Monday, December 03, 2012

We ain't no Chinese proxy ... we are only China's minion: Sin SereySin

Cambodia replies on ASEAN disagreement

Saturday, Dec 01, 2012
Sin Serey (Mrs)
The Straits Times
Finally, the article's attempts to label Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar as China's proxies in discussing the "great power competition in Asean's backyard" is politically incorrect. This "China proxy theory" could be applied to other countries as well. (sic!)
Sin Serey
SINGAPORE - It is calumnious to state that Cambodia, as Chair of Asean, blocked the issuance of the joint communique of the 45th Asean Ministerial Meeting in July ("China plays its Asean game"; Nov 19).

In the joint communique, there were four paragraphs on the South China Sea, on three of which the Asean ministers had reached consensus.

The sole disagreement among the ministers was in paragraph 16 of the draft joint communique, because of the demand of two Asean members to include their demands on the South China Sea.

It has been Asean's established practice that any paragraph, sentence or phrase on which there is no consensus should be removed from the main document, instead of throwing out the main document, such as the joint communique.

The two Asean member states warned that if paragraph 16 did not include what they wanted, there would be no joint communique even though the Chair had prepared and submitted a revised paragraph 16 with written explanation, in order to have four paragraphs on the South China Sea acceptable to all parties.

The argument that "China had managed to game the system in Asean, by using a proxy in the form of Cambodia" insults Cambodia. Would the writer describe his own country in the same way?

The notion that "China's cultivation of Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar could in the long run undermine Asean unity and cohesion" could be applied to other Asean members as well, when it comes to the cultivation of ties and building long-term relationships between major powers and Asean.

Finally, the article's attempts to label Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar as China's proxies in discussing the "great power competition in Asean's backyard" is politically incorrect. This "China proxy theory" could be applied to other countries as well.

It should be noted that Asean has always tried to play a central role between and among big powers in the region.

Sin Serey (Mrs)
Royal Embassy of Cambodia, Singapore


Anonymous said...

I am trying to contact your blog from England. Do you have an e-mail address?

Please reply to


Anonymous said...

6:36 PM, you are fucking Vietnamese/Yuon dog eater called Pi Anh keep copying and pasting the same fucking comments. Wasting the space by scrolling down. Are you working for your Vietnamese dog eating bastards as killers and Hun Sen's evil bosses in Hanoi. Your ass should be shot with the rocket. So, stop your bullshit, Vietnamese dog eater called Pi Anh. Pi Ann looks like Hun Sen's Vietnamese dog eatting wife with thick face.

Anonymous said...

6:36 PM and 6:46 PM

These 2 comments belong to Ah Kantorb Pi Anh who pretend to be Khmer.
His goal is to make some Khmer confuse and shift Khmer people's attention from the real problems that they are facing.

We need to force Ah Kbot Cheat Hun Sen to accept Mr. Subedi's recommendation regarding the NEC's overhaul and Mr. Sam Rainsy's return to Cambodia to fairly compete with Ah Kbot Cheat Hun Sen.

The time to reform the NEC is over soon. And without a substantial reform on NEC, the opposition party will have no chance to win at all in this 2013 election.

Khmer Soth should change to his real name "Yuon Soth".

Anonymous said...

If Cambodia is China proxy then logically and simply put,Siam is US owned old bitch and conjugal vacation place for GIs then since world war II ended and Cold war started ,Singapore is illegitimate child of China turned US little mistress and unscrupulous arms smuggler in Asia, Philippines is US brown slave warehouse and military play beaches.

How do you like that?

Anonymous said...

In Cambodia any khmer who voice an idea or opinion not to their liking is labled as being this as being that. In Sihanouk reign, those whose idea is againt Sihanouk were labeled as traitors and deserved to be killed by firing squads. In Hun Sen reign, those who speak up not in line with government would be landed in jail. And as for those who post comment in KI Media whose comments do not align with some individuals those individuals would call those persons as Viets. In America, from students, workers all the way to top government officials are encouraged to speak up be it for or against. Their mentality is no idea is bad whether it is for or against. In free world, people need to learn to accept different ideas and opinions, otherwise we are not living in free world.

Anonymous said...

KI media deleted commemts that related to 1997 granade attack. Shame! meaning no justice for any supporters that died in serving Sam Rainsy political.