Monday, February 25, 2013

A possible return to violence in Cambodia


“There are major flaws in the administration of elections in Cambodia and urgent and longer-term reforms are needed to give Cambodians confidence in the electoral process and in the workings of the National Election Committee (…). If the electoral process is unable to command the trust and confidence of the electorate, the very foundation of the Cambodian political and constitutional architecture embodied in the Paris Peace Agreements will be shaken and the country may run the risk of a return to violence.”

Professor Surya P. Subedi
U.N. Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia

The above is an excerpt from Prof. Subedi’s latest Report to the U.N. Human Rights Council published on July 16, 2012. Full text at

February 24, 2013

No Foreign Observers at the Coming Elections
No International Recognition for an Illegitimate Government
Resulting from Illegitimate Elections

Legislative elections in Cambodia are scheduled for July 28, 2013. Their organization by the National Election Committee (NEC), controlled by the authoritarian Cambodian People’s Party (CPP), which has been in power for 34 years, runs fundamentally counter to international standards.

Methods used by the NEC/CPP include the manipulation of electoral lists, which allows the CPP to give itself a 27% start over the opposition before polling day. This 27% lead is made up of fictional voters, an automatic reservoir of support for the ruling party (10%) (1), and of real voters who are known to be favorable to the opposition and whose names are surreptitiously removed or deemed invalid by the NEC (17%) (2).

At the same time, the human rights situation continues to deteriorate with political opponents, critics and protesters being arrested, convicted and sent to prison on trumped-up charges. As leader of the opposition I have found myself the victim of the CPP judicial machine. I have been sentenced to a heavy prison sentence, forced into exile and deprived of my civic and political rights. I am therefore excluded from the electoral contest, which will allow the outgoing CPP prime minister to retain his post without being challenged.

In these conditions it’s clear that the coming elections will be everything but democratic, free and fair. However, the Paris accords on Cambodia signed under the auspices of the United Nations in 1991 demand “authentic elections” to guarantee “a system of liberal democracy, on the basis of pluralism.”

Faced with this totalitarian drift toward a one-party system, it is essential to support the United Nations, which has recommended a series of reforms to make the coming elections acceptable by international standards. Two key ideas are included in the recommendations: a reform of the composition and operations of the NEC to make it more impartial and credible, and the safe return of the leader of the opposition who must be able to stand as a candidate for prime minister and to take part fully in the electoral campaign as in any parliamentary democracy.

But as long as the Cambodian government continues to reject the UN recommendations, other international organizations, friendly countries and non-complacent non-government organizations are asked not to send electoral observers. In fact, based on the above figures, the result of the July 28 election has already been decided: another landslide victory for the CPP, which will defeat the opposition by at least 27%. There is no point going to watch a game that has been fixed in advance. Some ill-informed observers just risk validating the charade, which represents an injustice to the Cambodian people, whose will is being distorted. In the communal elections of June 2012, the CPP won a Soviet-style victory, while the two components of the parliamentary opposition – now merged into the Cambodia National Rescue Party – still won 31% of the vote, despite the famous 27% handicap and other unfair practices by the CPP.

International organizations and friendly countries are also asked to make known to the current government of Cambodia that, after July 28, any government arising from fraudulent and illegitimate elections will, given the scale of the fraud, be likewise considered as illegitimate.

Sam Rainsy,
President of the Cambodia National Rescue Party and leader of the opposition.

(1) Fictional, or phantom, voters significantly inflate the electoral register, which has 9.7 million names while the population of voting age is only 8.9 million. See "Sam Rainsy Calls Foul on National Voter Register" in The Cambodia Daily, January 23, 2013. There is clear evidence of impersonation.

(2) On the eve of communal elections on June 1, 2012, about 1.5 million legitimate voters, or 17% of the electorate, were likely disenfranchised. See "Ahead of Elections, Right to Vote in Doubt for 1.5 Million" in The Cambodia Daily, February 29, 2012, and "Names Missing from Voter Rolls," Radio Free Asia, May 10, 2012.


Anonymous said...

