Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Please join us in welcoming Ven. Luon Savath in San Jose, California


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

ជយោអាត្មា! ជយោអាត្មា!

Anonymous said...

For Your Health

In 1997, the FDA's chief Vaccine Control Officer stated, "There is no evidence that any influenza vaccine is effective in preventing or mitigating influenza. A Japanese study found no difference in death rates between people who had taken flu shots and those who didn't. Consequently, the Japanese government stopped promoting its flu vaccination program. Flu shots and other vaccinations have been linked to Austism, Alzheimer's, compromised immunity, and other disorders."

Highly toxic Mercury (thimerosal) has been injected into children since the 1940.Besides vaccinations Mercury is also found in eye drops, contact lens solutions and in amalgam dental fillings. Mercury is a residual heavy metal poison and neurotoxin that destroys the brain. Is it any wonder that-according to scientific literature-some 35% of the population has a mental illness? Don't blame me for posting this stuff because I maybe one of the many victims of mental illness by having amalgam fillings.

Anonymous said...

What is your agenda? Who motivate you to post such as inaccurate statement? What is your creditial? Are you a doctor/scientist/researcher or a propagandist? Flu shot save lives for the young and the old or the pregnant women whose are at risk of complication causes by influenza virus can be deadly if not vacinate before flu season begin.


Anonymous said...

The Conspiracy

GMOs (Genetically Modified Organism)...

Genetically modified organism (the main product of Biotech giants like Monsanto) are produced in a laboratory through genetic engineering, whereby the genes of one organism (e.g. a bacterium, virus, insects, animal, plant or even human) are taken and randomly spliced or inserted into another - creating an entirely new and artificial entity.. GMOs have been linked to toxic and allergic reactions, sick, sterile and dead livestock, cancer and damage to virtually every organ studied in lab animals. GM food contains mutated genes which, if we ingest them, get transferred to us and alter our very genetic structure and identity. GMOs pose one of the greatest threats to humanity.

"Control the food and you control the people".