Friday, March 29, 2013

An honest confession - By Anonymous

ស្បថ ឲ្យរន្ទះ បាញ់ កណ្តាលថ្ងៃត្រង់


Anonymous said...

"and her two holes are bigger than the hole of my mouth.."

Anonymous said...

អាឆ្កួត​! អាអ្ហែងនេះគឺពូជអាខ្មែរក្រហមចំហើយ។ អាមោឃ អាល្ងង់ អាទា អាតាប៉ែ អាអូរបុក​ អាតាង៉ែន អាខួរឆ្កែ អាខួរបង្កង អាពាល អាទមិឡ អាបំផ្លាញជាតិ អាលក់ជាតិ អាលក់ដីជាតិ អាស្លាប់តៃហោង អានរករាប់កប្ប អារលាយមួយពូជ។

ពីអញនៅភ្នំពេញជិតអាចោរ ហ៊ុន សែន

Anonymous said...

អារន្ទះបាញ់ខែចេត្រ ឆ្នាំម្សាញ់ បញ្ចស័ក ព.ស២៥៥៧​ទាងកណ្ដាលថ្ងៃត្រង់!

Anonymous said...

Oh yah!!!

Anonymous said...

Liar, Mi Ka Chruok’s ass is narrow.

Anonymous said...

Without the padding she has no ass.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, Ah Hun Sen never fuck his wife. she is just a figure wife. Hun Sen fucked all the pretty girls you see on CTN and Bayon TV. That is our leader, lets vot for him again so for the next five years he will brings five more millions Vietcongs to live in our land.
If we are that stupid, then so be it Khmer.

Anonymous said...


Legend Of Elephant and Monkey

In the land of India, far across the sea, there lived an elephant and a monkey. The monkey likes to run fast swinging tree trunks and from branch to branch.
Like the elephant slowly walking through the jungle, a path for himself with his long, strong trunk.
The elephant and the monkey were friends, but one day they had a fight.

The elephant was very proud because he knew he was very strong.

"I am the strongest animal in the jungle," he said to the monkeys. "See how I trample the bushes with my feet!"

He twisted his trunk around a young tree and pulled her by the roots.

"Could you do that?" the elephant said proudly.

Now the monkey was as proud as the elephant. But the monkey was proud because he was so very quickly.

The monkey quickly ran into a big tree. He swung from branch to branch with his long arms. Then he hung by his tail from the highest branch of all.

He rose quickly to a lower branch and called the elephant:

"Could you do it? Can you climb a tall tree and swing your tail from a branch?"

The elephant had to shake his big head, but he said, "It is better to be strong, as fast."

The monkey shook his little head.

"No," he said, "it is better to be fast, be strong."

The elephant said, "No, no," and stamped his feet.

And the monkey: "No, no," and waved his arms.

The elephant stamped and stamped his feet, and the monkey nodded and waved his arms.

Then they saw the owl sitting up, blinking in a tree on it.

"The owl is a wise old man," said the elephant. "Let us pray to him, it's better to be strong or to be quick."

"All right," said the monkey.

They called up the owl, "Which is better, too much or too fast to be?"

Anonymous said...

"You must do what I tell you," answered the owl, "and then you will know. Do you see that tall tree with golden fruit on the other side of the river, please go and have to get the fruit and bring it to me .

So the elephant and the monkey began. Soon they came to the River. It was very deep and the water ran very fast.

The monkey one foot in the water. Then he took them quickly. He was afraid.

"I can not over this river," he said to his friend the elephant. "It's too deep and the water runs too quickly."

"I'm so big and strong, I can swim that river," said the elephant. "It is not too deep or too fast for me.

"You can climb on my back if you like and I will carry you over."

So the monkey climbed back on the elephant. He sat high and dry on the elephant's head, while his great friend swam across the river.

After a while they found the tree. It was very, very large, and its golden fruit hanging high above their heads.

Elephants and elephant monkeyThe twisted his trunk around the tree and tried to pull it down. But he could not bend or break the tree. It was too strong for him. He tried to reach the golden fruit with his trunk, but the fruit hung too high.
"I can not to the fruit," the elephant said sadly. "What should I do?"

"Oh," said the monkey. "I can climb trees."

He quickly ran to the tree trunk and swung from branch to branch. He raised his large golden fruit, and threw her to the ground. The elephant picked up the fruit and they deposited large holed up in his mouth.

Then ran the monkey climbed the tree and the elephant's head again. The two friends started on their way home.

The elephant swam across the deep river fast and soon they were back at the owl tree.

"This is the ripe, golden fruit that you wanted, friend owl," she said. "Now tell us who is better to be strong or to be quick."

The owl took the fruit.

"Well, of you can bring me this?" He asked.

"I did it," said the monkey. "The elephant can not climb trees."

"But I entrusted to the swift deep river," said the elephant. "The monkey was afraid to swim across it."

"Then bring me the fruit together," said the owl.
"None of you could get the fruit alone.
"Can we say then, what is better to be strong or fast to be? He is the elephant took both the strength and speed of the monkeys get the rewards."

Anonymous said...


"You must do what I tell you," answered the owl, "and then you will know. Do you see that tall tree with golden fruit on the other side of the river, please go and have to get the fruit and bring it to me .

