Friday, March 15, 2013

The slow death of justice: Demise of key suspect leaves Khmer Rouge war crimes tribunal with only one conviction

Theary Seng (Photo: Demotix)
Some question whether the costly process is worth it

Friday, 15March 2013
Andrew Buncombe, Kounila Keo
The Independent (UK)
Theary Seng, whose parents were also killed and who spent time as a child in forced labour camps, said it was not surprising young Cambodians were taking to social media to call for the UN-backed tribunal to be halted. She said the UN should invoke its legal right to end the trial.

"This tribunal is a war of attrition," said Ms Seng, who wrote about her experiences in a memoir, Daughter of the Killing Fields. "The death of Ieng Sary is another example of how we, the victims, are losing???"
When the ornately decorated court complex on the outskirts of Phnom Penh opened its doors in the summer of 2007 it was seen as a milestone in Cambodia's tortured journey towards justice.

Survivors of the Khmer Rouge regime, which killed up to 1.7 million of its own citizens, flocked to see the first defendant, a slight, wiry prison commander called Kaing Guek Eav, brought before the judges.

"I want to confront him, to ask who gave him the orders to kill the Cambodian people, said Chum Mey, one of just a handful of survivors from the Tuol Sleng jail, from which Kaing Guek Eav - also known as Comrade Duch - dispatched up to 14,000 people to the killing fields.

Yet six years on, the tribunal is confronting little short of a crisis. In the latest of a series of setbacks, one of three elderly defendants standing trial for war crimes has died in hospital. Some of the same people who celebrated when the tribunal began now say it has become a sham and should be halted.

Survivors of the Maoist-inspired regime said the death yesterday of Ieng Sary, 87, who served as the regime's foreign minister, highlighted a complaint they had repeatedly made - namely that the slow pace of the trial is undermining justice.

"I'm very disappointed that Ieng Sary escaped justice, escaped the trial," said Ou Virak, whose father was killed by the regime and who now heads the Cambodian Human Rights Centre. "This is exactly what we have been saying. There is no time to waste."

Theary Seng, whose parents were also killed and who spent time as a child in forced labour camps, said it was not surprising young Cambodians were taking to social media to call for the UN-backed tribunal to be halted. She said the UN should invoke its legal right to end the trial.

"This tribunal is a war of attrition," said Ms Seng, who wrote about her experiences in a memoir, Daughter of the Killing Fields. "The death of Ieng Sary is another example of how we, the victims, are losing???"

The death of the man who was among the regime's most recognisable faces leaves only two senior members now on trial - Nuon Chea, the regime's ideologist and right-hand man of its leader Pol Pot, and the former president, Khieu Samphan.

As it is, a team of doctors is due to check the medical condition of 86-year-old Nuon Chea next week, to determine whether he is well enough to continue being tried. In 2011, the court decided that Ieng Thirith, the only female leader to be charged, was unfit to continue with the proceedings after she was found to be suffering from dementia.

The tribunal has been rocked by difficulties since it began. The most significant challenge has been political interference from the government of Hun Sen, Cambodia's Prime Minister and himself a former officer with the Khmer Rouge.

His influence has resulted, in effect, in a block on expanding the number of suspects to be tried. Experts had suggested there was sufficient evidence to bring several other former Khmer Rouge leaders before the tribunal, but the moves were opposed by Cambodian authorities.

Such was the scale of interference that, in October 2011, one of the investigating judges, Siegfried Blunk, quit his post in frustration. The interference has also slowed proceedings.

The unwillingness of the Cambodian authorities to engage with the tribunal has also been exposed in other ways. In recent weeks, the trial's proceedings ground to a halt after local staff went on strike, complaining that they had not been paid for months. Hun Sen is responsible for paying the salaries of Cambodian staff.

Activists had insisted that however painful the tribunal might be it was an unavoidable undertaking if Cambodia wished to move forward from its dark, recent past. Perhaps a quarter of Cambodia's population was murdered or else starved to death between April 1975 and January 1979, when they were forced from the cities and made to work on farms.

The tribunal has also raised uncomfortable questions for many of the world's leading nations, some of which are funding the £115m project. China openly supported the regime, while a number of countries, including the UK, allowed the Khmer Rouge to retain Cambodia's seat at the UN General Assembly after they were ousted from power by Vietnamese troops.

The tribunal has also drawn attention to the brutalising effect of the massive secret bombing campaign of the US in Cambodia and Laos, directed against Khmer Rouge and South Vietnamese forces and which some historians have argued created the circumstances for the Khmer Rouge to seize power.

Yet the achievements of the tribunal have so far been modest. Only Comrade Duch has been convicted. He was found guilty of war crimes in 2010 and sentenced to 19 years in jail.

