Friday, March 15, 2013

Hun Sen proves that he is really a coward

Singapore, March 14, 2013


I am happy to hear Mr. Hun Sen trying today to deny that he is a coward. His arguments are so poor and so irrelevant that they actually prove the contrary to what he means. Therefore Mr. Hun Sen himself unintentionally helps further convince the public opinion that he is really a coward.

Background of the discussion : On March 11, 2013 Agence France Presse (AFP) wrote :

QUOTE - Cambodia's opposition leader Sam Rainsy on Monday [March 11] branded strongman Prime Minister Hun Sen a "coward" for barring him from running in a key general election later this year. Rainsy, Hun Sen's main rival, lives in self-imposed exile in France to avoid prison for a string of convictions that critics contend are politically motivated. In November the 63-year-old Rainsy was told he could not stand in the polls because of [a decision] by the National Election Committee (NEC), a body he says is a tool of the premier.

He accused Hun Sen, who has ruled the country since 1985 and has vowed to stay in power until he is 90, of using the NEC [and the politically subservient Court] to block his election bid (...). "I think Hun Sen is a coward because there are only two challengers [he and I]," Rainsy told AFP by telephone from Yangon, where he met Myanmar's pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi. "But Hun Sen dares not to compete with me. He uses a kangaroo court to blame me so that he can go into the ring and fight alone (...)."

[Rainsy] also accused the NEC of handing Hun Sen's ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP) landslide victories in successive elections. The international community has urged Cambodia to allow all political participants, including Rainsy, to compete fairly in the looming election. - UNQUOTE

Today Mr. Hun Sen did not address any of the fundamental issues raised in the above AFP report. Instead

I- Mr. Hun Sen said he is not afraid to compete with me at the 2013 elections because he had defeated me at three previous elections (1998, 2003, 2008).

My comment :

What kind of elections were they? According to a team of observers from the European Union, the 2008 national elections had “fallen short of a number of key international standards for democratic elections.” As for the upcoming 2013 elections, why doesn't Mr. Hun Sen accept to implement any of the basic recommendations issued by the United Nations in 2012 to help ensure more democratic elections? Everybody agrees that under a regime which pretends to derive its legitimacy from the popular vote but which in fact resorts to intimidation and repression to remain in place for decades, elections are nothing but a sham.

If Mr. Hun Sen really wants to prove that he is not a coward, he should simply accept to implement the U.N. recommendations, which include my free and full participation in the forthcoming electoral contest. According to Associated Press (AP), October 6, 2012, "[Sam Rainsy] and Hun Sen are bitter political enemies, with Sam Rainsy the only national figure with the political skills and organization to pose a credible challenge to the prime minister." By using a kangaroo court and a discredited NEC to prevent me from challenging him, Mr. Hun Sen can only reinforce his image as a political coward. Who on earth could explain to Mr. Hun Sen that, for a country that pretends to implement parliamentary democracy known as the Westminster system, no outgoing prime minister can legitimately retain his position by unfairly excluding the leader of the opposition -- his only real challenger -- from the electoral contest?

But we can understand why Mr. Hun Sen feels more and more unsecure. With the merger this year of the only two opposition parties represented in Parliament, the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) and the Human Rights Party (HRP) under the banner of the Cambodia National Rescue Paery (CNRP), Cambodia's political landscape has dramatically changed and could more likely lead to a democratic change, thus putting an end to Mr. Hun Sen's 28-year reign. At the June 2012 commune elections, in spite of countless irregularities, the SRP and the HRP collected a total of 31 percent of the vote, clearly making the CNRP the only real challenger to the ruling CPP at the 2013 national elections. As the president of the CNRP and the opposition leader, I am candidate for prime minister and represent the only real challenger to Mr. Hun Sen, the other candidate for prime minister supported by the CPP. But Mr. Hun Sen is using all sorts of tricks to avoid the fight between he and I, showing that he is a coward.

