Sunday, March 17, 2013

Mu Sochua Talks Politics from Paris


Khmer Radio North America said...

It's great new to all Khmer women reputation on world stage.these representation in our history no once have gone this far.

Khmer Community north America Toronto Canada. supported and thank you to madam Mu Sochau.for role leading represent for all Khmer women and others in south east Asia.

Anonymous said...

យួនមានដៃស្ដាំគឺ អាហ៊ុន សែន,

ហើយនិងដៃឆ្វេងគឺ អាសម រាំងស៊ី,
ដើរតួជាគណបក្សប្រឆាំង យ៉ាងយូរ ។

Anonymous said...

This khmer women Ilove her...

Anonymous said...

What a disgraced Mu Sochua is talking politics from Paris? She doesn't have a clue about politics. She is just good in looking any event and bold it up for political gain and she is a good liar. That is all.

Pi Anh.

Anonymous said...

Mou shut hou she eyed for a biger and larger pppp in Paris .she never ever think a bout your small ppp . Those bouksy Sam follower have no chance at all.Mike

Anonymous said...

Every wheres she go she open her mouth discredite Khmer and looked down Khmer wommen and go back to hotel spent all nigh long chuwing and doing blow job with her husban Enlgish big guy. When she got up in the morning open her mouth again claimed she is love khmer .you lia to me donT you? . Who going to believed you sochou everday your lip your mouth and your ....gggggg are kissed by the white guy. Wasnt it true ? So it absolutely clear you sochou is a women who does the blow job that is not a good rule model for Khmer women, wasnt it righ?. The end..

Anonymous said...

Calm down twin Nguyen Van Mike and Nguyen Pi Anh.
You should be on Viet blog.

Anonymous said...

To Mike, Pee Ahn and Sith

You can only FART LOUD and PROUD !!!

Anonymous said...

អាចោរយួនមានដៃឆ្វេងគឺអាហ៊ុន សែន

ហើយនិងដៃស្ដាំគឺអាសម រាំងស៊ី

លោក ម៉ម សូណង់ដូ ជាប់ជាចំណាប់ខ្មាំង
របស់អាមេគ្រោះសម រង្ស៊ី ,

Anonymous said...

thanks you mu sochou for your bravely speech . many our ancestor died to protect this land for us .we have to do every thing to kick the traitor out .to viet people we go to dump you back in to Mekong river .

Anonymous said...

ហាសហា! គួរអោយអស់សំណើចណាស
ដែលអ្នកស្រីនិយាយថាចុះ តម្លៃប្រេងសាំងនៅស្រុកខ្មែរ នេះជាកាកុហក់បោកប្រាស់ដ៏អាក្រក់បំផុត
តែបើសង្រោះជាតិ ឈ្នះឆ្នោតវិញនោះខ្ញុំនឹងផ្ញើរ
ជ្រូកខ្វៃអោយអ្នកស្រី១០ នឹងបញ្ជួនអោយដល់កន្លែងអ្នកស្រី