Hun Sen already read the statement of Mr Subedi ,
he responded with purchasing one hundred military assault
tanks and twelve Z9 choppers .
ASIA , EU & USA are not expected to do any kind of
sanction unless the situation in Cambodia disturb their
interests . The above message will discourage Khmer voters
to go to the poll . It is good message if CNRP boycotts the
election . Sam RAINSI should learn the example of Thaksin
who pushed his sister to challenge Abhasit . Election is near, for the interest of the nation , Mr. Sam should stop
focussing on himself , instead he should find a strong candidate to run against Hun Sen .

Anonymous said...

Communist strategy : FAIT ACCOMPLI

Anonymous said...

That is the win-win strategy of Hun Sen and the Viet who signed itself in Paris agreement has always put its nose to Cambodian affair by support Hun's secretly and pushed its people to live deep in Cambodia.

The Khmer history has showed that before 1845 Khmer was under Vietnam 54 years. But lately 1845-46, Khmers stood up against the Viet every in Cambodia and later free from them, at that time Viet used Khmers princes to oppress like Hun Sen today and later Viet killed those Khmer princes, then all Khmers revolted against aggressor and free. Till now, CPP has dominated Cambodia 33 Years and we can smell what the others react! Assad in Syria is just more the 40 years and now we can see!

Anonymous said...

The future: a sacrifice to save Cambodia

The general election is approaching. Khmer people must support the CNRP because it is a viable alternative to the Vietnam’s puppet government of Hun Sen.

However, the CNRP should boycott the election if there was a formal guarantee from the UN and the powerful countries in the world that without the CNRP’s participation, they will not recognize the newly elected government and they will cut all financial aids to that CPP’s new government.

If the CNRP wins the election: Vietnam, not Hun Sen, will stage a fake civil war by deploying its special agents who have been living in Cambodia after its 1979 invasion to fight the newly elected CNRP’s government, and Vietnam would spread the words that “you seee without Hun Sen, there is war in Cambodia”. By now, Khmer people and the international community must understand that whether Cambodia has war or peace depends entirely on Vietnam. Stop blaming and saying that Khmer always fight with Khmer. The evil Vietnam that has made it looks like Khmer fight with Khmer – and what is the purpose of the Khmer Vietminh ?

If the CNRP loses the election, it should use the newly elected members of the parliament as its foundation to serve Khmer people and Cambodia’s interest by reclaiming something that belong to Cambodia back to Khmer people.

For instance, reclaiming Angkor Wat back from a Vietnamese should receive a full support from Khmer people, including the CPP’s members.

Commencing by reclaiming Angkor Wat back to Khmer people and let the momentum of nationalism carries us from there. The timing is right and Khmer people cannot stand still to see Vietnam strangle our motherland to death in front of us anymore.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...


Look into Cambodia foreseeable future

The past mistake:

In March 1970, when Lon Nol/ Sirik Matak toppled Sihanouk and expatriated most of the Vietnamese back to Vietnam, any Khmer nationalists should not have fought Lon Nol/ Sirimatak’s efforts because saving Cambodia from Vietnam was/is/ and always will be the highest and most righteous priority..

Unfortunately, Sdach Lob Sihanouk, Khiev Samphan, Hu Yun, Hu Nim, etc. had requested and cooperated with Vietnam to fight the Khmer Republic government of Lon Nol.

The motivation to fight Lon Nol was simply the ego and personal ambition to seize the power for themselves, even though knowing that asking Vietnam’s help to overthrow Lon Nol/ Sirikmatak was the wrong thing to do.

Notice that at the beginning Khmer people knew only the trio: Khiev Samphan, Hu Yun, and Hu Nim.

Later, after usurping the power in 1975, the Khmer Rouge wanted to free themselves from Vietnam, but it was too late because the Khmer Rouge had risen to power through Vietnam’s help and the Khmer Rouge along with the Khmer Vietminh – who were brainwashed by Vietnam – had killed most of educated Khmers who worked for the Lon Nol/ Sirikmatak regime.

The result was that 1/3 of Khmer people were vanished due to the Khmer Rouge’s incompetence and Vietnam’s tricks.

Lesson: Always put the national interest above the personal interest. Cambodia can live forever and a person can live for a period of time. Stop getting crazy with the power.

