Monday, November 12, 2012

Sihanouk's Speech - March 23, 1970

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did not find anything surprise with his statement, from Hitler to Stalin, Mao to Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro to Tito, Sukano, Suharto to Ferdinand Marcos and other leaders in that period they are all the same.

American support Saigon invaded Cambodia in the name of helping Cambodia to clear Viet Cong but in fact to allow Saigon to encroach on Cambodia, rape and committed atrocity in Cambodia. American support Cambodia very little but big support for Saigon Viet.

I was surprise that Lon Nol who did this coup d’état without foresees the consequences, he was so dump and damn. If he did not did coup d’état and work closer with the Prince to solve the problem and support the prince in that difficult circumstances then Cambodia had not lost 3 million of her citizen, infrastructure and national property and CPP Hun Sen has not been creating. Lon Nol was not high educated man, he was not politician and he was military man, old and bad health, he should not did this if he can turn the clock. The crime that everybody said committed by the prince during his reign was very little compare to Lon Lol, Pol Pot, and Hun Sen, the Prince did not lost the border but Hun Sen did.

Khmer is/was always blaming the prey but not predator.