II- Mr. Hun Sen compared Cambodia to Burma, and Sam Rainsy to Aung San Suu Kyi.

My comment :

The situation in Cambodia is different from the one in Burma in that in the latest country, all political leaders from all parties are patriots and serve their country's interest first. This is not the case of Cambodia where the ruling party was put in place by a foreign army in 1979, which indebted the CPP to a neighboring country whose interest it has always to keep in mind.

In Burma, national unity can be achieved because no political leader receive any instruction from any foreign country, which is different from Cambodia. On October 25, 2009 I pulled out an illegal border post planted on Cambodia's territory in Svay Rieng province. There had been no reaction whatsover from the Cambodian authorities, until November 4, 2009 when Vietnamese prime minister Nguyen Tan Dung called on -- from Hanoi -- the Hun Sen government to punish me (and tacitly to eliminate me from Cambodia's political scene).

The tricks used by Mr. Hun Sen to try to eliminate me from Cambodia's political scene are ludicrous, as least as ludicrous as the ones used by the authoritarian Burmese government to try to neutralize Aung San Suu Kyi. But I am grateful to Mr. Hun Sen for making the following comparison: "Aung San Suu Kyi has accepted to face charges and other legal problems in Burma, which is not the case of his political opponent [Sam Rainsy] in Cambodia." Since the whole world knows that any charges faced by Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma were trumped-up ones, Mr. Hun Sen has just helped everybody understand that any "legal problems" I am facing now are related to trumped-up charges.

It is sad that, with Burma making noticeable democratic progress, Mr. Hun Sen has turned Cambodia into the new pariah state in Southeast Asia.

Sam Rainsy


Anonymous said...

dump weakness and madness man rainsy you are the cheapest commodity on earth stop cheat and fools people for your dinner bread ok Mr. bouksy you are from Khmer cheater family right? . the truth is I am Mike having experienced with my worker the siamese and youn. siamese steal everything they can. the youn complaint too much and always ask for more you should out smart the youn by strictly demand them to finish the work first before you ever spend your rmoney. with youn more honest then the siamese. and I always have a feeling gay bouksy are very much like youn.Mike

Anonymous said...

Anyone understand what this Youn Mike is on about? Who is Boksy?

Anonymous said...

dump weakness and madness man rainsy you are the cheapest commodity on earth stop cheat and fools people for your dinner bread ok Mr. bouksy you are from Khmer cheater family right? . the truth is I am Mike having experienced with my worker the siamese and youn. siamese steal everything they can. the youn complaint too much and always ask for more you should out smart the youn by strictly demand them to finish the work first before you ever spend your rmoney. with youn more honest then the siamese. and I always have a feeling gay bouksy are very much like youn and I used to work with gay bla bla bouksy for 2 years. this gay worth nothing laziness and she is just an opportunistic only. bouksy absolutely never have dignity or integrity at all. and bouksy working experienced is zero no principle no human.skill and no concrete blue print. bouksy is zero not the soulman for any expectations of winning in anything. its not thelike carbon to steel we need people like hun sen that tough he even go through the mud up on the mountain and through the fire nothing could stop him. Mike

Anonymous said...

What a funny joke :):) a coward calls other people as coward. When former King Sihanouk passed away a coward Sam Rainsy had bowed his head to the ground and sent a letter to Samdech Hun Sen to allow him to return back to Cambodia, but his request was rejected. Right now knowing that no one is able to help and there is no chance that he can return to Cambodia before upcoming election. He has insulted that Samdech Hun Sen is a coward and try to eliminate him from Cambodia's politics. In fact, he is convicted by the Court which makes him has no right to take part in the election. Please keep crying out louder, you is surely live in exile for good.

