Wednesday, March 13, 2013

To Post or Not To Post? Have your say...

RE: Domestic violence in Cambodia 

Dear readers,

The image below was posted recently in connection with an article about domestic violence in Cambodia, along with my brief accompanying remarks. While some readers think the use of this image is 'denigrating' to women or to the victim in this picture [and/or may invite 'denigrating' comments about women/her], not all readers appear to agree with this perception judging by the contrasting views expressed below:

"... about time KI Media respect the dignity of this VICTIM and stop publishing this denigrating photo. why don't you focus on the perpetrators of the crime? about some common sense?"
 - Anonymous
"This picture is very powerful. It's a true reflection of the country that [is] run by Hanoi's puppets.

Welcome to Cambodia, and welcome to the museum of ignorance."
 -True Khmer [posted on Khmerization]

It would be interesting to hear your view and perspective on this controversial subject, as well as any underlying reasons, and, in particular, whether KI Media [or just School of Vice!] should cease posting this and similar images in future here on KI Media!

Thank you for your time and contribution.

...School of Vice

Denigrating to the victim? What do you think?

Not even this elderly grandma was spared from indiscriminate police brutality, and needless to say, they did not ask her for 'permission' either before bearing down on her with those batons? Sorry, grandma, this really is the Kingdom of Incessant Nightmare you and the Khmer people live in...and all you wanted was a plot of land to call home...


Anonymous said...

Must post to let all Khmer home and abroad amd the world know that this is the way the so-called Hun Sen government has treated Cambodian ladies so all Khmer home and abroad must choose only one way to get rid of this yuon Hanoi puppet regime which we all know that this so-called Hun Sen government created by late Ho Chin Minh in 1951 to put Lao and Cambodia under yuon Hanoi yoke and to exterminate Khmer ethnics.

. said...

Common sense is to stop the barbaric acts of the Hun Sen's Viet-controlled regime on Khmer inhabitants.

Full speed ahead Captain!

Anonymous said...

This image point out many issue in cambodia. To not post is like pretend it not happening.

If i was the victim, i would appreciated if someone speak up for me or post as many times as possible.

Beside, the puppet hun sen denies everything, many times, over and over, and none stop!

Farther more, all khmer are victims of the vietcong.

we need to stick for each other like the jews stick up for their kind.

we need to stick up for each other like the korean stick up for their kind.

no one else will.

Hun sen is not khmer. his wife is not khmer, his father is not khmer.


Unknown said...

I believe that denigrating is what they have done to her and not to give testimony of it, and if not, let´s ask the protagonist

Karl [Kalonh] Chuck said...

Re: "... about time KI Media respect the dignity of this VICTIM and stop publishing this denigrating photo. why don't you focus on the perpetrators of the crime? about some common sense?"

Has that person/individual been out that much, it not at all?

Please continue to welcome that dead soul to the world of WWW, School of Vice!


K. Chuck

Anonymous said...

A picture can tell a lot:word/ action...
It can have three dimensions depending on how you interpret it.
The author of the picture wants to show how this lady is fighting for her right and not otherwise.Thanks
and keep on.

Anonymous said...

Posting this picture is not wrong. We should better why is there is picture? Who is violating the woman? What regime is it that abuse women like this? Stop posting it is like helping those cruel people to hide their shit activities. I pray that Cambodia will meet the true civilization soon.

Anonymous said...

Correction: We should better think why is there this picture?

Anonymous said...

These dogs were born from dog's pussy, not from their mother, that's why they committed such a thing.

Anonymous said...

Only the CPP dogs would make derogatory comments about our Khmer women under the Hun Sen government. It is also the CPP dogs that often looks down on their own people, treating them like dogs, ignoring the human rights and the millions of illegal immigrants from Vietnam.

This image is a fact, that under the Hun Sen government, our Khmer women and children will always be in the street treated like dogs in the street upon its own government installed by the Vietnamese.

Anonymous said...

Every picture worth thousand words!

The government who abuses their own people always tries to keep the pictures from leaking out to the out side world and free presses from the free world would pay thousands of dollars for some picture.

Baay Kdaing

Anonymous said...

All khmer people should focus
on all shameful acts of the
puppet government cpp and its crimes against cambodian and humanity,ordered by its yuon
masters.Why you khmer focus only on the picture? Who cause this
photo to be taken?Don't try to hide the heinous acts to the perpetrators of the crimes.Use you mind to reason !
All khmer see the truth
of the crimes and treason of cpp leaders to khmer nation,will be united with Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha to fight yuons and khmer
cpp traitors to save Cambodia and

Anonymous said...

