Saturday, March 16, 2013

I don't see how anyone can reconcile with Ieng Sary's funeral ... I really don't

The guy was a killer, he sent many people to be killed, whether they were his enemies or his friends. He was a COMMIE through and through, he abhors religion, he and his comrades made sure Buddhism and every other religion were destroyed in Cambodia. He defiled pagodas, he ordered the killing of monks. He sent scores of our relatives to be tortured and summarily killed with their bodies dumped in pits, yet here he is, receiving Buddhist funeral. Have they no conscience? His body should simply be dumped in an acid bath and be destroyed forever. No trace of his existence on earth should be left behind. Isn't his funeral revolting? This Mother-F___er does not deserve this treatment. It makes my blood boil. I am so outraged. Go to Hell, KILLER!


Anonymous said...

Agree 100%!

Anonymous said...

He is the most evil person. The government of Cambodia should feet his death body to the crocodile and throw "it" in a trash burial.

Only in Cambodia when you mass murdered people and you can walk away free. Please don't depend on the foreinger or Cambodian judges, they are useless.

Foreingers and Cambodia lawyers, judges, investigators had dragged the case for so long and they allowed this evil person to get away just like Sihanouk. The longer they delayed the case, the more "money" they can take from international donners. What 's ashame!

You all should be indicted for taking hundred million of dollars without any results.

Anonymous said...

I believe atleast 500 million dollars spent of the Khmer Rouge cases.

These judges, prosecutors, and lawyers have done a great jobs at "milking" alot of money and they could not even convicted the devil Khmer Rouge.

Now it time to ship these loser foreigner judges and lawyers back to their countries. We can not afford to spend hundred million of dollars no more. Please go back to your families.

Anonymous said...

I am glad the Ing Sary is death.

Otherwise, it might take the foreinger judges and Cambodian judges another two hundred years to finish the case.

I have never seen so many "loser people"from all over the world to take the death money and w/o any successful conviciton.

I hope you don't put in your resume that you were the great judges or laywers.

Anonymous said...

ចង់ដឹងថាពួកទមិឡងាប់លើទឹកដីពុទ្ធសាសនា តើគេធ្វើបុណ្យខ្មោដដូចខ្មែរដែរឬទេហ្ន?

Anonymous said...

Before this man died, there were plenty of foods for him and were being treated by the doctors, surrounded by his family members while all his victims did not had any of those chances.

Many of his surviving victims never had a change to have a religious funeral for their love ones, don't even know how they died or where where they buried.

Baay Kdaing

Anonymous said...

I witnessed with my own eyes how people died of starvation and exhaustion while working in the fields. Their bodies were dragged away by the KR militia men and sometimes young soldiers to be disposed of in the nearby jungle.

It was certainly a heart-rending sight to see!

As a merciless murderer of his own people, Ieng Sary has cheated justice with his death.

What an irony! A Buddhist ceremony for the man who made sure Buddhism and Buddhists did not survive in the land he once controlled!

The UN had failed the Cambodian people the moment it agreed to have the ECCC established on Cambodian soil using a hybrid system that is bound to fail!

The stupidity of the UN is not surprising since the UN and its hardly-functioning bureaucracy failed so miserably to stop the KR genocide and other genocides of our recent times. After a few moment of thought I would ask if the UN had ever thought about stopping the KR regime from killing its own people!

Pissed Off

Anonymous said...

My Beloved 9:07AM and Baay Kdaing 9;13AM,
I have nothing to say beside praying to all the Khmer Victims and members of my families who lost theit innocent lives to Khmer Rouge Regime .

IENG SARY beside killing us inside Cambodia he did convince our Khmer people who lived abroad and brought them to kill inside Cambodia , that was a big successful strategy of him with CHAU SENG .

There were NO coffins for all the victims but very nice coffins with great honors along special religious rituals and funerals for our great Communist King Father SIHANOUK and IENG SRAY .

