Sunday, March 31, 2013

ID of the 4 bombs thrown on 30 March 1997. So who are the killers?


Anonymous said...

Khiev Sopheak said the hand grenades exploded, he means by itself, nobody threw them. How about the man who was involved named Hing Bunheang in FBI investigation?

Anonymous said...

ពាក្យដែលឯកឧត្តម ខៀវ សុភ័គ្រ ថារដ្ឋាភិបាលកំពុងបន្តស្រាវជ្រាវវែកមុខរកឃាតករនោះវាគ្រាន់តែជា ការដោះស្រាយឲ្យធូរពោះតែប៉ណ្ណោះ វាមិនខុសពីសាលាក្តីខ្មែរក្រហមទេដែលអូសបន្លាយទាល់តែមេធំ របស់ខ្មែរក្រហមងាប់អស់ អ្នកទាំងនោះរួមមាន៖ សីហនុ..ប៉ុល ពត..តាម៉ុក..អៀង សារី..បន្តិចទៀត ខៀវ សំផន នួន ជា ងាប់បន្តទៀតនោះគឺចប់។ រីឯមេឃាតករធំក្នុងការគប់គ្រាប់បែកលើហ្វូងបាតុករម្នាក់បាន ងាប់តៃហោងហើយគឺ ហុក ឡងឌី ឯអានៅសល់គឺលោក ខៀវ សុភ័គ្រ ពិតជាមិនហ៊ានចាប់ទេ….ប៉ុន្តែ ទោះបីតុលាការក្រុងភ្នំពេញមិនមានសមត្ថភាពចាប់ជនល្មើសក៏ដោយក៏តុលាការនៅឋាននរកមិនអនុគ្រោះឲ្យពួកវាឡើយ។ ជាក់ស្តែងយើងបានឃើញវាសនារបស់ ហុក ឡងឌី និង ហេង ពៅ​ ហើយនៅ សល់អាធំមួយទៀតដែលនឹងជួបកម្មពៀរមិនខុសពីអាពីរនាក់មុនទេ។

Anonymous said...

like i said hun sen he got power. he got everythings right ? there was no need for him to throw granad to his own people. is it right?. it took a very super stupid to created trouble for himself. doesnt it true?. remember 1996 Indonesia kick surhato out office by mass demonstration. Rainsy he learn from that and stupidly follows them. i think Rainsy is wasnt he ! resposible. for 1997 attack.
now your job is to revived the past for people hat hun sen and vote for you right ? too bad crasysy Sam. it is not going to hapen that way childish.. it is too danger to have mental problem crazusy Sam lead the country. isnt it right?

Anonymous said...

VC, chinese and cpp crooks are behind such incident in order for them to contain srok khmer right? they wanted the world to see that khmers killed khmers right? but everyone in this world is not that stupid right? so, no matter what game these crooks are playing, the truth always reveal itself right? because the truth will always be the truth right? so go again continue to play your dirty game, for everything will come with time right? just they did it to Laos, Champa, Khmer Khrom, Kingta, Pol Pot, Lon Nol, Hawking lundi etc right? and soon Hun will no longer useful for those crooks to benefit from and then will do the same right? so let see how far will he go right? what wrong is right right? sickheaded bloodsucker of ah crooks hahaha

Anonymous said...

Nis jea komhof ah SAM RAINSI choy mray !!!

Anonymous said...

My heart are always with the victims & their families . As much as I feel sorry for
them , I condemn the person or political party that has used the gruesome pictures
of the victims for any political gain . As a member of one victim's family , I hadn't have
any hope of finding justice since Mr Sam Ransi used the lawsuit to make a deal with Hun Sen for Royal pardon . The victim's justice is less important than his political
career . My sister was young & naive , she was a good target of Mr Sam Ransi . I hate
any person who is still using the dead victims as his/her political tool as much as
I hate the grenade throwers .

Anonymous said...

8:40 PM,

It sounds like YOU are one of the killers !!!

Anonymous said...

9:15 PM

Sorry to hear about your sister.
But she died for her beloved country !
Mr. Sam Rainsy almost lost his life too.
To rescue our country, we eah must pitch in.

Anonymous said...

Ah yuon Sam Rainsy choy mray ,
sahak-kar jea muoy ah yuon hun sen samlab khmer.