The present: A dangerous peace

Ho Chi Minh wanted to swallow Cambodia a long time ago. Now his ambition has materialized because Vietnam has been successfully applying the Vietnamization of Cambodia.

Just remember that in the last 60 years, the war in Cambodia has been initiated and involved with Vietnam’s direct or indirect interference.

Why does Vietnam allow Cambodia to have peace after 1979? Because Vietnam had installed a puppet Hun Sen government and Vietnam has pushed its citizens to fill Cambodia’s land, making Khmer people the minority in the near future. When that time comes, Cambodia will be finished and nobody will be able to do anything about it.
So, the current peace in Cambodia is a ticking timing bomb that Khmer people must be contemplated carefully:

Vietnam let Cambodia has peace in exchange for the mass influx of the Vietnamese into Cambodia plus the exploitation of all Khmer natural resource, and the maritime and land’s encroachment by Vietnam.

Bun Thoeun (continued below)

Anonymous said...


Look into Cambodia foreseeable future

The past mistake:

In March 1970, when Lon Nol/ Sirik Matak toppled Sihanouk and expatriated most of the Vietnamese back to Vietnam, any Khmer nationalists should not have fought Lon Nol/ Sirimatak’s efforts because saving Cambodia from Vietnam was/is/ and always will be the highest and most righteous priority..

Unfortunately, Sdach Lob Sihanouk, Khiev Samphan, Hu Yun, Hu Nim, etc. had requested and cooperated with Vietnam to fight the Khmer Republic government of Lon Nol.

The motivation to fight Lon Nol was simply the ego and personal ambition to seize the power for themselves, even though knowing that asking Vietnam’s help to overthrow Lon Nol/ Sirikmatak was the wrong thing to do.

Notice that at the beginning Khmer people knew only the trio: Khiev Samphan, Hu Yun, and Hu Nim.

Later, after usurping the power in 1975, the Khmer Rouge wanted to free themselves from Vietnam, but it was too late because the Khmer Rouge had risen to power through Vietnam’s help and the Khmer Rouge along with the Khmer Vietminh – who were brainwashed by Vietnam – had killed most of educated Khmers who worked for the Lon Nol/ Sirikmatak regime.

The result was that 1/3 of Khmer people were vanished due to the Khmer Rouge’s incompetence and Vietnam’s tricks.

Lesson: Always put the national interest above the personal interest. Cambodia can live forever and a person can live for a period of time. Stop getting crazy with the power.

The present: A dangerous peace

Ho Chi Minh wanted to swallow Cambodia a long time ago. Now his ambition has materialized because Vietnam has been successfully applying the Vietnamization of Cambodia.

Just remember that in the last 60 years, the war in Cambodia has been initiated and involved with Vietnam’s direct or indirect interference.

Why does Vietnam allow Cambodia to have peace after 1979? Because Vietnam had installed a puppet Hun Sen government and Vietnam has pushed its citizens to fill Cambodia’s land, making Khmer people the minority in the near future. When that time comes, Cambodia will be finished and nobody will be able to do anything about it.
So, the current peace in Cambodia is a ticking timing bomb that Khmer people must be contemplated carefully:

Vietnam let Cambodia has peace in exchange for the mass influx of the Vietnamese into Cambodia plus the exploitation of all Khmer natural resource, and the maritime and land’s encroachment by Vietnam.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

I said that long before,i agree with you.I agree that Mr Rainsy should lets Sokha run with other for his running mate to win for the sake of our mother land.Please Mr Rainsy focus on the Nation step aside for a while because you're the thorn in Cpp eyes,Cpp won't allow you to come home.How can you be a president without a country/without coming home? You're our National's hero already,a hero sacrifice his/her life for the Nation not for personal's position.Thank you.


Anonymous said...


Look into Cambodia foreseeable future

1- The past mistake:

In March 1970, when Lon Nol/ Sirik Matak toppled Sihanouk and expatriated most of the Vietnamese back to Vietnam, any Khmer nationalists should not have fought Lon Nol/ Sirimatak’s efforts because saving Cambodia from Vietnam was/is/ and always will be the highest and most righteous priority..

Unfortunately, Sdach Lob Sihanouk, Khiev Samphan, Hu Yun, Hu Nim, etc. had requested and cooperated with Vietnam to fight the Khmer Republic government of Lon Nol.