Make no mistake that whenever people talking about the prison, it makes fugitive Sam Rainsy cannot sleep at night, let alone ever expected that he will dare to return and goes to jail like Mam Sonando. His father (Sam Sary) had advised him that if there is a problem in Cambodia, just run and run fast like daddy. Then, you will be free because we're born as elite family will not able to cope with the condition in prison at all. Prison is just for ordinary people like Mam Sonando to stay.

Pi Anh.

Anonymous said...

Hun is the one behind this failed court system. Why did Hun try to cover up such crimes against humanity? mainly, because Hun himself is a criminal, and would not want Earng Sary say a thing about the KR regime, e.g if Sary says, 'well I was there and so was Hun', then, this will get Hun into trouble too. e.g if Sary is on trial, hun should also be on trial too, isn't it right?...Therefore, Hun had to do what he did, meaning, making a deal between or among them in order to cover up their crimes against humanity.

In order words, they all are murderers! they have blood in their hands and so, they would not allow the court system to go ahead with their trials. Now, everyone in the right mind would see this clearly. Even the UN knew this as well, but do they care? the answer is 'no'!, why? because no nation would want you to be better than theirs. They would rather see us khmer continuing to go down than to go up. why? because this is the real world, otherwise there is no WWI, WWII and WWIII about to take place at any moment now.

Today, there are stock piles of nuclear bombs ready to go off at any moment and at any time right now. So, it is time to wake up and look at a bigger picture, How are we going to solve the problem of 'khmers kill khmers' (when in fact a VC is actually behind it all along, e,g known as 'killing two birds with one stone') for other to benefit from? the answer to this question is conformity, no one wants to solve this problem for us, so we have to learn to solve it ourself, right? so to do this is to call upon all political leaders to discuss on what is important in the development of our nation?

If khmers don't love khmers, no one in the world will, simple as that!. So please, let try to learn from past mistakes and avoid future ones to ever happen again. We need to reconcile and apologie for all the mistakes we made in the past and let move on forward. We must help each other for the benefit of our nation as, together we can stand up tall and look up high. Please try to learn from other successful nations and asking why they are and not us? because they have used the collaboration skills well.

e, g, Yenluck and Abisit, they had conflicts but soon after, they made up for it. Doing so is to show to the world that they are a strong nation and so can we. Therefore, both PM and SR need to talk and apologie to one another for the benefit of our nation. Otherwise, we can not move forward. It is time to show to the outside world that we are also a strong nation too. Please don't let the outsiders get the benefit of our conflicts no more and say 'enough is enough'. Now both Hun and Sam have done alot of good works but lack of collaboration, that is all.

Anonymous said...

but saimrainsy is not Khmer he either youn or siamese how he collaborate with us. look at his face. did you see it. not Khmer at all right? Mike

Anonymous said...

មាន់ព្រៃ នឹង មាន់សម្ល ជល់គ្នា យួនកាប់ស៊ីទាំងពីរ !

Anonymous said...

We cry after the democracy for all the Khmer people and not just for Mr. Hun Sen or Mr. Sam Rainsy.
It is a long way to go to rebuild the democracy in our country. The real democracy will not and can’t please all of us. We have and need to sacrifice, work hard for and accept this word and not run away, when we don’t like it.

It will not help us, our people and our country. When some of us still blamed and hated each other most of the time, because some of us don’t agree with or feel or don’t have profits or credit from this democracy.
It will be not able to rebuild the democracy in our society just by some groups of politicians. We all should taking part and not run away from the problem, we like or not like, we have the right to do something for the next generation of our children.

Anonymous said...

My comment :

The situation in Cambodia is different from Burma. Burmese opposition leader is stayed and fight for her belief, mature in politics, patriots and put country's interest first. Whereas Cambodian opposition leader is always rely on run to abroad (coward) after created the problem inside the country, extreme outspoken, put his personal ambition above national interest, often called foreign countries to put pressure on the government, and create hatred against Vietnam as his core policy.

