Saturday, March 16, 2013

Donors, UN urge Khmer Rouge court to speed up trial

This picture released by the Documentation Centre of Cambodia (DCCAM) on March 15, 2013 shows relatives attending the funeral ceremony of former Khmer Rouge foreign minister Ieng Sary in Malai. Donors, rights groups and the UN on Friday urged Cambodia's war crimes court to speed up the trial of the remaining two Khmer Rouge leaders accused of genocide after the death of an elderly suspect

By Suy Se
AFP News 03/15/2013
Witnesses said hundreds of mourners, some crying, gathered to say goodbye to the former Khmer Rouge foreign minister, despite evidence he oversaw purges and executions, spotlighting the lingering divide between supporters and ex-members of the former regime.
Donors, rights groups and the UN on Friday urged Cambodia's war crimes court to speed up the trial of the remaining two Khmer Rouge leaders accused of genocide after the death of an elderly suspect.

Regime co-founder Ieng Sary, 87, who was one of the few public faces of the Khmer Rouge, died in hospital on Thursday, escaping court judgment for his alleged role in the atrocities.

The two remaining defendants, Nuon Chea and former head of state Khieu Samphan -- who both deny charges of war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity -- are in their eighties, prompting fears they too could die before the tribunal reaches a verdict.

The UN special rapporteur on human rights in Cambodia called on the court, its donors and the government to speed up proceedings at the much-delayed tribunal.

"We owe it to the surviving victims of the Khmer Rouge, the families of the victims, and the whole of Cambodian society that continues to suffer from the impact of the Khmer Rouge to this day," Surya Subedi said in a statement.

Only a handful of top regime figures have ever come to trial over the Khmer Rouge's crimes that saw a quarter of Cambodia's population wiped out in the late 1970s.

The tribunal has been frequently cash-strapped since it was set up in 2006 to find justice for the deaths of up to two million people under the hardline communist regime.

It has been suspended since last week due to a strike by some local staff over unpaid wages, as a result of a row between donors and the Cambodian government.

A foreign expert, who asked not be named, described "exasperation" among donor nations over "the government's inertia" on the issue, adding discussions were ongoing to drum up more money and "remind the Cambodians of their responsibilities".

In a joint statement the French and Japanese embassies in Cambodia, among the top donors, warned the trial must move ahead in a "fair, efficient and expeditious manner".

Human Rights Watch (HRW) meanwhile accused strongman Prime Minister Hun Sen, himself a former Khmer Rouge cadre who defected and became premier in 1985, of trying to delay the trial.

"Hun Sen has run circles around the UN and donors while successfully denying justice for the Cambodian people," HRW's Asia director Brad Adams said.

"Cambodians now face the prospect that only three people will be held legally accountable for the destruction of their country," he added, referring to the two on trial and former prison chief Kaing Guek Eav, better known as Duch, who has been jailed for life.

Led by "Brother Number One" Pol Pot, who died in 1998, the Khmer Rouge wiped out nearly a quarter of Cambodia's population through starvation, overwork or execution in a bid to create an agrarian utopia during their 1975-79 rule.

Funeral ceremonies for Ieng Sary began Friday in his powerbase in northwestern Malai district, near the Thai border where he held out with fellow Khmer Rouge members after the regime fell from power until his defection in 1996.

Witnesses said hundreds of mourners, some crying, gathered to say goodbye to the former Khmer Rouge foreign minister, despite evidence he oversaw purges and executions, spotlighting the lingering divide between supporters and ex-members of the former regime.

"He was good. He helped people with a lot of things," supporter Meas Sam, 53, told AFP by telephone. "I hope he rests in peace."


Anonymous said...

The saying goes…
When you kill one person you are a murderer, but when you kill a million you are a hero.
Just like Hitler he is still a hero to many people who hate the Jew.
It is a crazy world, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Those mouners are Khmer Rouge comrades in arm with Ieng
Sary, they should not be hundreds in numbers but should be tens of thousands. Where of them? How about the comrade Pailin Governor.

Anonymous said...

Where were all this excellency's heroic brothers in arms? Hopefully, his notoriety will not be remembered by Khmer generations but by Yama in Narakam.

"Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will return there. The LORD gives, and the LORD takes away. May the name of the LORD be blessed!"
NET Bible (©2006)

Anonymous said...

The devil waited for him to hell. Now they are tormenting his soul

Anonymous said...

1:01 AM

How do you know, had you been there?
