Come on. Give Dr Lao a break.

Kuoy Pichet

Anonymous said...

Lao Mong Hay or Dr. bald head, you must support and say something that serve interests of opposition. If you dare to say something which is contrary to opposition's view means you are dumb and has Youn's brain.

Pang Sokheoun, Secretary-General of SRP in Sweden.

Anonymous said...

1:21 PM
Oh now you blame Khmer opposition? I am Sam Rainsy's supporter, and I have not yet made any comment on Dr. Lao Mong Hay anything.

Are you Yuon or CPP's supporter?

Your attack is the same as I used to read from Yuon/CPP.

By the way "How do you know that Dr. Lao really made a humble opinion?" Were you somehow knew something we did not know?

Anonymous said...

This one 1:34 PM

Pretend to curse Dr. Lao but then signed itself ad SRP's secretary.
This one is Yuon/CPP for real.
A great divider dividing Khmer nationalists from uniting.

Yuon trick shows clear.

Anonymous said...

Yuon play all trick to pretend to be

Anonymous said...

Khmer plays the same tricks too as Youn to rile up emotion.

How do you know if the person is Khmer or Youn from written comments alone?

From Khmer's reactions to Dr. Lao's opinion, you don't have to be Vietnamese to be insulted and cursed upon.