In Burma, national unity can be achieved because no political leader appeals to any foreign country to stop aid or broke the law like Cambodian opposition leader pulled out the border posts in Svay Rieng province. Indeed. Burmese opposition has never called Burmese leader as traitor like Cambodian opposition does in Cambodia at all.

The tricks used by Sam Rainsy to return into Cambodia's political scene are ludicrous, as least as ludicrous as the ones used by his father during former King Sihanouk ran the country. But I am grateful to Sam Rainsy for trying to compare himself to Aung San Suu Kyi but he forgets that "Aung San Suu Kyi has never afraid to stand trial to face charges and other legal problems in Burma, which is not the case of Sam Rainsy in Cambodia." Since the whole world knows that any charges faced by Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma were trumped-up ones, But Sam Rainsy has tried to lie everybody to understand that any "legal problems" he is facing now are related to trumped-up charges as well (sic).

It is sad that, with Burma making noticeable democratic progress, but Sam Rainsy keens to turn Cambodia into the new lawless state in Southeast Asia.

Khmer in Sydney CBD

Anonymous said...

ជួយខ្លួនឯងសិន ទើបព្រះជួយពីក្រោយ ប្រសិនបើ
យើងរត់ឬដេកយករួចខ្លួន ចង់យួនឈ្លានពានលេប
ដីទឹកគោក ក៏នៅស្ងៀមសម្ងំសុខ យើងថា ព្រះ
នេះយើង ជាខ្មែរគ្រប់ទីកន្លែង ចង់ឃើញបម្លាស់
ប្តូរនៃការដឹកនាំកម្ពុជា ធុញទ្រាន់ ឆ្អែត ជាច្រើន
ឆ្នាំ គ្មានឃើញអ្វីប្លែកសោះ វាល្មមអ្នកដឹកនាំខ្មែរ
សព្វថ្ងៃចេះខ្មាសបរទេសផង។ជាទម្លាប់ គ្រូអាយ
លម្ពាយ គឺស្លាប់ទៅវិញគឺដោយសារពស់ខាំ គ្រូ
ចាប់ក្រពើ ក៏ស្លាប់ដោយក្រពើខាំ បើដូច្នោះ
សរុបមក គ្រូរបស់ខ្មែរក្រហម ពិតជាស្លាប់ដោយ

Anonymous said...

B40==>(Ah PiAnh + Mike)==> Boooom....

Anonymous said...

In feudal time, the strong was king and the weak were thieves.
Today it still stands in Cambodia politic.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

@ 4:44 PM

Put Ah Hun Sen in Rainsy’s shoes, where do you think HS tugs his into, his a**hole of course.

Anonymous said...

To Mike, Pi Anh and Sith,

You, individually and collectively are the lowest of
the lows !!!

Anonymous said...

I am supported Mr SAMRAINSY comment letter in this KI 100%.Everything are truth about the real situation politic in cambodia under H.S hand.Honestly HS not a real Politician...he is a normal guy got power by hanoi.
just dog brain like MIKE [ MIKE KHDORR SA EI TIES]....NEVER ACCEPT . Keep strong Mr are a smart guy.....dont jump in HS set up plan...because about 99% CPP [new and old] are LIARS....SINCE YEAR 1979
YOURN ARE FRIENDS?????.... NO...YOURN ARE BOSS OF HUNSEN,CHEA SIM,HENG SAMRIN,SOK AN....ect!!!!!they're closed eyes,ears,brains....for Power after jan-7-79.

Anonymous said...

I am supported Mr SAMRAINSY comment letter in this KI 100%.Everything are truth about the real situation politic in cambodia under H.S hand.Honestly HS not a real Politician...he is a normal guy got power by hanoi.
just dog brain like MIKE [ MIKE KHDORR SA EI TIES]....NEVER ACCEPT . Keep strong Mr are a smart guy.....dont jump in HS set up plan...because about 99% CPP [new and old] are LIARS....SINCE YEAR 1979
YOURN ARE FRIENDS?????.... NO...YOURN ARE BOSS OF HUNSEN,CHEA SIM,HENG SAMRIN,SOK AN....ect!!!!!they're closed eyes,ears,brains....for Power after jan-7-79.

