Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Rainsy Tells Election Observers to Stay Away

International observers from democratic countries and respected organizations will not come to observe communist-style elections. The result of such fake elections will not be recognized as legitimate because it will not reflect the will of the Cambodian people. Any government stemming from such illegitimate elections will be likewise considered as illegitimate. Then the Cambodian people will have the right and will be given the means to remove from power any illegitimate and illegal government.

Sam Rainsy

Rainsy Tells Election Observers to Stay Away

February 26, 2013
By Simon Lewis and Phorn Bopha
The Cambodia Daily

Opposition leader Sam Rainsy has appealed to the international community to refrain from sending observers to Cambodia’s national elections in July so as not to lend legitimacy to the poll.

The call comes as foreign governments and international organizations already appear reticent to send observers to monitor the vote.

In a statement sent to media on Sunday, Mr. Rainsy, who resides in self-imposed exile in Paris to avoid convictions handed down by Cambodian courts, said the forthcoming elections will not be legitimate.

“Their organization by the National Election Committee (NEC), controlled by the authoritarian Cambodian People’s Party (CPP), which has been in power for 34 years, runs fundamentally counter to international standards,” Mr. Rainsy said in the statement, in which he complained of manipulation of voter lists, and a “totalitarian drift” in Cambodia.

Mr. Rainsy faces 11 years in jail on charges including defamation and damage to public property, though his supporters say the charges were politically motivated. Though he is leader of the country’s political opposition, Mr. Rainsy’s name has been removed from the electoral register by the NEC under a little-enforced rule barring people with criminal convictions from voting.

“I am therefore excluded from the electoral contest, which will allow the outgoing CPP prime minister to retain his post without being challenged,” he said in the statement.

Mr. Rainsy said that since recommendations on the electoral system from U.N. human rights envoy Surya Subedi had not been heeded by the government, “international organizations, friendly countries and non-complacent non-government organizations are asked not to send electoral observers.”

“There is no point going to watch a game that has been fixed in advance. Some ill-informed observers just risk validating the charade, which represents an injustice to the Cambodian people, whose will is being distorted,” Mr. Rainsy wrote.

European Union Ambassador Jean-Francois Cautain met with Prime Minister Hun Sen last week and discussed the elections, but did not indicate wheth­er the European Union (E.U.) would be sending monitors to observe July’s election, but the E.U. said it would not send election observers.

“The EU will not send observers to the legislative elections first of all because we have not been asked to do so by the Cambodian authorities,” Alain Vandersmissen, charge d’affairs of the E.U.’s mission in Cambodia, wrote a text message, adding that the E.U. was planning to provide technical assistance to the NEC.

A team of E.U. observers in 2008 concluded that the national elections that year had “fallen short of a number of key international standards for democratic elections,” and made a series of recommendations addressing the unfair media environment, the activities of party-aligned village chiefs, and the NEC’s lack of independence.

Kuol Panha, executive director of the Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia, said the E.U. was unhappy over a failure to take up the recommendations from 2008.

“They put a lot of efforts, resources, money and technical support, and they provided a lot of recommendations to the NEC and, so far, they haven’t included [the recommendations],” Mr. Panha said, adding that the E.U. was unlikely to participate in Cambodian election monitoring just to “make those same recommendations again.”

None of Cambodia’s major donor countries have yet said that they will send monitors for the elections, scheduled for July 28.

NEC Secretary-General Tep Nytha said he did not know yet whether or not the E.U. would be sending observers, but pointed out that the regional group was sending two experts to advise the NEC in the run-up to the elections.

Mr. Nytha said it was too early to say if any international monitors would be present.

“We are appealing to the international NGOs to join,” he said. “The Indonesian Embassy has registered [to monitor] the coming election.”

Laura Thornton, resident director of the Washington-based National Democratic Institute, said there was a “disengagement” from international parties that have previously sent monitors to Cambodian elections.