God is NOT fair

SIHANOUK is reborn as ZOMBIE on his wish and will , IENG SARY will be accompanying SIHANOUK.(both of then did not point their bloody fingers to any other nation for Khmer people whom were killed by SIHANOUK , IENMG SARY , POL POT , SON SEN , KHIEU SAMPHAN , TA MOK ...NUON CHEA....

A Survivor of our Own Khmer Killing Fields

Anonymous said...

Ieng Sary was saved by his Comrade Hun Nal when he join CPP. But when the Vietnamese ordered Hun Nal to turn Ieng Sary over to ECCC, Hun Nal had no choice but to obey the Vietnamese.

Vietnamese are the mastermind behind the Khmer Genocide in 1975-1979, and also behind the genocide in K5 Planning.

Anonymous said...

To My Beloved Brother Pissed Off,
Thank you so much for your comments on your life experiences under POL POT ,

We survived the genocidal regime are only having opportunity to speak for the Khmer People who lost their lives to the Khmer Rouge did not even have a word to tell the world how they were being executed .
Kind Regards
A Survivor of our Own Khmer Killing Fields

Anonymous said...

This man does not deserve a single piece of flowers for his funeral. Justic was denied by his death and deprived by Hun sen.

Anonymous said...

The family of this evil man should go to hell together with the Fucking Ieng Sary. During his rule over the death of Cambodian , his family members had held high position in their regime and they have the right to kill anyone they accused as their enemy. Now A Ieng Vuth is a governer of Pailin where they destroyed our national resource.

Anonymous said...

Are we sure that is he? Remember that the truth did not surface, it was concealed, hidden, and not permanently buried.

All we know is that many people want us to believe these are the men and women who killed almost 2 million Cambodians.

We are to take this with naivete?

Anonymous said...

please rest in peace. we will remember you! you are our hero

Anonymous said...

Max-lenin theory aimed to teach students on how to run the country and nation with careful consideration e.g Maxism was focuing on totalitarianism-the world of industrialisation and capitalism (a form of communism)vs Lenin social freedom (liberalist),

Leninism is based on social freedom where people have their rigthts to choose based on whatever they wanted to do in life e,g doctor or lawyer etc, but Max disagreed saying, doing so will lead into a major crisis like, it will lead into a big gap between the high class, middle class and lower class.

Lenin responded to Max, 'well your theory will lead into such an oppressive way of life', implying it will lead into a 'human factory', people will no long enjoy what god has created but more toward materialistic and dictatorship style of the oppressors.

Sadly, Moa Zetong decided to use Maxism theory in the name of totalitarianism of communism believing in capitalism etc will benefit the whole nation and everyone should be treated equally etc, which at the end of the day up to 20millions people died from over work and starving to death.

Soon after, the whole southeast asia felt into one too. While the VC having wwii with the US, khmer territory was being used as a practice zone. By then, almost all Khmer infrastructures been destroyed by both the VC and US while Chinese also helped to supply their war related weapons like, mines and bombs and so on. The VC then were able to use 'sun tzu' tactic, that is the skill of deception like ' killing two birds with one stone' or 'making khmers killed khmers' etc.

Therefore, all leaders have missed judge all theories in their practice and as the result of this, everyone is ruined e,g like human's mentality-led to psychotic, paranoid and murdering. In the end, human being are the main cause of world wide destruction. The end!

Anonymous said...

you'll be born without brain, heart, legs and arm, you won't kill nobody anymore. go hell murder.

Anonymous said...

he lived longer than his brother in law but at the end does it matter? he made millions for himself as a KR leader - at the end does that matter? he made peace with Hun Sen and lived well in retirement unlike his victims - but in the end does it matter? YES it does matter how you live your life. And Sary is finding out NOW as he stands before Jesus the Judge of all mankind. What has he got to defend himself for his crimes against our Khmer people? watch

Anonymous said...

the justice is cheated! Where is that theory? Tveu Laor ban Laor, Tveu Akrark Ban Akrark???? That's why I don't believe in Buddhism anymore!

