បទសម្ភាសន៏របស់វិទ្យុខែ្មរបុស្ត៏ជាមួយនឹងលោក អៀ ចាន់ណា នៃក្រុមប្រឹក្សាឃ្លាំមើលកម្ពុជា ជុំវិញប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខែ្មររស់នៅសហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក បានផ្ញើលិខិតជូនឯកអគ្គរាជទូតខែ្មរប្រចាំនៅសហ រដ្ឋអាមេរិក និងប្រទេសអង់គ្លេស ដើម្បីស្នើឲ្យឯកអគ្គរាជទូតទាំងពីរធើ្វការស្រាយបំភ្លឺចំពោះករណី ជនជាតិយួនដែលកំពុងហូរចូលមករស់នៅក្នុងទឹកដីខែ្មរ ដោយគ្មានការទប់ស្កាត់ពីសំណាក់អាជ្ញា ធរខែ្មរ។
ប្រសិនបើ សហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក ជារបស់លោក រុមនេ
គណបក្សសាធារណរដ្ឋវិញ ប្រហែលអាចមានផ្លូវ
សង្ឃឹម។ស្ដាយណាស់ ជារបស់លោក អូបាម៉ា
ដដែល ដែលជាសម្ព័ន្ធភាពជាមួយយួន និងរបប
Mr Sam Rainsy, Mr Kim Soka, Mr Ir Channa must start Lotus Revolution in Cambodia to save our khmer nation before it too late!
Hun Sen's relatives abuse, bully, kill Cambodians as they want or feel like.
Cambodian people must rise up to free our nation from dictator and advance toward real America system democracy!
not true...
what he said is not true. all Vietnamese and Chinese come to Cambodia all have Khmer ID cards and Khmer passports if they want to? they can do by blocks from 10 to 100s people at a time via an agent that runs between them and gov't. they can do at very cheap price. that's why they can vote. they call can vote, can work, can do business... all better than Khmer.
I also disagree about talk and language about racial issues.
there's always a better ways to say and doing things. no need to resort to racial talk and racial discrimination. Khmer people have to do better. they should include all ethnic khmers.
35% of total Cambodian are Vietnamese illigal from 1979 to today.
Cambodia will be Nambodia province as Hanoi plane.
Vietnameses detroy Cambodia natural resouces.
Vietnamese detroy Cambodians job opportunity.
Vietnamese take over Cambodia if Khmer people are still stupid.
It is not racial when Vietnamese are trying to destroy Khmer. It is call protect Khmer identity and protect khmer people and Cambodia.
Lotus Revolution must be start, US drone will come along the Cambodian people.
US drone welcome decho Hun Sen like Gadafy case.
In Cambodia, Hun Sen's relatives are abuse, bully, threatening, killing Cambodian people as they want and when they want, No law can stop them.
Mr Sam Rainsy, Mr Kim Soka and Cambodian people must begin Lotus Revolution to free our Nation from 30 years dictator.
Hun Sen is even worse than Gadafy and on top of Gadafy Hun Sen is a traitor giving Koh Tral, sea area and more to Vietnam.
Vietnam has been trying to colonize Cambodia for almost three centuries. It is true that this colonialist policy of Vietnam continues until today. The invasion of Cambodia in 1978 was the most obvious and recent manifestation of that imperialist policy.
In additions, the following unequal treaties between Vietnam and Cambodia indicate that Vietnam is in the process of annexing Cambodia's land and maritime territory into its Imperialist empire.
Treaty of July 7. 1982 on historical water agreement in which Cambodia lost 30,000.00 square kilometers of sea water and many island including Kas Tral;
Treaty of July 20, 1983 on principle of resolution of border issues which recognized the free crossing of Cambodian borders and the surge of illegal Vietnamese immigrants and settlers( to date about 4,000,000.00 illegal Vietnamese in Cambodia);
Treaty of December 27, 1985 on border delimitation which recognized new Vietnamese settlement on the demarcation of land borders between the two countries from North to South along 1,230 km of border length;
Treaty of 2005 is a supplemental treaty which legitimize the illegal treaty of 1985.
All of these treaties should have been rescinded after the Paris Peace Agreements dated 10/23/1991.
If We,Khmer patriots,win the election on July 28, 2013, the new patriotic government will go to International Court of Justice, at The Hague, to annul these unequal treaties and reclaim our lost territories.