The frustrations now being voiced among ordinary Cambodians may have reached unprecedented levels. Darathtey Din, an international relations student, saw the news about Ieng Sary's death on her Facebook feed, and quickly typed out her thoughts.

"I say, put an end to the tribunal to save money for development in other fields because it seems like the former Khmer Rouge leaders die because of old age, one by one before any verdict can be made," she wrote.

Another student, 23-year-old Suon Sopheaktra, wrote that it was essential that the court redoubled its efforts before the public lost all hope.

"We would all regret if the huge amount of money the international donors have poured into this court is in vain, especially when the court has been delayed time and again with the threats from a very powerful person," he wrote.

Yesterday, Lars Olsen, a spokesman for the Extraordinary Chambers in the Court of Cambodia, said Mr Ienghad died in the Khmer Soviet Friendship Hospital in Phnom Penh, where he had been admitted on 4 March. "He has been suffering from intestinal problems," said Mr Olsen. "He has been hospitalised several times during the last year."

Mr Ieng's body was being taken to Malai in western Cambodia, a former Khmer Rouge stronghold where his family lives, for his funeral.

When Mr Ieng was arrested in 2007, he refused to co-operate with the court, insisting that he had been pardoned by King Norodom Sihanouk. The tribunal ruled that the pardon did not cover its indictment against him and that he had to stand trial. On Wednesday, the court issued a statement formally announcing that proceedings against him had been discontinued.



Joined the Khmer Rouge in the late 1960s, became Head of State for Democratic Kampuchea in 1976 and succeeded the leader, Pol Pot in 1987. Samphan was arrested in 2007, and is on trial for crimes against humanity and genocide. The 81-year-old, who has suffered a stroke, denies the charges.


Known as Brother Number Two, Nuon Chea was Pol Pot's deputy and chief ideologist. Like Samphan, he is accused of crimes against humanity and genocide between 1975 and 1979. Now 86, he too is in frail health and denies the charges.


Anonymous said...

លោក ស្រី សេងធារី ជានរណាពិតប្រាកដ?
យូរឃើញចេញមុខម្ដង!តើ​លោក ស្រីធ្វើដើម្បី

Anonymous said...

លោក ស្រី សេងធារី ជាចារនារឹយួន?

លោក ស្រីធ្វើដើម្បី អាយួន!
-(អាយួនឱម យ៉ិនទៀង បក្សពួករបស់លោកស្រី!)..........

Anonymous said...

Look at Seng Theary like a nasty tiger. She is good in stunt but not substantial.

Anonymous said...

theary, u can come back to USA for better life, better justice,,

it's wasting TIME for u to stay- to live in PHN

Anonymous said...

The Extraordinary Chambers in the Court of Cambodia(ECCC)has been dragging their feet over issues that cannot be resolved on Khmer soil for the time being. It is time to move this tribunal back to:

Registry of the United Nations Dispute Tribunal
United Nations Office at Geneva
Palais des Nations, Office S.102
8-14, Avenue de la Paix
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

Hopefully, mighty UN may be able to summon the real culprits and shed some light on this obscure Khmer genocide.

Anonymous said...

In 1970,hanoi vietcong bring the war to cambodia they killed many khmer people (civil,students,professors,police soldiers)and hanoi vietcong destroy many khmer constructions :houses,schools,bridges (like they put the mine to destroy chroy changvar bridge ,you can ask chea sok ,which battallon of vietcong put the mine ,he know ,now chea sok is high rank in CPP.after 1975 many hanoi vietcong named khmer still stay behind pol pot eang sary and continue to kill khmer people (eang sary is a good student of hochiminh ,he follow the plan of hochiminh to kill and destroy khmer culture,khmer soul)at the end of 1975 ,hanoi prime minister came to phnom penh to see pol pot eang sary ,to talk about the plan to kill khmer people ,hanoi prime minister congratulate pol pot eang sary ,he said the both did well they can evacuate the people from the city to the field ,it's easy to kill ,after 1979 hanoi vietcong named khmer still stay behind hun sen and continue to kill khmer people by many way ,until now 50% of vietcong named hkmer still working in CPP government ( like chuon prasit ,yim chhay ly ,hoa nam hong ,Im sothy or Im you hay .......),the role of all vietcong is to destroy khmer country day to day until hanoi swallow khmer country complete.all khmer people have to unite together to save khmer country fro hanoi invader.Why let hanoi vietcong stay outside of the law ,we have to bring hanoi vietcong to international court with khmer rouge leaders.
Who is chuon prasit ,his father is a real vietcong ,khmer people chase him from phnom penh and go back to vietnam in lon nol regime.
Who is Im sothy ,in lon nol regime his name is Im you hay ,he is a member of khmer youth (with koy pech ,thou thon, san that ),but he is a secret agent of hanoi ,he work for vietcong ,and after April 17 1975 ,he escape to vietnam and he became police commander at saigon and his real name at saigon is Le van Hay .
look at the work of their vietcong ,they work for interest of hanoi more than khmer interest ,the quality of their work are bad ,look like foreign affair ,education ,economic ,they make the khmer country weak from one day to another day for hanoi.