Where is Ah Ping ang and his boyfriend the Youn Mike?

Is this subject too sensitive for them to make a comment? Or are they sucking each other penis and cannot get a hard on without the image of Sam Rancy or Mom Sonando.

Anonymous said...

This picture shows that the government Hun Sen is very cruel and low life. The cops and solders are gangsters. They tortured the victims of land grabbing who demanded for their rights. So ashamed ah Hun Sen animal government.

Anonymous said...

Boeur Minh Chhang Oy Ke Khoeunh, Tol Te Khloun Eng Kom Proprith

Anonymous said...

Ah Ping ang and his bitch Youn Mike always get paid for making comments on KI Media. Youn Dogs don’t have time to argue with you guys in here for free. They liked or they didn’t like this job, but the money was good.

Anonymous said...

Ah Ping Ang mother was a dog living in the street. With no money and the joys of seeing penis, now they live the dream of making rude and cruel comments whenever and wherever Hun Sen and CPP commands of them.

Anonymous said...

your photo focuses on the victim, not the dozen of mongrels who beat her up and strip her of her dignity. if you had shown both the victim AND the policemen i would not have objected to the photo. To other bloggers who so quickly dismiss my objection: suppose the woman victim is your own sister would you not want to also show those cowards who beat her up? Again how about some common sense? Fight FOR THE VICTIM, don't side with the oppressors as most of you here have done so unthinkingly over that photo!

Anonymous said...

To 2:15.

Every Khmer women and Khmer children, abused, sexually harrased, beaten, raped, killed, silent, imprisoned under the CPP and Hun Sen government is my sister and mother.

The pain will never be healed for as long as Hun Sen is in power and continues to rule ruthlessly. His days will come, when he will be shot in the head.

Anonymous said...

I believe that seeing the picture is 1000 times better than reading or listening. However, I also find it a bit disturbing that many pictures posted on KI showing the face of victim or individual.

I suggest that before posting pictures, KI should at least put a bit effort into blurring the victim's face.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I see nothing wrong with showing the powerful images to the world to know
the truth about gravity of barbaric act committed by the cruel, heartless,
authoritarian regime toward it own people.The more pictures of this kind,
the more effective way to ascertain the fact. Some people may accuse the
new outlet of over milking the picture if they see the repetition over a short
period of time which is not the case here. I have full confidence of SOV handling
this matter,the reason that he asks just showing his humble nature. ILY


Anonymous said...

Here finally the asshole opens his shitty mouth.

Anonymous said...

Most of you are so proud to say in this KI, that the today Cambodian government as a Vietnam Puppet regime. Will you able to use that kind of accusation word, when you are in Cambodia or you will close your mouth like many other did ?

Just too bad, because we are not able to read your comments or your posts in Phnom Penh.

Takeo said...

Ki-Media did the right thing by posting every pictures being threaten by the Hun Sen regime.

Anonymous said...

You go blind like Ah Kwack too!
It is a fake to you as long as she is not your mother.

Anonymous said...

True journalism is about reporting the truth. let reader at large decide what is appropriate or not. There is always a Ying and Yang affect on every coverage, photo, etc.....
let true journalism shines.

Anonymous said...

I take this subject from a different angle by saying that it is important to post this kind of picture as long as no plain nudity is shown in order to give the true picture of what is happening. With nudity attempt should be made to conceal as much as possible obscene bodily parts of the victims to provide them with dignity and honor.

I take a position that I will not go to the extreme of not posting the pictures at all; however, once the picture/pictures has/have been posted (again with proper concealment on obscene bodily parts if one(s) is/are revealed) once or the most twice, there is no need to repost it/them again and again.

Pissed Off

Anonymous said...

To Pissed Off.

I am confuse and unsure which part of her body image is being exposed as obscene and nudity...What I am seeing here is not her exposed body, but her being dragged in the street by the CPP cops.

This picture isnt extreme. There is no nudity. There is no headless corpse. There is no images no blood at all. This image is just an everday image of women being treated like street animals under the Hun Sen government. There is no need for this women to feel ashame of her body image.

Anonymous said...

this picture should be always shown to show how evil the cpp viet slave gov. is. and to show
sympathy for this lady victim.
the cpp must pay the prize for the crime thy did. the lady should be compensated and/or helped by someone.