Anonymous said...

I am supported Mr SAMRAINSY comment letter in this KI 100%.Everything are truth about the real situation politic in cambodia under H.S hand.Honestly HS not a real Politician...he is a normal guy got power by hanoi.
just dog brain like MIKE [ MIKE KHDORR SA EI TIES]....NEVER ACCEPT . Keep strong Mr are a smart guy.....dont jump in HS set up plan...because about 99% CPP [new and old] are LIARS....SINCE YEAR 1979
YOURN ARE FRIENDS?????.... NO...YOURN ARE BOSS OF HUNSEN,CHEA SIM,HENG SAMRIN,SOK AN....ect!!!!!they're closed eyes,ears,brains....for Power after jan-7-79.

Anonymous said...

I am supported Mr SAMRAINSY comment letter in this KI 100%.Everything are truth about the real situation politic in cambodia under H.S hand.Honestly HS not a real Politician...he is a normal guy got power by hanoi.
just dog brain like MIKE [ MIKE KHDORR SA EI TIES]....NEVER ACCEPT . Keep strong Mr are a smart guy.....dont jump in HS set up plan...because about 99% CPP [new and old] are LIARS....SINCE YEAR 1979
YOURN ARE FRIENDS?????.... NO...YOURN ARE BOSS OF HUNSEN,CHEA SIM,HENG SAMRIN,SOK AN....ect!!!!!they're closed eyes,ears,brains....for Power after jan-7-79.

Anonymous said...


“I support Mr SAMRAINSY…” instead of “I am supported Mr SAMRAINSY… “

Anonymous said...

ខ្លាទាំងពីរនេះ ១ខ្លាខ្មែរ ១​យួន យើងសុខចិត្ត

Anonymous said...

6:23 pm You more ignorance than Rainsy and Rainsy is half brain very spoil kids .

Anonymous said...

ពូជមាន់ជល់នៅតែជល់!មាន់សម្ល ដែលគេបន្តុក
ឡើង នឹងដកខ្លួនថយពាក់នៅកណ្ដាលទីជាមិន

Anonymous said...

@ 6:31 PM

You write like a kindergarten kid.
Go back to school son.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ah Mike chhkae yuon Hanoi stop barkin'ah lop!

Anonymous said...

-១ ខ្លាខ្លៅយួន!
-១ ទៀត ខ្លា​ក្រដាស់យួន !
- (១ + ១ = ១)

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen' s comments about Thai deportation of Khmer labours and the shooting of Khmer loggers in Thailand:

Hun Sen: Why do they have to shoot and kill our people for JUST cutting their Rose woods?

Look at us, we let any body cut down our rose woods or any other trees as they want and we just don't let Khmer cut them but we let the Vietnamese do the same!!.

ON IMMIGRANTS ISSUE: And why do they have to deport Cambodians who just want to work in Thai Land?
Look at us, not only we don't deport any Vietnamese people who come to Cambodia illegally, we force our own people out of their land to make room for the Vietnamese who want to settle in our country, can't the Thai do like us?

Baay Kdaing

Anonymous said...

These 2 Mike and Ah Kantorb Pi Anh are mentally retarded.

Ah lob Mike is more retarded than Ah Kantorb Pi Anh.

With Ah Pi Anh, we know that he is Ah Kantorb.

With Ah Mike, we don't know what this asshole wants to say.

Anonymous said...

reply to 9:29 AM,

If Rainsy go out from Cambodia because Hun Sen wants to kill him. For example, in 1997 Hun Sen wanted to kill the National Assembly but luckily Rainsy escaped death.

Rainsy defends the sovereignty of Cambodia Svay Ring. Hun Sen gives the land and sea to Yuons.

