Thursday, January 24, 2013

Cambodia's 'worst year’ for land disputes

Boeung Kak activist Tep Vanny is arrested by a plain-clothed police officer (in helmet) during a violent clash at the lakeside community in Phnom Penh in May 2012. Photograph: Reuters
24 January 2013
By May Titthara and Shane Worrell
The Phnom Penh Post

More than 200 people were arrested while defending their land in 2012 – a year human rights groups described yesterday as Cambodia’s “worst” for land disputes.

Of the 201 people arrested – a figure that more than doubled the 2011 total – 29 were imprisoned, mostly on charges of destroying property, faking documents and encroaching on private property, said Chan Soveth, deputy head of the land rights department at rights group Adhoc.

Two thousand twelve was the worst year for residents being arrested as they tried to save their homes,” he said, adding that disputes themselves had also soared.

The comments came as heads of the NGO Forum on Cambodia, the Housing Rights Task Force, Adhoc and the Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee called on the government to take measures to end forced evictions and resolve land disputes.

A joint statement released by the organisations said more than 700,000 people had been affected by land grabbing and forced displacement since 2000, including 51,000 in 2011.

“In Phnom Penh, at least 145,000, or approximately 10 per cent of the city’s population have been evicted since 2000,” the statement said, adding that 40,000 had been under immediate threat of eviction at the end of 2011.

Sia Phearum, secretariat director of the Housing Rights Task Force, said forced evictions had decreased in 2012, but the fact 611 families had fled from disputes last year suggested conflict hadn’t.

“We’ve noticed that actual evictions decrease in the lead-up to elections,” he said.

Recommendations put forward by those involved in yesterday’s press conference included that the government end forced evictions, demarcate state and private land, release imprisoned Boeung Kak lake mother Yorm Bopha, make the economic land concession (ELC) review process transparent and prioritise systematic land registration for poor communities.

Soveth said more than 1,000 people involved in disputes had been arrested since 2007, many as a result of the government cracking down on protests against ELCs.

“Often the court sentences these people without properly investigating.”

Chhith Sam Ath, executive director of NGO Forum, said it was essential that disputes were resolved and villagers’ rights protected.

“Currently, landlessness is estimated at between 20 and 25 per cent of the total population.”

Phay Siphan, a spokesman for the Council of Ministers, said the government was doing a lot to help residents with land issues, including deploying students to demarcate land and issue land titles.

“This is a historic strategy, one that is very important for Cambodia,” he said.


Anonymous said...

Yes right govt help alots by stealing from the poor giving to its cronies thieves to enrich themselves more and displacement destroyed houses or business of the poor people.Ah phay Siphan doesn't tell the truth,he knows its wrong to evicted destroyed people livelihood but ah phay Siphan refuse to acknowledge the truth.God will punish you ah jongrai yo!

Anonymous said...

The land grabbing is such intractable problem and the fucken solution is so simple but the fucken corrupted AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave is not willing to solve because AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave believed that the opposition party will benefit politically from the land grabbing issue!
If AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave treated these dirt poor Cambodian families as human that composed of father, mother, and children, babies, the sick and the disable and the very old grandfather and grandmother which he can mirror in his family and the fucken would be solved! This is to show you that AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave is so disconnected with average and dirt poor Cambodian people and he refused to see the human side of the problem. This mean only one thing that AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave must win and will win the opposition if it meant that dirt poor Cambodian will have to die!
Well...Think it this way. These dirt poor Cambodian family who are the victim of land grabbing