Anonymous said...


thank for your effort and determination for doing good jobs.

I bet 99 percents of the people who criticized you, can even do 10 percents of good work as you.

You have shown me your leadership skills.

Khmer from Long Beach

Anonymous said...

I have been saying this all along. The court system in Cambodia is want to make more "money" only and it does not care justice.

The lawyers, Judges, and prosecutions wanted to drag the cases so long so they make more money and benefit. They purposely wait until the evil person died.

3 millions death in unmarked graves and the bones in the Toul Sleng Museum, how much more evidences do you need? dummies.

The foreingers lawyers and judges are as quilty as the Cambodian counter partners.

Shames on all of you

Anonymous said...

សូមស្វាគមន៍ និង ថ្លែងអំណរជាខ្លាំងនូវចម្លើយ
របស់លោក 7:41 PM។ មិនដែលបានជួបប្រទះ
ចម្លើយចំៗហើយខ្លីៗបែបនេះសោះ ពិតជាមាន

Anonymous said...

Paeldeal Neang chagthikam mouk vear aiging Neang lmoub dit..!!HaHa USELESS!!

Anonymous said...

I know this is just the show trial. If they still alive at the end of the court cession, they will be guilty ! She is a lawyer she should know that !!!!

Don't wast resources on trial like this. It only proves that the Vietnamese invadsion was justified. It is better use resources to build bridges for Cambodian.

Anonymous said...

This UN court diverted enormous energy and resources from International and Cambodian countries. This effort would have been worth if it had been devoted to train Cambodian lawyers about true democracy. Let's no longer divert Khmer focus on resource development.

Anonymous said...

muk theary in photo doch pel kompong joy.

Anonymous said...






Anonymous said...

Marxist-Lenin was born of Christian civilization and
former Khmer students from France are indoctrinated before
become the murderers of his own people, now
these new young people are baptized to sabotage
and misinform the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, for example
cinema documentary Rithy Pan made a propaganda chief of Tuol Sleng prison (Duch) name instead of real name (Kaing Guek Eav).
គ្រឹស្ដសាសនា​ ដែលអតីតនិស្សិតខ្មែរ
ឃាតករជាតិខ្មែរ ហើយបច្ចុប្បន្ននេះ
មានជាឧទាហរណ៍គឺអាប៉ាន់ទុធី ថតកុន

Anonymous said...

កញ្ញាសេងក្ដិតរីកនិងពួកបិសាចសុចជាដាAgence Andrew Buncombe, Kounila Keo
The Independent (UK)ត្រូវដាក់វេនគ្នាទៅ
ជួបអាមេគុកទួលស្លែងកាំងគ្ហេចអៀវហៅឡើងស្ថានសួគ៌ គឺកញ្ញា
ស្លែង បន្ទាប់មកគឺដល់វេនពួកបិសាចសុចជាដា Andrew Buncombe, Kounila Keo
The Independent (UK)ចំតិតក្ដិតឲ្យ

Anonymous said...

Max-lenin theory aimed to teach students on how to run the country and nation with careful consideration e.g Maxism was focuing on totalitarianism-the world of industrialisation and capitalism (a form of communism),

whereas Leninism is based on social freedom (liberalism-social democracy) where people have their rithts to choose based on whatever they wanted to do in life e,g doctor or lawyer etc, but Max disagreed saying, doing so will lead into a major crisis like, it will lead into a big gap between the high class, middle class and lower class.

Lenin responded to Max, 'well your theory will lead into such an oppressive way of life', implying human factory, people will no long enjoy what god has created but more toward materialistic and dictatorship style of oppressors.

Sadly, Moa Zetong decided to use Maxism theory in the name of totalitarianism of communism believing in capitalism etc, which at the end of the day up to 20millions people died from over work and starving to death.

Soon after, the whole southeast asia felt into one too. While the VC having wwii with the US, khmer territory was being used as a practice zone. By then, almost all Khmer infrastructures been destroyed by both the VC and US while Chinese also helped to supply their war related weapons like, mines and bombs and so on.

Therefore, all leaders have missed judge all theories in their practice and as the result of this, everyone is ruined e,g like human's mentality-led to psychotic, paranoid and murdered. In the end, human being are the main cause of world destruction. The end!

Anonymous said...

កញ្ញាសេង ក្ដិតសាច់ចាក់