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One kind of Balone we can eat, the other kind we shove it !!!
Theary,Preah ang mchass has now put a curse on you to forever live with your double standards for non-asian and asian men.
God bless you@9:41pm,May God does the same to you as you have said to an innocent person [Theary] whom just post the bible story for those may read an save from the words of the living God.You can easily see the speck on other people's eyes,but you'll never see the beam that is in your eyes.Dear:Theary S. please don't be discourages for those who criticizing you because you can't please all,you can only please some.Thank you.Kmenhwatt
Go to the header of this post and see who cast the first racist stone. What was the her point about asian men?
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One kind of Balone we can eat, the other kind we shove it !!!
Preah ang mchass has now put a curse on you to forever live with your double standards for non-asian and asian men.
God bless you@9:41pm,May God does the same to you as you have said to an innocent person [Theary] whom just post the bible story for those may read an save from the words of the living God.
You can easily see the speck on other people's eyes,but you'll never see the beam that is in your eyes.Dear:Theary S. please don't be discourages for those who criticizing you because you can't please all,you can only please some.Thank you.
Go to the header of this post and see who cast the first racist stone. What was the her point about asian men?
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