“International observers are bowing out,” she said. “They might be thinking about how effective observers are, whether the election time itself is when problems occur, we could speculate,” she said.

“Certainly, international observers can serve as a deterrent [to abuses], and offer an outside perspective…but they can also legitimize a situation.”


Anonymous said...

Why does Sam Rainsy (convicted criminal) appeals to foreign countries not to send electoral observers to observe the upcoming election while the opposition party will surely participate in the election? because he is very afraid that those foreign observers will see the fact and speak the truth about the outcome of the election like they did in previous elections. Indeed, if there is no foreign observers, it will be easy for him to lies that the election is fraudulent and illegitimate election or whatever he likes to say.

This fugitive's appealing proves that Sam Rainsy has no hope to return to Cambodia and will not win the election either. His political career is dead. Longlive Sam Rainsy and please enjoy life after politics in exile :) :).

Pi Anh.

Anonymous said...

Thanks pi and very good comment i agreed with you . as we know Mr. Sam he is the men of no principle, inexspereinced and lazy wasnt he? His charactoristict are no diferent from motodub or my construction worker theu generaly do everything for very survived survive day by day arent they ? And now we clearly see Rainsy is a madness man we ever meet wasnt it right? And Sam he know himself his goal is to collect money as much as posible and at the same time play with bla bla bla politicy to get power, wasnt he?.Mike

Anonymous said...

MR. PI ANH YOU ARE very interlected person you have alote of headach with rainsy street wild klanc cow . I thanked to you for trying to enlight them.Very funy you are very childish mi oun Sam and one more thing rainsy you cheat cow at oversea by telling them that you are going to rescue us from youn, how you do it? Show people your blue print not bla bla cheater. I can tell from very early you arr very useles men i swear to god i will never evet hire gay like you to works for me. You are too prestique and alote of emotional how can you work effeceincy . cant, you? Mike

Anonymous said...

Stay aways you tell international observer to stay aways, who are you Sam chkot. SAm IS A MADNESS MAN

Anonymous said...

Rather than telling the international monitors to stay away from the polling places, Sam Rainsy and his party should just boycott the election instead. Once boycotting Hun Sen cannot use the opposition party as tools and the election will land no credibility to Hun Sen regime in the eyes of the world.

Anonymous said...

I thought I heard Sam Rainsy once proclaimed he will boycott the election. As it turns out now he did not boycott at all. Khmer politicians these days are hard to believe what they said.

Anonymous said...

Why in the eye of the world so importance to you?. Tell Sam chkot he worth nothings , he is a cheapest commodities on earth under the sun, am i made it clear to you now?.Mike

Anonymous said...

The world comprised of international donors which contributed fund to finance Cambodia for 30 years now. If those governments stop funding Cambodia and stop recognizing Hun Sen government, Cambodia will go broke and collapse and once that happened Cambodia will go back to stone age. Do you get the point?

Anonymous said...

donor they help Khmer ah chkot Sam try to stop them what does it mean to you? rescue? or ah Sam try to destruction Khmer community.

Anonymous said...

Why in the eye of the world is not important? Election in every country is observed and monitored by various democratic countries. If those observers don't endorse the election result because the election is not just and fair the world will not recognize your government and if that the case the government is found to be illegitimate government. In today's world, a country needs to interact with one another and it cannot afford to be isolated just Pol Pot once did to this country.

Anonymous said...


Hun Sen ruled the country for 30 years now and he is still begging money to finance his country. To me, he has performance issue. It's about time he admit that he is an inept prime minister. He led his country to become beggar state. After all, I'm not proud by the fact that Cambodia(or Khmers as whole) is a beggar. Everyone, every country has honor and dignity and beggar don't have none of those.

Anonymous said...

you trying to say Rainsy is the icon of democracy what happened if Rainsy not allow to Cambodia? you mean the election is not legal? why?. Rainsy worth nothing in international community eye and np ones care this madness gay Sam Rainsy.

Anonymous said...