The motivation to fight Lon Nol was simply the ego and personal ambition to seize the power for themselves, even though knowing that asking Vietnam’s help to overthrow Lon Nol/ Sirikmatak was the wrong thing to do.

Notice that at the beginning Khmer people knew only the trio: Khiev Samphan, Hu Yun, and Hu Nim.

Later, after usurping the power in 1975, the Khmer Rouge wanted to free themselves from Vietnam, but it was too late because the Khmer Rouge had risen to power through Vietnam’s help and the Khmer Rouge along with the Khmer Vietminh – who were brainwashed by Vietnam – had killed most of educated Khmers who worked for the Lon Nol/ Sirikmatak regime.

The result was that 1/3 of Khmer people were vanished due to the Khmer Rouge’s incompetence and Vietnam’s tricks.

Lesson: Always put the national interest above the personal interest. Cambodia can live forever and a person can live for a period of time. Stop getting crazy with the power.

2- The present: A dangerous peace

Ho Chi Minh wanted to swallow Cambodia a long time ago. Now his ambition has materialized because Vietnam has been successfully applying the Vietnamization of Cambodia.

Just remember that in the last 60 years, the war in Cambodia has been initiated and involved with Vietnam’s direct or indirect interference.

Why does Vietnam allow Cambodia to have peace after 1979? Because Vietnam had installed a puppet Hun Sen government and Vietnam has pushed its citizens to fill Cambodia’s land, making Khmer people the minority in the near future. When that time comes, Cambodia will be finished and nobody will be able to do anything about it.
So, the current peace in Cambodia is a ticking timing bomb that Khmer people must be contemplated carefully:

Vietnam let Cambodia has peace in exchange for the mass influx of the Vietnamese into Cambodia plus the exploitation of all Khmer natural resource, and the maritime and land’s encroachment by Vietnam.

Bun Thoeun (continued below)

Anonymous said...

3- The future: a sacrifice to save Cambodia

The general election is approaching. Khmer people must support the CNRP because it is a viable alternative to the Vietnam’s puppet government of Hun Sen.

However, the CNRP should boycott the election if there was a formal guarantee from the UN and the powerful countries in the world that without the CNRP’s participation, they will not recognize the newly elected government and they will cut all financial aids to that CPP’s new government.

If the CNRP wins the election: Vietnam, not Hun Sen, will stage a fake civil war by deploying its special agents who have been living in Cambodia after its 1979 invasion to fight the newly elected CNRP’s government, and Vietnam would spread the words that “you seee without Hun Sen, there is war in Cambodia”. By now, Khmer people and the international community must understand that whether Cambodia has war or peace depends entirely on Vietnam. Stop blaming and saying that Khmer always fight with Khmer. The evil Vietnam that has made it looks like Khmer fight with Khmer – and what is the purpose of the Khmer Vietminh ?

If the CNRP loses the election, it should use the newly elected members of the parliament as its foundation to serve Khmer people and Cambodia’s interest by reclaiming something that belong to Cambodia back to Khmer people.

For instance, reclaiming Angkor Wat back from a Vietnamese should receive a full support from Khmer people, including the CPP’s members.

Commencing by reclaiming Angkor Wat back to Khmer people and let the momentum of nationalism carries us from there. The timing is right and Khmer people cannot stand still to see Vietnam strangle our motherland to death in front of us anymore.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

Dear Khmer Sisters and Brothers,

Violence or arm rebelion will NOT be successful, due to the fact that Hanoi will support its "working tool" Hun Sen. Hanoi does not even need to send in more reinforcements, because they are already here.

One creditable solution would be for the CNRP led by Dr. Sam Rainsy to diligently conduct an international campaign to request the United Nations to impose sanctions against Dictator Hun Sen, and against Hanoi and its key leaders.

" Hit Vietnam where It Hurts !!! "

A Khmer Patriot

Anonymous said...

Let the United Nations declare Cambodia its Protectorate indefinitely till a proper solution is found for Cambodia.

Let the United Nations be the Government of Cambodia.

Let the United Nations developes Cambodia.