So the elephant and the monkey began. Soon they came to the River. It was very deep and the water ran very fast.

The monkey one foot in the water. Then he took them quickly. He was afraid.

"I can not over this river," he said to his friend the elephant. "It's too deep and the water runs too quickly."

"I'm so big and strong, I can swim that river," said the elephant. "It is not too deep or too fast for me.

"You can climb on my back if you like and I will carry you over."

So the monkey climbed back on the elephant. He sat high and dry on the elephant's head, while his great friend swam across the river.

After a while they found the tree. It was very, very large, and its golden fruit hanging high above their heads.

Elephants and elephant monkeyThe twisted his trunk around the tree and tried to pull it down. But he could not bend or break the tree. It was too strong for him. He tried to reach the golden fruit with his trunk, but the fruit hung too high.
"I can not to the fruit," the elephant said sadly. "What should I do?"

"Oh," said the monkey. "I can climb trees."

He quickly ran to the tree trunk and swung from branch to branch. He raised his large golden fruit, and threw her to the ground. The elephant picked up the fruit and they deposited large holed up in his mouth.

Then ran the monkey climbed the tree and the elephant's head again. The two friends started on their way home.

The elephant swam across the deep river fast and soon they were back at the owl tree.

"This is the ripe, golden fruit that you wanted, friend owl," she said. "Now tell us who is better to be strong or to be quick."

The owl took the fruit.

"Well, of you can bring me this?" He asked.

"I did it," said the monkey. "The elephant can not climb trees."

"But I entrusted to the swift deep river," said the elephant. "The monkey was afraid to swim across it."

"Then bring me the fruit together," said the owl.
"None of you could get the fruit alone.
"Can we say then, what is better to be strong or fast to be? He is the elephant took both the strength and speed of the monkeys get the rewards."

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm! Boring.....What's the monkey nor elephant got to do with Hun sen gesture of his wife trunk too huge!?

Anonymous said...

Yep! I got one inside my pants,wanna see it?

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Hun sen gesturing that his wife butt is getting bigger everyday if all of you wanna see you must deposit some $$$$ and put up your reservation in this coming Khmer's new year his wife will dance for all Hanoi cadres to see...500 riels down pAyment....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hun sen should make a smooth transition, avoid all futhure conflicts and say 'enough is enough'. The VC and the Chinese crooks 'can run but they can't hide'. Just for the record, Khmers did not kill khmers, it was the works of these crooks all along. They told kingta and Pol Pot not to be on the US side or else they will be sorry and then, they promised them the world but in the end, they betrayed them both

First, they helped Kingta and Pot Pot to destroy Lon Nol (Pro-US) and then, they created Hang Sarin to destroy Pol Pot. Both goups accused each other of being part of the CIA and KBG and began to kill each other starting from the roots of the educated ones (in order for them to swallow srok khmer later on). After both Pol Pot and Hang Sarin showed them the list of those victims of 1/3 dead (2-3million dead out of 6millions). They then decided to move into Cambodia.

By then, there was a change of plans, that is, to eliminate Pol Pot and and also to let a well trained man called 'Hang Sarin' to rule the nation. By then, K5 camp was also being created to eliminate the final anti-vietminh, which was being controlled by the Hun Sen. Hun Sen killed thousands of them for the benefit of the vietminh. Soon after, he gain more power which was passed down from the Hang Sarin because the VC saw that Hun Sen as an ideal person to be their puppet.

By then, Pol Pot and Kingta realised that they were being betrayed by the VC and the Chinese crooks but it was already too late to save their nation. In the end, Kingta had no where to go except under the refuge of the Chinese in the name of good relationship as 'we are brother') but little did he know that he was also being played by them, whereas Pol Pot, he had no where to go accept to hide in the jungle until the day he died.

Now it is time to speak truth for 'the truth will set us free'. ( qoute-Jesus and all other religious perspectives). My conclusion is khmers did not kill khmers, it was the work of the outsiders alone, like the VC, Chinese crooks who sent thousands of war related weapons (in exchange for khmers hard earns rice and fish) to destroy srok khmer including; the US B52 bombing which also detroyed almost all of khmer infrastructures...yet no one in this world is doing anything about it.

These perpetrators should be brought to justice but NO!. what a shame, however, god knows every move they made, so no need to worry, as 'karma' is on their way, e.g they can run but they can't hide' or justice will be done on earth and in heaven' or the 'righteous will live forever and the wicked will be doomed anyway'....'blessed are those who have eyes to see and ears to hear' and I am glad that I am one of them. So, be blessed everyone...

Nevertheless, they could at least say sorry to its nation and also try to reconcile in some ways or else, justice will not be done and their souls will continue to haunt them until the end of time e.g no one can live in peace unless justice is done....or 'karma', and it is real, just like tsunami, earth qaukes, fires, floods will continue to come your way,,,god is real, true and just...because god is god...

Anonymous said...

2:06 AM

You must be very proud of your little Winnie; well at least you have one.

Anonymous said...

I thought his gesture was about his exciting finding that the earth is round, ha ha ha…

Anonymous said...

12:50 AM
Hun Sen won the elections because he cheated, not because Khmers voted for him.