I am homelese now please help in lowell 2010 rainsy appeal for help he was hungry and desprately need food. What does it mean to you. Beger doesnt he?

Anonymous said...

decho sen is a big big beggar he asked donor to help hungry Khmer community who need selter food school and health care wasn't it true? and now what about you chkot Sam do any rescue shit. nothing right?

Anonymous said...

If Hun Sen able to lead the country, he doesn't have to beg. You idiot above just don't get it. Your freaken Daddy have been in power for 30 years and the people are still poor and the country is going backward instead of forward. Compare to other neighboring countries in the region, Cambodia are the poorest of the poor. You guys are a bunch of morons. With the natural resources that we have, Khmer should be self sustainable not begging from the international donors.

Anonymous said...

do not talk about hun sen what about you yourself with in 20 years how good you do to added value to yourself. I guess you stuck badly and great suffer on home and car loans did you pay bank on Tim. I guess you are nott.arent you? .when you said go backward and poore you are completely blind. cambodia people are completelywealthiest and smarter than Rainsy ways way smarter than Rainsy. now who is the real moron? you. wasn't it true? .mike

Anonymous said...

I have 65 people under my management. I feed them and their families what about you yourself ask your if she happy with you. 99 percent she force herself to lived with in you if you looked back you feel regret greatly regret on your pass useless experience. now you clearly see you are belong to your bunch of moron aren't you? . and Chkot Sam Rainsy himself is a biggest moron. wasn't he? .Mike

Anonymous said...

corrections ask your wife.

Anonymous said...

Only blid monkey Mike see Cambodia as a wealthy nation...I am speech less. You must be one of those they called "a frog in a pond." I am really pitty you Mike. I think either you are completely blind or you forgot to take your psychotrophic medication.

Anonymous said...

frog in the pond I lived in lowell. I know chea Kim lee nut rumdul nurse Chan and I been there in Sunday restaurant while you beging for money. sucker and by the wayway what you do with my donation money. Mike

Anonymous said...

Sunida restaurant near Dmv or wall green is that clear to you.if

Anonymous said...

6:18 AM,

And I am the president of the United states and I have 200 Millions people reported to me.

Anonymous said...

Mike, the pim,

Did you say you have 65 prostitutes working for you ?

Anonymous said...

Idiot Mike, why don't you move back to Cambodia if you think your fuckin Papa Hun Sen doing so great. What in the hell are you doing in Lowell, INS need to deport your ass back to srok Khmer for supporting a dictator.

Anonymous said...

I wanna you to stop cheating too and stop preach khmer rough ideology to new khme generation. It not hard to do it isnt it ?.Mike

Anonymous said...

Ah roke jet Mike,ah communist sleeping cell,ah bird flue virus please keep track on that animal I P when ah youn regime collapse
Just drag ah Mike koun mee youn prostitude by the rope ,seven rounds of Phnom Penh Capitol before drown that damn animal to be jelly fishes s food.
Ah Mike ah traitor

Anonymous said...

Too low rainsy klanc low life people all of you including Sam chkot are just work 20 meter aways from jungle. Learn now to be more human and clean yourself wash your brain from pass ex.khmer rough bloody dirty ideology. Will you?. SAM LOSER

Anonymous said...

Mike, the pim

You couldn't even write proper English !!!
Instead of showing your stupidity here, why don't you
take ESL classes ?

Anonymous said...

rainsy cheat you for years now claimed you are smart are you happy being cheated by the man that you truth. Rainsy is your friend-enermy wasnt it true?.Mike

Anonymous said...

Judging from what he wrote, Mr. Mike did not even finish High School yet. He will need to do more to improve his writing skill. Based on his writings it appears that he is on Hun Sen, CPP, and Viets payroll. People in Lowell, MA need to be aware that Hun Sen agent is hiding in your community.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Mike writing don't convince me that he is a long time resident of U.S. at all. It looks like his English skills is freshly learned from Cambodia. I am not surprised if he is an agent who recently sent by Hun Sen from Cambodia to spy on Khmer community in Lowell, MA.

