Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Testimony of being raised from the dead..

Seen and heard on Facebook

Testimony of being raised from the dead..

New Life Fellowship, Sdok Prey, Takeo...

A couple in Takeo province had a two year old child who was very sick. At midnight the child was very pale and weak and his pupils turned white. The child was still breathing, but unresponsive. They took the child to see a community doctor the next morning. The doctor said there was no hope for the child and told the family to prepare the funeral ceremony for the child. He told them the child was going to die and he would only live until noon.

The parents were very sad, but someone told the parents about Pastor Heng Socheat, the Pastor of New Life Fellowship Sdok Prey. He told them to go to Pastor Socheat and ask him to pray for the child. The parents were hopeless. Going to Pastor Socheat was now the only option that offered them any hope. They decided to go to Pastor Socheat.

Pastor Socheat told them he had no power to heal the child, but that his God is strong and He (God) could heal the child. He shared the good news about Jesus with the family and then he prayed for the child. After 30 minutes of praying, the child’s hands moved, then he opened his eyes and he spoke to his parents. The child was healed and now the whole family attends Church at New Life Fellowship, Sdok Prey, Takeo.


Anonymous said...

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. He heals and saves people - just ask Him yourself directly. The best part is He is coming back and He is our people's only hope in this world. i know He is real, because He showed Himself to me one night when i asked Him to help me.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure sure that Jesus healed the child. A medical doctor said a child is dead does not mean he is dead. Sometimes someone can be just in a coma. There are many cases that dead person become alive later on. To you, as a Christina, it is so quick about glorify your religion, Amen. Remember, you are pray for everything. If nothing is working, Oh, that is not God's plan. When it happened like this, Oh, it is God's work. Halaloya!