Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Neanderthals & Their offspring ... several million generations later


Anonymous said...

មុខពួកអាខេអាយក៍ដូចហ្នុងដែរ។ បើគ្រាន់បើ​បញ្ចេញមុខមក។

Anonymous said...

Damn first lady of Cambodia look like shit

Anonymous said...

មុខខេអាយដូច K......... I

Anonymous said...

Lost a lot of time and that kind of caricature picture will not help the opposition to win the next election.
This is just for the Khmer live outside of Cambodia. But for the Khmer inside the country, they did not have the possibility to see and understand of the meaning of this picture.
Question, who are going to vote the next election in Cambodia ?

Anonymous said...

Her eyes looks like my butt cracked.If you want to see my butt cracked i post it fir you to see....Lol...Lol..