Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Appeals Court To Hear Suit Against Opposition Leader

by Heng Reaksmey VOA Khmer

Foreign Affairs Minister Hor Namhong is suing Sam Rainsy for comments he made that linked the minister to the Khmer Rouge, during a speech in 2008.

Opposition members of the Sam Rainsy Party say they want a delay in an upcoming hearing in a lawsuit brought against the party leader by a top ruling party official.

Foreign Affairs Minister Hor Namhong is suing Sam Rainsy for comments he made that linked the minister to the Khmer Rouge, during a speech in 2008.

Sam Rainsy was found libel in the suit, which carries criminal penalties, by a lower court, which sentenced him to two years in jail and a fine of $2,000.

The Appeals Court announced last week it would hold a hearing on that decision on March 12.

SRP spokesman Yim Sovann told VOA Khmer that the party has been unable to find a lawyer to represent Sam Rainsy, who remains in exile abroad, and has requested from the Appeals Court a postponement of the hearing.

However, at least one defense lawyer in Phnom Penh, Choung Chou Ngy, says he has not received a request from the party to defend its leader.

Hor Namhong sued Sam Rainsy for defamation and incitement, for remarks made during a Khmer Rouge remembrance ceremony at the killing fields of Choeung Ek, outside the capital, in 2008.

The two-year sentenced handed down from the lower court adds to 10 years imprisonment Sam Rainsy is already facing, for charges related to his uprooting border markers in Svay Rieng province in 2009.


Anonymous said...

Hey ah chor youn Hor Nam Hong , go to hell. Ah chor youn.

Anonymous said...

Hoa nam hong (=flower five seasons ),he is vietcong ,secret agent of yuon hanoi ,50% vietcongs working in CPP,its role is destroy khmer country from day to day until hanoi swallow khmer completely,why let hanoi and vietcong sit out of the law and laugh behind khmer victim .

Anonymous said...

Hor Nam Hong is using the Monky´s Law. Cpp
is making the Jungle´s Law for Vietcongs and
all Traitors in Cambodia. All Traitors in Cpp now
are crooked and they use their leaps and their ton
gues to be the law. The Hun Sen had Phd from
the jungle. The monkie made for him. In order to
get Phd Degree you must attend full time in The
State or City University six to seven years after
you get BA or Bs Degree from College. Where is
Hun Sen´s School and when he attended. Fake
Hell. You lie Khmer in Cambodia but you can´t
hide Khmer in The United States. Dump Hell.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian People see the way you lead the cou
ntry for 32 years they know you´re ignorant and
also you lack of education. No one believed you.

The Khmer People know that you work for Viet
and China not for Khmers. You are a Traitor.
I hate your face monky. Pi Khmer (USA)

Anonymous said...


យួន ក៏បង្កើតខ្មែរសម រង្សី សង្រ្គោះអាយួនដែរ!