I do not agree with racial discussion either,as a democratic country every country in this world must respect and promote human right regardless of their origin.Illegal immigrants is happening everywhere in the world nowadays,especially in the United States.I live in San Diego which is bordered with Mexico,We have millions of Mexican illegal immigrants who live and work outside the law but they do still have access to American public services and social welfare.The US do have a very strict law on illegal immigrants but they probably lack of budget to enforce the law beside the difficulty in fighting the immigrant trafficking.Why are some Khmer people love to raise this issue again and again,is this their political offensive and/or campaigning?I put the number of legal age to vote Vietnamese at 1 million again the 14.7 millions population,will this 1 million Viet really the reason why the CPP win the election every time?There is a much better way to discuss about illegal immigrants in Cambodia without specifically pointing out to any race as it will effect the Cambodian social order and the democratic system which is loved by Mr. In Channa himself.I'm so sure that I can advise Mr. In Channa how to raise the illegal immigrant issue in Cambodia without mentioning a specific race in a much better way.
Human right applied to every race and every where in the world.Illegal immigrant is happening everywhere in this world,especially The US which has the most illegal immigrants on the planet,Mr. In Channa should know this.Come and visit California,Texas,Arizona,Florida,New Mexico and other states that bordered with Mexico,you will see at least 2% of the population are illegal immigrants...
I think no one in cpp can talk about Youn if they talk it will be out of job or be kill even all new paper or radio,TV is dare to talk about YOUN at all. Do all khmer care about the country and they say yes but they scare to talk or complain about YOUN in public. Yes you can say here if you're in Cambodia I don't think you can say that in public. you see MEM SO NAN DO . If you too brave go there brother .
Even teachers in Cambodia can't talk about youn and real khmer history about koh tral.
If they dare to do, CPP Hun Sen clans will hurt them very badly.
No freedom at all in Cambodia
Who is give Koh Tral Island to Vietnam and try to fool Cambodians?
That's enough said "Let's rise up to free Cambodia"
Arab Spring! Gadafy!
"amount of Vietnamese..." amount?
Hun Sen = Gadafy + Traitor give Koh Tral, sea area, land and more to Vietnam
Lotus Revolution must rise up all Cambodians to save khmer nation on time before it is too late!
.កណ្ដួយម៉ែវា! អាមេ ព្រូ
Very true.
How about put up a reward for a hit man.
Hun Sen = Gadafy + Traitor give Koh Tral, sea area, land and more to Vietnam
មិនយូរមិនឆាប់ ប្រសិនបើ ផ្កាឈូកនៅតែក្រពំ
ក្រងើបរីកចេញក្រៅ នោះប្រហែល ហ៊ុនសែន នឹងឱ្យកម្ពុជាទៅយួនទាំងស្រុងទៀត៕
Oh shit up... who's cares about racial shit...... if vietnam is perfect about race and human right, khmer krom wouldn't complain at UN.
ទីបំផុតអៀរចាន់ណានិយាយថា៖នៅប្រទេសខ្មែរមានយួនរាប់លាននាក់ ហេតុអីបានជាបក្សប្រឆាំងចង់តែទៅបោះឆ្នោត?
សូមអស់លោកជួយពិចារណាទាំងអស់គ្នា ឬក៏បក្សប្រឆាំងមើលមិនឃើញគ្រោះថ្នាក់ទាំងនេះ?(អំណាចកើតក្រោយរំដោះជាតិ)។
អាយួនយៀកកុង-អាង្វៀងហ៊ុន សែន
(ប៉ាហ៊ីស៊ី$$$យួនCPP)នេះ ព្រមជាមួយបក្សប្រឆាំងក្លែងក្លាយរញ៉េរញ៉ៃ-ដូចក្តាមក្នុងចង្អេរ-រមិករមក់
សម រង្ស៊ី កុហកខ្មែរថាប្ដឹងអារន្ទះបាញ់ហ៊ុន សែន ...ម្តងប្ដឹង...ម្តងឈប់ប្ដឹង... ដោយសុំទៅសអាយួន ហ៊ុន សែន !
ហើយរឿងចូលស្រុក !...ម្តងចូល...ម្តងមិនឃើញចូល...
ម្តងយំសុំអាង្វៀងហ៊ុន សែន !
ម្តងយំសុំអាចិន!...(ភររហូត!... រកទុកចិត្តម៉េចបាន!)
ជាមួយយួន៧លានជាង ដើម្បី
អាង្វៀងអៀ ចាន់ណាធ្វើ(វិភាគនយោបោក)តែក្រោយ ព្រឹត្តការណ៏ដែលខ្មែរបានដឹងរួចហើយ!
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