Saturday, November 10, 2012

Vietnam´s Head, Khmer´s Body - Audio commentary by Heng Vireak

Dr. Lao Mong Hay



Anonymous said...

It should be Vietnamese's head not Vietnam

Anonymous said...

He is not Viet or what else you have said.
Dr. Lor Monh Hay loves our country same as we all, but he contribute his love to our country different way, than other just blah, blah most of the time.

Anonymous said...

fuck a stupid fucking lao mong shit this fucking idiot fucking idiot will be always idiot son of bitch

Anonymous said...

Are you taking bribe from the vietcong? If your next door neighbor taking over part of your land you just let them do it and forget about it. What happen to your brain? Are you getting old and weak then go to hell. You don't think about the future of your kids and great grand kids. I do respect you as an intelligent men before but now you are nothing but a traitor. Your voice suck I don't want to hear anymore from your stinking mouth.

Anonymous said...

Please learn something from the past by not overreacting to anything that is wrong.

Personally I think Lao Mong Hay's comment was wrong; he should not give up easily our lands to the expansionist Vietnam like that - knowing that Vietnam is not going to stop wanting more of our land. Vietnam’s ultimate goal is to finish Cambodia off.

But when some of our people accused Lao Mong Hay of being Yuon after he made such comment, I do not agree with that. To me, he is still Khmer but he made an intellectual mistake.

During the Khmer Rouge regime, we lost about 3 million people because of that bad judgments stemming from the people who had the power. They accused and killed people without good reason
When Lao Mong Hay made a mistake, people should not exacerbate the problems by assuming that other persons who have relation with him have the same idea or comment as Lao Mong Hay. This crazy linkage made 3 million Khmer people vanished during the Khmer Rouge era.

Build unity amongst Khmer people by assessing the problem appropriately, and make sure that the punishment fits the crime.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

Lao Mong Haay wants to french kiss his half brother Sok Kong!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Please stop attacking Dr. Lao Mong Hay. He is a very good guy. He is scared of CPP Hun Sen, a Vietnamese puppet and Hun Sen's Vietnamese bosses.

Khmer Yeurng

Anonymous said...

Lao Mong Hay is Sok Kong's brother!