Anonymous said...

I took english clase only for 6 months andt i have master degree in economic scient and law in cambodia and what wrong with you trying to judg people education. I am sure your talent way way lower than everage people your talent lower than my staff. Mike

Anonymous said...

Rainsy very stupid what make you believed in him and follow his crazines policy. Tell ME what rainsy leadership roll model that make you kiss rainsy ass. Every people who know rainsy 2 months they easyly could tell this gay is s laziness cheater. Dont you know rainsy make a living by dirty bla bla bla trick to reach out to your porket. MIKE

Anonymous said...

And i am a business man i do not spend minute of my life times for stupid politic. Most of you dreaming to lived on other labor and eager to use power for presstique that make you kiss gay weaknesd and madnes man rainsy for power. Keep on dreaming coward. Mike

Anonymous said...

Ah Lobster kike Cambodia go to hell because the madness and stupidest people like you who get involve in the politic,We are Cambodians need the smart leader not that slave and youn puppit like your boss okay an idiotic mike?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Mike,

Your degree from Cambodia don't impress me at all. Degree in there can be bought and sold. Look at your papa Hun Sen and your mama Bun Rany. Both of them have PhD's but they barely know how read and write. I don't know know how you manage to get your master degree but judging from your writing you are no better than 1st grader in America.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Mike,

You have indicated that you are a businessman and you have 65 employees working for you. Judging from your language your line of business is more like human traffickers? Head of mafia? Prostitute headman? Head of the hitman from Hun Sen bodyguard unit? Which one?

Anonymous said...

Please forgive my best friend Mike. You have to understand his family history inorder for you to love him. You see, Mike have been abandon by his mother since he was a small boy. His mother was a Vietnamese prostitude who was sexually abuse by her own father. She was forced to work as a prostitute and daily return home to an abuse father. One day, she was forced to pick up fire woods in the deep forest. On that tragic day, she was rape by a big orangutan and 9 months later she gave a birth to a boy name Mike. You see, Mike life was very unfortunate and sad to be borned half ape. If anything I am very proud of him to be able to read and write much less get on line. Therefore, please forgive my friend.

Anonymous said...

OK, I understand his situation better now. Mike's life is miserable and I feel sorry for him.

Anonymous said...

manipulations- that is a real pure color of your Sam rainsyiy chkot team. you play very dirty tricks how you lived your life with all that garbage in your brain all of you very danger to Khmer people. I told you only useless people like all ofof you are washing time with politic looked at chkot rainsyiy this lazy lady girl very danger-skilful in cheating all ofof you. why don't you listen to your wife and stop being a stupid cows. and I am not a stupidpolitical tool like you and ah lop sokha. Mike

Anonymous said...

Mike, the pim

Get a noble job !!!

Anonymous said...

Mike, please don't be so hard on yourself. Why don't you go and visit a zoo this weekend because your half sister have not seen you a while. Don't forget to bring a lot of bananas with you. I am so sorry that I spilled your family secret to KI, please forgive me.

Best regard,

Your only friend

Anonymous said...

how many soldier, capital and human resources does your idiot master rainsy hase? nothing right? plus you rainsy is too dump. how many idiots Sam klanc like you could stop Vietnam. if Vietnam calculating to crab Cambodia Vietnam could do it with in weeks and at any times. couldnt they? how idiots your idiot klanc stop them? barking from France right?. now you clearly see yourself a bunch of cheaper idiots wasn't it right? and you clearly-Rainsy know it yourself right?. why you play youn game the realimpossible and danger racist game in cheatingpolitic. you think chkot termpeople believe you. no only useless people like you in politic hkot team are chkot and dump. right? Mike

Anonymous said...