Let the United Nation verify illegal foreign military, secret agents, embedded in Cambodia for the purpose of occupying Cambodia secretly.

Let the United Nations verify illegal immigrants in Cambodia and deport them to where they come from.

Let the United Nations collects Taxes, organize join businesses ventures in Cambodia to help pay for all the above operations costs.

Suspend the current Cambodian contitution indefinitely.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Right now a fugitive Sam Rainsy is in desperate situation because he is well aware that there is no way he can return safe to Cambodia before upcoming election. If he is surely that the election has been fixed in advance why does opposition take party in the election for?

Politics is similar to the football match. No matter what you don't like the umpire and think that the rule is unfair, but if your team keep play the game, like it or not you must accept the result of the match.

Please keep crying out a fugitive. You are going to live in exile for good like your father.

Pi Anh.

Anonymous said...

To Ah Pi Anh,

Anh pee on Ah Pee Anh !!!

Anonymous said...

កូនខ្មែរ ! អ្នកជា អ្នកមានឆន្ទៈភក្តី គតិធម៌ សច្ចៈធម៌ យុត្តិធម៌ មនុស្សធម៌ !
កូនខ្មែរ ! អ្នកជា អ្នកមានគុណសម្បត្ត៍ ចរិយាសម្បត្ត៍ វាចាសម្ដីខ្លឹមសារសុភាពរាបសារ !
កូនខ្មែរ ! អ្នកជា អ្នកប្រឈមមុខសត្រូវ កំចាត់សត្រូវ បំផ្លាញជាតិ ឈ្លានពានជាតិ !
កូនខ្មែរ ! អ្នកជា អ្នកឈ្នះមានកិត្តិយស កេរ្ម៍ឈ្មោះ រុងរឿងខ្ពង់ខ្ពស់ !

កូនខ្មែរ ! នរណា ជាអ្នក ? ក្នុងសម័យបិតមុខអាណូនិមុស្សនិៈ !
កូនខ្មែរ ! នរណា អគតិ អសច្ចៈ អកតញ្ញូ អមនុស្សធម៌ មិនមែនជាអ្នក !
កូនខ្មែរ ! នរណា ទន់ខ្សោយ អ្នកខិតខំប្រឹងប្រែងក្រោកឈរពង្រឹងស្មារតីគោលជំហររឹងមាំ !
កូនខ្មែរ ! នរណា មានសំដីពាលព្រហើនកោងកាច ភាសាអាសអាភាស អ្នកបោះបង់ចោល !
កូនខ្មែរ ! នរណា លួចប្លន់ ពុករលួយស៊ីសំណូកសូកបាន់ ប្រើអំណាចផ្ដាច់ការ អ្នកកំចាត់ចោល !

កូនខ្មែរ ! អ្នកមិនបំភ្លេចបណ្ដាំដូនតា !
កូនខ្មែរ ! អ្នកថែរក្សារការពារប្រាសាទខ្មែរទាំងអស់ឲ្យនៅឈរជ្រងោសង្ហាស្គឹមស្កៃជានិច្ចតរឿងទៅ !
កូនខ្មែរ ! អ្នកថែរក្សារការពារសម្បត្តិធម្មជាតិរុក្ខជាតិទឹកដីឈើព្រៃភ្នំ ឲ្យនៅគង់វង់ជានិច្ចតរឿងទៅ !

កូនខ្មែរ ! អ្នកនៅឯណា ?
កូនខ្មែរ ! ពេលវេលាមកដល់អ្នកពួតដៃគ្នា រួមចិត្តរួមគំនិត កសាងសេរីភាព សមភាព ភាតរភាព សាមគ្កី យុត្តិធម៌ !
កូនខ្មែរ ! អ្នកលើកស្ទួយប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ ជាតិបានថ្កុំថ្កើង !