Anonymous said...

No big deal for the death of the fucking bastard who was responsible for so much horific tragedy for the Cambodian people.

Anonymous said...

VietNam vietcong is robbing cambodia and its future generations in the name of Trans Pacific Partnership...

1. illegal land concession
2. government infiltration
3. border violation
4. viet illegal immigration
5. Seaport
6. One sided trade name a few

Anonymous said...

CPP-VietNam vietcong is robbing cambodia and its future generations in the name of Trans Pacific Partnership...

1. illegal land concession
2. government infiltration
3. border violation
4. viet illegal immigration
5. Seaport
6. One sided trade/computer parts, internet
7. *illegal logging/deforestation name a few

Anonymous said...

i loved u oum ieng Sary, you were my hero

i'm proud of you to liberate my country

Anonymous said...

"naak chess dob meun smeuh neung naak prasob mouy." All the elite French education that these Khmer Rouge leaders had was no match to the skills of Hun Sen.

The bunch of useless educated Khmer Rouge idiots liberated no shit, and had nothing as a legacy except the Khmer Killing fileds.

If Mr. Hun Sen played it right, and established an effective system of law and order, term-limit leadership (a necessity to help prevent dictatorship and perpetual external influences, because they cannot forever yank and hold on to individual dictator's collar), he would permanently be recorded in history as a Cambodian leader who exceeded all of the recent Cambodia leaders, the late King Sihanouk included.

Let's honestly look at the reality that we now have; the Vietnamese and Thais are not going anywhere, ever. We are not going to able to fight militarily any war with any of these neighbors for anything that we have lost. We have to rely on existing international laws to protect what we have now, while we should strive to be legitimate partner and participant in all spheres of interests in the region, and the world at large. We need the neighbors as much as we need the world's major powers to engage us in all kinds development, be it educational, scientific, economic, or technology.

All constructive engagements will help to alleviate problems such as poverty, lack of health care and/or food, poor education, and lack of human rights, etc., while increase human potentials and their contribution.

It is doable if there was commitment and dedication from the current Cambodian leadership. There is absolutely no benefit whatsoever to have dudes like Chea Sim, Heng Sam Rin, Cheam Yeab, or Keat Chhon holding on to these critical posts until they are about to die. To get the country ready, they should immediately allow fresh blood to gain experiences and skills by participating in all governmental functions. A sound succession plan needed to be in place if these current old egotistical dudes wanted better future for their own children, country and people.

Anonymous said...

4:35 AM

Very well said and logically sound argument you have presented!

The problem is that experience has taught and the present reality has shown that these dudes you mentioned will not relinquish their power and positions for the sake of the nation nor for their own offspring's.

Cambodia's national interests have always been superseded by personal ones among Cambodian leaders.

Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha, if in power, still have to prove that they can be different from those before them.

Until a smart and well-informed electorate is formed and a reality in Cambodia, the country will continue to be at a great risk of being abused by those in power.

Education of the Cambodian electorate is a key to the successful establishment of responsible government in Cambodia. Let us hope that everyone of us, especially those NGOs in Cambodia, does our part/their parts to educate the common people and change their behaviors when opportunity arises.

In the meantime let us hope for the best.

Pissed Off

Anonymous said...


"...change their behaviors whenever opportunity arises."

Pissed Off

Anonymous said...

Pissed Off,

These CPP dudes would not relinquish their grips on power, but Mr. Hun Sen is now powerful enough to make changes to these decades old structure.

Mr. Hun Sen would not have sent his sons to the US and other Western countries, if he did not have any appreciation of the idealism that these countries embrace and practice. So, all it would take is Mr. Hun Sen's change of heart and determination.

Anonymous said...


..this decades old structure.

..sent his sons to study in the US..