Mike, You're absolutely right! all of them are money and opportunist suckers!!!! We CPP have to be on the look out for those tricky scumbag, and those garbages oppostion followers. Each one of them are pussy licker to be honest. They are very good at bla bla bla shit, liar and a crook manipulators. Most of them are on welfare payroll. They love to sleep around with each other wife and daughters just for the pleasure of it. they'r a sore losers. Instead of blaming their useless leader, they blamed the winners. their own party leaders full of corruptions and intimidation. Who's in the fucking mind vote for a leaderless party? Long live Pi Anh.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Mike, i just found out that the sore loser 6:12AM used to be my asshole licker, he was employed my me just a few years ago, but i kicked him out because he didn't lick my asses good enough. Now i'm dating his wife and his daughter at the same, oh boy! i love the threesome. His wife told me he got a tiny dick compare to my 9 inches killer. His daughter also told me he still wanted to come back and lick my asses again, because his master fugitive scamssssSR wouldn't let him lick his asses either, sad indeed. Mike just forgive him, he's nothing other than a piece of garbage that stuck in my ass. Long live Pi Anh.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike, i just found out that the sore loser 6:12AM used to be my asshole's licker, he was employed by me just a few years ago, but i kicked him out because he didn't lick my asses good enough. Now i'm dating his wife and his daughter at the same, oh boy! i love the threesome. His wife told me he got a tiny dick compare to my 9 inches killer. His daughter also told me he still wanted to come back and lick my asses again, because his master fugitive scamssssSR wouldn't let him lick his asses either, sad indeed. Mike just forgive him, he's nothing other than a piece of garbage that stuck in my ass. Long live Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

Hot News to share with you Mike, i just found out again that 3:51 AM has a combine of a disease called sociopath and psychopath, this individual who has seared his conscience by deep seated anger, hatred and bitterness because of trauma in their life and they lash out and take their anger and rage out on others. futher more this individual who has mental illness that could be organic (biological) or environmental (caused by the way their lived their life and the wrong choices and reactions to life that they made). See i told you not to join your cult leader ScamSR, and ah Kim Soka.ahahahah Long live Pi Anh.

Anonymous said...

how these madness people could lived their life in the west? what happened to their kids his wife and all living stock. those madness men may rules by animal behave in theirs poor families. I do believe and Agreed with you pi anh.Mike

Anonymous said...

Please forgive me 6:12AM for not treated you any better than your cult master scamSR. I promise i won't expose your background anymore knowing you're just simply a retard person with disable income. We all should pity you because you have been abuse, brain wash, and fuck by your papa when you were young age, as for now you can fuck your fugitive leader for a revenge. Long live Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

yes 6:12 pm was a half Brian person he only associated with disable and people on welfare. bunch of danger brainwashed dump.Mike

Anonymous said...

skunk rainsyyy follwer all of them are ex-Khmerr rough killer these madness skunk rainsyyy klanc may put Khmer back in the past genocide regime. they trying very hard to revives pol pot ideology. Pi anh I doknow youre trying to stop all pol pot ideology and to promote new government lead by the rule of laws and it seem too difficult for old brainwashed people who lived their life a half century with cruel and abused bloody killer that leak in their blood already. any way thanks Pi anh for being positive advice for all. Mike

Anonymous said...

Mike and ach pi,
I am sorry to get you both upset. You guy have been and will always be my hero for being the only two ammusing dumb ass in this ki blog. Thank you for keepping us entertain, without idiot like yall life would be boring.

Anonymous said...

8:46 AM

That was a good one !!!
_Keep them coming.

Anonymous said...

Pi Ach and Mike are good gay partners. Both are on Hun Sen payroll. They are hired to do propaganda works for Hun Sen and CPP. Either that or Vietcongs agents who are hiding among Viet civilians in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Pi ach and Mike,

Your English is stink and none of us understand what you are saying. Did both of you acquire your English writing in Cambodia, your Banana Kingdom? It does not look like you get proper training. Go back to school somewhere else to get proper training to improve your language skills. The way I see it now both of you are just frogs in the well. Any way I commend you for daring to write knowing the fact that your English is so poor.