Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sam Rainsy and Mu Sochua to visit Brussels next week

March 15, 2013


Cambodian opposition leader Sam Rainsy and Member of Parliament Mu Sochua will be in Brussels on March 18. Accompanied by a number of Cambodians living in Europe they will meet with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and officials of the European Commission (EC). As the July 28 national elections are approaching, they will ask the two institutions representing the European Union (E.U.) to convince the Cambodian government to implement the election recommendations issued by the United Nations in July 2012. These recommendations are intended to ensure democratic elections in line with the 1991 Paris Agreements on Cambodia signed by the following European countries: France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom.

Because the Cambodian government continues to adamantly reject the U.N. recommendations, the European Union should send a clear message to Cambodia’s strongman, Prime Minister Hun Sen, telling him that

1- The E.U. will not send again election observers to monitor the July 2013 elections so as not to have recommendations from European observers, like those issued following the previous national elections in July 2008, rejected again because the Cambodian government shows no will to implement any reform.

2- The E.U. will not recognize the legitimacy of the July 2013 elections which -- given the countless and serious irregularities in their preparation including the manipulation of the electoral roll -- will not meet minimum standards for democratic elections as recommended by the United Nations and will only lead to an unacceptable distortion of the will of the Cambodian people.

3- The E.U. will not recognize the legitimacy of any government stemming from such illegitimate elections.

The united democratic opposition represented by the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) believes that only such an appropriate and timely warning from the European Union, which is Cambodia's largest donor institution, could convince the Cambodian government to accept a compromise leading to more democratic and acceptable elections, a sine qua non for the country’s stability and prosperity.

The two essential points in the U.N. recommendations are related to a reform of the electoral commission and the full participation of opposition leader Sam Rainsy in the electoral contest.

CNRP Secretariat


Anonymous said...

mouy succhour she got a big one. all smart honest and people who try to stop bouksy cheating are youn and all blind follower and all those low moral provocative hatred and deliberately divided Khmer like ki or ex-khmer rough are nationalist? if your people in power you put Khmer back to stone age like pol pot does. Mike

Anonymous said...

Sam bouksy good lucky to you.

Anonymous said...

The people who suffer under youn grip or under khmere rough grip i do beleife they are the only Khmer recue. Sam bouksy is only khmere cheatter right?.Mike

Anonymous said...

Look At disgraced Mu Sochua, she always like to hold a big candle while veryone hold a little one because she is often hold her white man's big candle too :):)

Anonymous said...

Max-lenin theory aimed to teach students on how to run the country and nation with careful consideration e.g Maxism was focuing on totalitarianism-the world of industrialisation and capitalism (a form of communism)vs Lenin social freedom (liberalist),

Leninism is based on social freedom where people have their rigthts to choose based on whatever they wanted to do in life e,g doctor or lawyer etc, but Max disagreed saying, doing so will lead into a major crisis like, it will lead into a big gap between the high class, middle class and lower class.

Lenin responded to Max, 'well your theory will lead into such an oppressive way of life', implying it will lead into a 'human factory', people will no long enjoy what god has created but more toward materialistic and dictatorship style of the oppressors.

Sadly, Moa Zetong decided to use Maxism theory in the name of totalitarianism of communism believing in capitalism etc will benefit the whole nation and everyone should be treated equally etc, which at the end of the day up to 20millions people died from over work and starving to death.

Soon after, the whole southeast asia felt into one too. While the VC having wwii with the US, khmer territory was being used as a practice zone. By then, almost all Khmer infrastructures been destroyed by both the VC and US while Chinese also helped to supply their war related weapons like, mines and bombs and so on. The VC then were able to use 'sun tzu' tactic, that is the skill of deception like ' killing two birds with one stone' or 'making khmers killed khmers' etc.

Therefore, all leaders have missed judge all theories in their practice and as the result of this, everyone is ruined e,g like human's mentality-led to psychotic, paranoid and murdering. In the end, human being are the main cause of world wide destruction. The end!

Anonymous said...

So, Pi and Mike
You are a vc and no one believe in you no more, LOL

Anonymous said...

A couple useless!!No....And have not a miracle in your what done your trying???S~~

Anonymous said...

Mr.Sam Rainsy is a Doctora degree holder from France.
Mrs. Mu Sochua is a Masters degree holder from the University of California at Berkley.

If and when these two Khmer nationalists govern Cambodia, all Khmers will finally taste the fruits of