Si Rainsy part du Cambodge parce que Hun Sen veut le tuer. Par Si Rainsy part du Cambodge parce que Hun Sen veut le tuer. Par exemple: en 1997 Hun Sen voulait le massacrer devant l'assemblée National mais par chance Rainsy a échappé de la mort.

Rainsy défend la souverainté du Cambodge en province de Svay Ring, tant dit que Hun Sen donne la terre et mer aux Yuons.

Anonymous said...

-១ ខ្លាខ្លៅយួន!
-១ ទៀត ខ្លា​ក្រដាស់យួន !
- (១ + ១ = ១)

Anonymous said...

Boe Support XaM RainXy,
Support yuon vinh l'or jeang.

Anonymous said...

In the democratic country, you are trying to satisfy the majority to get their votes.

The voters will ask the politician, what in it for me to vote for you ???
You have to sell your messages, not blaming others.

If I am in Sam Rainsy camp I would tell hem to stay outside Cambodia. At least, you can tell your supporters that you lost because you were outside the country. Most Cambodian knew that he is not going to win, but at least this time he has good excuse.

Anonymous said...

All khmer must rise up against tyranny and kill them.

Anonymous said...

2:04 AM

Yuon like you must support Yuon. No surprise.

But if you are Khmer and you said like that, you must be so dumb.

One person (Hun Sen) just finished the primary school, and the other (Sam Rainsy) got PhD from France.

If the education cannot make the difference between 2 persons, then all school must be closed because there is no use.

Ah Kantorb has never wanted to see Cambodia has an educated leader. That's why this evil Yuon keeps supporting and defending Hun Sen, who will do whatever the evil Vietnam ordered him to.

Anonymous said...

What a funny joke :):) a coward calls other people as coward. When former King Sihanouk passed away a coward Sam Rainsy had bowed his head to the ground and sent a letter to Samdech Hun Sen to allow him to return back to Cambodia, but his request was rejected. Right now knowing that no one is able to help and there is no chance that he can return to Cambodia before upcoming election. He has insulted that Samdech Hun Sen is a coward and try to eliminate him from Cambodia's politics. In fact, he is convicted by the Court which makes him has no right to take part in the election. Please keep crying out louder, you is surely live in exile for good.

Make no mistake that whenever people talking about the prison, it makes fugitive Sam Rainsy cannot sleep at night, let alone ever expected that he will dare to return and goes to jail like Mam Sonando. His father (Sam Sary) had advised him that if there is a problem in Cambodia, just run and run fast like daddy. Then, you will be free because we're born as elite family will not able to cope with the condition in prison at all. Prison is just for ordinary people like Mam Sonando to stay.

Pi Anh.

Anonymous said...

2:45 AM,

If Hun Sen were educated and patriotic to Cambodia, Hanoi NEVER picked him in the first place.
Hanoi searched for and selected the
" weakest link " of the chain.

Khmer Girl

Anonymous said...

Stupid Pi Anh

If Sam Rainsy returns to Cambodia, Hun Sen will lock him up.
Unlike San Suu Kyi, Mr. Rainsy , at the order of Hanoi will be killed in prison.

Anonymous said...

