Monday, December 31, 2012

គម្រោងការរបស់គណបក្សប្រជាជនសម្រាប់ការបោះឆ្នោតឆ្នាំ២០១៣ - The CPP’s Plan for the 2013 Election

Opinion by Anonymous


២-នៅមណ្ឌលភ្នំពេញគណបក្សប្រជាជនត្រូវយកឲ្យបាន ១០០%។

  • យុទ្ធវិធីត្រូវប្រមូលកម្លាំងសមាជិកគណបក្សពីខេត្តមកចុះឈ្មោះនៅតាមសង្កាត់(ចោមចៅ)។នៅតាមខេត្តនានាក៏ធ្វើដូចគ្នា(នៅស្រុកព្រៃកប្បាស់សមាជិកសកម្មនៅក្រសួង ក.ង. ចុះឈ្មោះនៅទីនោះ។កាលនៅឆ្នាំ២០០៨ PP មានផែនការយក៩០កៅអី គេបានគ្រប់ចំនួនដូចបំណង។
  • យុទ្ធវិធីទីពីរ CPP ទិញទឹកចិត្តគណកម្មការរាប់សន្លឹកឆ្នោត(បើគណប្រឆាំងគេហ៊ានទិញចាប់ពី 200$-300$ ក្នុង១នាក់) គេធ្វើរបៀបនេះតាងពីឆ្នាំ២០០៣មកម្ល៉េះ។

  • ត្រូវប្រុងប្រយ័ត្ននៅពេលរាប់សន្លឹកឆ្នោតជាពិសេសដឹងលទ្ធផលមុនពេលរាប់សន្លឹកឆ្នោតរួច CPP គេប្រើវិធីនេះតាំងពីឆ្នាំ១៩៩៨មកម្លេះ នេះគេហៅថាលទ្ធផលតាមផែនការបានន័យថាលទ្ធផលនេះគេបានរៀបចំទុកហើយជាស្រេចមុន ដល់ពេលចាប់រាប់សន្លឹកឆ្នោតលទ្ធផលនេះគេចាប់ប្រកាសដើម្បីបំភាន់ប្រជាជន។
  • ត្រូវរើសកម្លាំងយុវជនដែលស្មោះត្រង់ពិតប្រាកដធ្វើការក្នុងគណកម្មការរាប់សន្លឹកឆ្នោត
  • មុនចុះឃោសនាត្រូវរៀបចំគោលនយោបាយច្បាស់លាស់ក្នុងការនិយាយទៅកាន់ប្រជាជន
  • មិនគួរប្រើវិធីវាយប្រហាគណបក្សដ៏ទៃ ដោយជំនួសដោយការអប់រំប្រជាជនឲ្យចេះសាមគ្គីគ្នាចៀសវាងកុំឲ្យប្រជាជនស្អប់គ្នា រវាងដែលកាន់គណបក្សមួយទៅគណបក្សមួយ
1- The CPP plans to take over between 95 to 100 seats at the National Assembly

2- In Phnom Penh, the CPP plans to take all the National Assembly seats in the capital:

(a) For this, the CPP will gather its provincial party members and bring them over to register in various communes the city (such as in Chom Chao commune). Likewise, in the provinces, the CPP will bring in its members to register there as well (i.e. double registration: for example, in Prey Kabbas district, Takeo province, CPP members working at the ministry of Labor in Phnom Penh are brought in to register in this district also). Using this tactics, the CPP was able to grab 90 seats at the National Assembly as it planned.

(b) The second strategy used by the CPP is to buy out vote counters (if the vote counters come from the opposition party, the CPP is willing to pay them $200 to $300 each). Such tactics has been put into use since 2003.

What should the opposition party do:
  • Care must be taken during the vote counting, one trick used by the CPP is to let the vote counters know beforehand what they expect to see at each voting booth. This trick was used since 1998 and it is called “result as planned” where the vote counts have been pre-determined beforehand so that when the vote counting starts, they start to announce the results as they planned to trick the public into believing their numbers.
  • The opposition must choose loyal youth force to work as members of the vote counting committees.
  • The opposition must prepare clear policies to explain to the public prior to the election campaign.
  • The opposition party should not attack other parties, instead, the opposition should encourage voters to unite and they should not hold grudges against people who are members to other parties.


Anonymous said...

In addition to votes buying, double votes registering, and votes counting frauds, CPP ( Criminal People Party ) will intermidate the opposition party voters.
Moreover CPP, at Hun Sen's commands will cut off any opposition party broadcasts, true events or news, and instead will bombard the public with their lies or exaggerations.

We need impartial international observers from the start of the campaign to the end of votes counting.
Remember, after all we are dealing with Criminal People Party !!!

Anonymous said...

Cpp wins by cheating as always....Those evictees still vote for Cpp this year election those people must not learn from their suffering in the hands of Cpp Hun sen.Stop vote for Cpp thugs they all murderers and thieves they stole from your nation abduction poor khmers people.

Yobal Khmer

Anonymous said...

Yobal kach euy tae ah chkouth. Vote for who? for you? what an asshole!!! no one will vote for your ass. Bcus your are the real traitorsssssssssss. When your ass lost you don't learned from it but instate you accused others of doing thing to fail you. How can they cheat? don't you have your own watch dogs to see the election is fair and smoth? and when you did not win you blamed on cpp of cheating asshole.

sith phila,pa

Anonymous said...

To 12:45 AM,
Yes, CPP did cheat in previous elections,and they will again this time.
Even you, Shit, oops I mean Sith you have been cheated yourself too.

Anonymous said...

how CPP plan 95 to 100 before vote?