កូនខ្មែរ ! មិនចាំបាច់តាំងខ្លួនឯងថាជាអ្នកជាតិនិយម ទើបជាអ្នកស្រឡាញ់ជាតិនុៈទេ !
កូនខ្មែរ ! មិនចាំបាច់តាំងខ្លួនឯងថាជាអ្នកសង្គ្រោះជាតិ ទើបជាអ្នកស្រឡាញ់ជាតិនុៈទេ !
កូនខ្មែរ ! និៈគឺគ្រាន់តែជាស្បៃបំបាំងខ្លួនតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ !
កូនខ្មែរ ! គួរកសាងខ្លួនឯងជា ខ្មែរអ្នកជា ក៏គ្រប់គ្រាន់ល្មមសមរម្យណាស់ថាជា អ្នកស្រឡាញ់ជាតិ !

កូនខ្មែរ ! ករណិយកិច្ចរបស់អ្នកធំដ៏មហិមា !
អ្នកទទួលដោយញញឹម មិនរុញរា ក្នុងគតិធម៍ តាំងស្មារតីរឹងមាំ សតិអារម្មណ៍នឹងន សច្ចៈតៀងត្រង់ សម្បជញ្ញៈជាកូនខ្មែរ !

Anonymous said...

If the CPP wins again, then we know definitely that the majority of Khmers voted for him. Let's test who got more support, Hun Sen or Rainsy.

Anonymous said...

If Ah Hun Sen is not scared of playing a fair game, then AH Hun Sen will release the innocent people he imprisoned, and jail all the criminals in CPP. Who is AH Hun Sen so scared of the people?

Anonymous said...

កូនខ្មែរគ្រប់រូប គួរគិតពិចារណា ត្រិៈរិៈ ឲ្យបានជ្រៅជ្រះច្បាស់លាស់ អ្នកនឹងយល់ជឿជាក់យ៉ាងច្បាស់ថា៖
- ជាតិខ្មែរ ត្រូវការកូនខ្មែរគ្រប់រូប គ្រប់និន្នាការ ដើម្បីករសាងប្រទេសជាតិ ឲ្យបានរុងរឿងថ្កុំថ្កើងសម្បូរ
សប្បាយ !
- ដើម្បីឲ្យប្រទេសជាតិអាចមានភាពរុងរឿងថ្កុំថ្កើងសម្បូរសប្បាយបាន នុៈ លុះត្រាតែមានសន្តិភាពក្នុង
ប្រទេស !
- ដើម្បីឲ្យមានសន្តិភាពក្នុងប្រទេសបាន នុៈ លុះត្រាតែមានការដឹកនាំប្រទេសតាមលទ្ធិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យយ៉ាង
ត្រឹមត្រូវ !
- ដើម្បីឲ្យមានលទ្ធិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យត្រឹមត្រូវ នុៈ លុះត្រាតែមានការរៀបចំការបោះឆ្នោតឲ្យបានត្រឹមត្រូវ !
- ដើម្បីឲ្យមានការបោះឆ្នោតបានត្រឹមត្រូវ នុៈ លុះត្រាតែមាន សន្តិសុខ សេរីភាព សមភាព នឹង យុត្តិធម៍ !
- ដើម្បីឲ្យមានសន្តិសុខ សេរីភាព សមភាព នឹង យុត្តិធម៍ នុៈ លុះត្រាតែមាន ការការពារសន្តិសុខ ការ
ការពារសេរីភាព ភាពស្មើមុខគ្នា ក្នុងមធ្យោបាយឃោសនា នឹង មានការត្រួតពិនិត្យយ៉ាងត្រឹមត្រូវ ដោយ
យុត្តិធម៍ !

កូនខ្មែរគ្រប់រូបគ្រប់និន្នាការ អ្នកមានសទ្ធិ នឹង ករណីយកិច្ច រៀងៗខ្លួន នឹង តាមសមត្ថភាពរៀងៗខ្លួន !
កូនខ្មែរគ្រប់រូបគ្រប់និន្នាការ អ្នកគ្រាន់តែមានមេដឹកនាំខុសៗ គ្នាតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ !
នៅក្នុងគណៈបក្សប្រជាជនក្តីក្រៅអំពី ហន់ សែន នឹង បរិវាដែលប្រើអំណាចផ្ដាច់ការ ឬ នៅក្នុងគណៈបក្ស
ប្រឆាំងឯទឿតក្តីក្រៅអំពីមេដឹកនាំភាគច្រើនខ្លះដែលទន់ជ្រាយ ក៏ នៅមានកូនខ្មែរអ្នកមានសត្តិសម្បជញ្ញៈ ជា
កូនខ្មែរអ្នកជា មួយចំនួនធំ នឹង បង្ហាញខ្លួន ក្នុងគ្រាវេលាល្អ តាមសមត្ថភាពរៀងៗខ្លួនលើកជ្រោង សេរីភាព
សមភាព នឹង យុត្តិធម៍ តាមគតិធម៍ ដែរ ដើម្បីករសាងសង្គមជាតិខ្មែរក្រោមលទ្ធិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យត្រឹមត្រូវ !