Dear Arsehole Pi Anh,

Their conviction Sam Rainsy is a further demonstration of
Hanoi power in Cambodia. It was planned by the voice of some of Cheam Yeap PPC to "put an end to the political career (the" guilty ")." Hun Sen has even threatened
dissolve simply Rainsy Party-Sat. But the merits of the case remains unsolved,insoluble and dangerous. It lasted more than fifty years, through the Cambodian regimes
successive encroachments of Vietnam as the territory of Cambodia have found a solution acceptable to the Khmers. Its policy of constant aggression, Hanoi is the
main responsible for the destabilization of Cambodia and the region. the Vietnam, even because of its internal problems, will continue its colonialist policy and
expansionary in Cambodia and in the region. But the power of Vietnam, history has also shown is not eternal.
Cher TRou de cul Pi Anh,
La condamnation infligée à Sam Rainsy est bien une nouvelle démonstration de puissance de Hanoi au Cambodge. Elle était prévue, par la voix d’un certain Cheam Yeap du
PPC, pour « mettre fin à la carrière politique (du « coupable ») ». Hun Sen a même menacé
de dissoudre tout simplement le Parti Sam-Rainsy. Mais, le fond de l’affaire reste entier,
insoluble et dangereux. Cela a duré plus de cinquante ans, à travers les régimes cambodgiens
successifs, que les empiètements du Vietnam sur le territoire du Cambodge n’ont trouvé une solution acceptable par les Khmers.Par sa politique d’agression constante, Hanoi est donc la principale responsable de la déstabilisation du Cambodge et de celle de la région. Le Vietnam, à cause même de ses problèmes internes, va poursuivre sa politique colonialiste et expansionniste au Cambodge et dans la région. Mais, la puissance du Vietnam, l’Histoire l’a montré aussi, n’est pas éternelle.

Anonymous said...

A Pi + Mike = son of a vc and a cpp bloodsuckers!. He is a coward by using 'khmers kill khmers'. You think you an get away from such injust behaviour. I am sure time will come for you and I know it won't be long. You can run but you can't hide. What you are doing right now is called 'killing two birds with one stone'.

You are trying to make PM and OP to continue to fight one another for the benefit of your wicked nation called 'VC'. Right now, everybody knows what you are capable off, that is 'DECIEVING", e.g. in wwii you sent your whores to lure and have sex with the U.S trops only to kill them shortly after, the name of it was called the 'Tet Attack'.

You also told kingta and pol pot not to be part of the U.S or you will be sorry and you VC promised both of them the world if they are to be on your side, but then you VC betrayed both and make them both killed one another and you even created Chea Sim and Han Surin to kill as many khmers as posible (ethnic cleansing).

Today, everyone knows that you are main the killers of all times. And now you are still using the same tactic with my PM and OP of cambodia. It time for all khmer political leaders to wake up and don't be fooled by this VC no more and say 'enough is enough'. Both PM and OP have done alot of good works but lack of effective communication skills, that is all.


Anonymous said...

it seems like Ah Pi Anh knew a lot about Sam rainsy, he must be one of the Sam Rainsy inner circle, we have to find out who the hell is this youn spy.

Anonymous said...

We have three viruses in Ki-media, Ah Youn Pi Anh is the leader, so now we have to find him and send him back to Vietname to clean cow poop.

Anonymous said...

Ah Pi Anh used to be Mi Prett Ms. Soap.

This transgender keeps changing like crazy...

Anonymous said...

all smart honest and people who try to stop bouksy cheating are youn and all blind follower and all those low moral provocative hatred and deliberately divided Khmer like ki or ex-khmer rough are nationalist? if your people in power you put Khmer back to stone age like pol pot does. Mike

Anonymous said...

Ah Youn Mike, Hun Sen is a Khmer Rouge and a Khmer killer. Why do you work for him when he has killed many Khmer and putting Khmer back to stoneage?

Anonymous said...

The people who suffer under youn grip or under khmere rough grip i do beleife they are the only Khmer recue. Sam bouksy is only khmere cheatter .Mike

Anonymous said...

-១ ខ្លាខ្លៅយួន!
-១ ទៀត ខ្លា​ក្រដាស់យួន !
- (១ + ១ = ១)

Anonymous said...

កូនខ្មែរ សាច់ចាក់ តៀងត្រង់,

សម រង្ស៊ី + អាកឹម សុខា


Anonymous said...

យួនមានដៃស្ដាំគឺ អាហ៊ុន សែន,

ហើយនិងដៃឆ្វេងគឺ អាសម រាំងស៊ី,
ដើរតួជាគណបក្សប្រឆាំង យ៉ាងយូរ ។