Takeo said...

Hun Sen have a full power in hand and all Cambodian will be living hell if we done nothing to fight against Hun Sen's regime.

Anonymous said...

I think the proposal presented by Khmer Patriot @
7:22 am is very good.
We should persue the sanctions.

Anonymous said...

With the support of Vietnam, Ms. Men Sam An, currently Deputy Prime Minister, will soon replace Mr. Hun Sen as Prime Minister.

Cambodia's successive Prime Ministers:

- Pen Sovann (1979-1981)
- Chan Sy (1981-1984)
- Hun Sen (1985-2013)
- Men Sam An (2013-?)

From a CPP member supporting change

Anonymous said...

"If he is surely that the election has been fixed in advance why does opposition take party in the election for?"

To Ah Chhkuot @ 11:13am,

You're right about that, but does your CPP shit is happy if all Cambodian peoples didn't go to the pooling station? Don't forget that you and your father will bark and will do everything to make people vote, otherwise it's mean against your criminal regime, I'm I right?

You have been barked nonestop re. S. Rainsy is a fugitive for remove the temp. border posts. How about your father best friend Taksin S. ran away from law for selling his coutry wealth, not only your father didn't help Thailand arrest him, but give him a job as an advisor too. So who is the criminal and who's helping the criminal?

Your problems is not about S. Rainsy, but even Khmer republic too. Why? Because anything against your abitions to conquer Cambodia, is your enemy. So shut your DUMB-ASS communist Vietcong barbarian, stop making an excuses.
"What's goes aroud comes around", whatch yourself! AH CHHKUOT PI ACH

Anonymous said...

Ah Pee Ach (PI Anh) is one half animal, one half human transgender.

This is Ah Kantorb who got paid by Ah kantorb's government for each message that he wrote in KI.

Anonymous said...

Why does Sam Rainsy (convicted criminal) appeals to foreign countries not to send electoral observers to observe the upcoming election while the opposition party will surely participate in the election? because he is very afraid that those foreign observers will see the fact and speak the truth about the outcome of the election like they did in previous elections. Indeed, if there is no foreign observers, it will be easy for him to lies that the election is fraudulent and illegitimate election or whatever he likes to say.

This fugitive's appealing proves that Sam Rainsy has no hope to return to Cambodia and will not win the election either. His political career is dead. Longlive Sam Rainsy and please enjoy life after politics in exile :) :).

Pi Anh.

Anonymous said...

Shut your DUMB-ASS Ah Chhkuot Pi Ach @1:02pm,

You know nothing except barking nonestop like Mexican Chihuahua.
You're nothing but a homeless crocodile waiting for an opportunity a get a bite or opprtunist animal like HYENA and a MONSTER pirate of South East Asia.
Go back to Hanoi- Do me Kong chor!

Anonymous said...

Correction: Do Mer Kong Chor Ah CHHKUOT Pi Ach!

Anonymous said...

J’ai aussi, comme vous mes compatriotes, plein de colères dans la poitrine (KamHeung Penh Troung), à cause du MAL que les youns font subir à notre Nation depuis des générations !
Ils sont injustes et ingrats envers notre peuple qui est juste, paisible, honnête et hospitalier. Et avec les stupidités et les naïvetés de nos dirigeants passés et présents, nous rendent encore plus exaspérés et incontrôlables.
Mais ne nous nous laissons pas aveuglés et emportés par cette haine ancestrale, car nous sommes issus d’un Peuple muni d’une identité millénaire, d’une culture supérieure et d’une civilisation reconnue par le Monde entier. Il nous reste à explorer et exploiter nos propres valeurs !