Anonymous said...

those who support publishing this humiliating picture: has this VICTIM or her family BEEN GIVEN A CHANCE BY KI MEDIA's School of vice to say "NO please don't Post my/my sister's/my mum's picture"? I have no objection if School of Vice shows both the ATTACKERS and their VICTIM: the focus will then be on the mongrels who cowardly abuse a woman. But here this is not the case. You show the humiliation of a defenceless woman but you hide the faces of the MONGRELS who attack her. whose side are you on? the victim or her attackers?

Anonymous said...

the number of posts supporting the publication of this photo shows why for so long the opposition is unable to capitalise on the widespread antipathy among khmers from all walks of life towards the kleptocrats in Phnom Penh. there're just too many 2its in the ranks to deal with first.

Anonymous said...

The picture shown should and can be displayed to show the maltreatment of the CPP regime in its dealing with the protesters; however, is there a need to show it again and again on KI site to the almost same readers and viewers, especially when some of the comments written by some in this blog against the victims can be outrageous?

Will repeated displays of this picture on this site make much of a difference as far as producing positive reaction and thus concrete action on the part of those who can effect changes in Cambodia,i.e. the international communities, the world bank and various foreign governments who are providing financial assistance to Hun Sen and the CPP government? After all, haven't their ambassies in Phnom Penh seen this picture in action and reported the events to the respective governments?

If seeing this kind of picture once or twice does not make an impact on the viewer or prompt him or her into action, then it probably won't make a difference no matter how many times such a picture is shown. Repeated showing of the same picture of this kind again and again can possibly desensitize viewers morally

Personally I would not want this kind of picture of myself, my mother, sister, etc. shown repeatedly; however, I do admit some may choose otherwise, which is fine.

The problem in our discussion is that the girl in the picture is not here to express her opinion and remember also that this issue is subjective in nature and should be treated with care and consideration.

Pissed Off

Anonymous said...


Try walking on the streets of Phnom Penh after your picture of this kind is shown on newspapers and TVs again and again and be prepared for the consequences of the people looking at, staring at and talking about you!

Not many Cambodians in Phnom Penh are decent enough to feel sympathy for you, the victim!

For those who have/had lived in Cambodia long enough know exactly what I mean.

Pissed Off

Anonymous said...

No differece with Pol Pot regime, or even is worse than it.

Anonymous said...

To Pissed Off.

The underlying issue here is that she is a victim, a victim of her government, a victim silent and unbeknown to the world community and to the foreign aids that kept sending in $1 billions in foreign aids per years to the Hun Sen government ignoring the real victim such as the victim in the victim.

You may be ashame of her. But as a Khmer fighting agaisnt the CPP and Hun Sen government, we are proud of his courage.

Anonymous said...

arouse anger -hatred - disrespect to victims it not a journalist job isn't it ?. if you are a Newsman or a professional blog you are working on and touch people spirit and feeling you should educate and feed into people spirit with high moral and dignity that will benefited all reader and nation. what you maybenefited now? separate Khmer communities. right? . now we can clearly see ki you lead people brain to the maximum worst and potential negative can you see that. can't you? .Mike

Anonymous said...

AH Youn Mike, have you tried telling the CPP police to stop beating the Khmer women and Khmer children?

Anonymous said...

All Hun Sen supporters and his gansters must go to hell now. Hun Sen if you cannot take care of your country and people go to hell or under Tea Ong pot.

Anonymous said...

In the King of Extraordinary World of Wonder where things are upside down you, this is the norm for these idiotic bloodsucker cpp_vietcong parasites...they couldn't tell the difference between victim and the perpetrator...helpless and the aggressor...


Anonymous said...

In the Kingdom of Extraordinary World of Wonder where things are upside down you, this is the norm for these idiotic bloodsucker cpp_vietcong parasites...they couldn't tell the difference between victim and the perpetrator...helpless and the aggressor...


Anonymous said...

Dear KI-Media,

Please continue to post the information/pictures of realities. Don't hide the truth. Principles of Journalism are to give true information and dig up the truth for the public...


Anonymous said...

One must ask ,If this woman(first Picture) happened to be your very close relative,would you like to post and/or show it to the public?.Hun Sen government violate human right,abuse power and Cops used excessive force.We all want the regime change but in picture#1 someone just happened to violate her privacy by posting her half naked image.All cops and soldiers anywhere in this world must follow the order of their superiors,therefore they're not really someone to blame on any action that they carried.The picture illustration is really not necessary if ones do a very close follow up on today Cambodian situation and politic.I totally disagree with the posting on picture#1.picture#2 is acceptable.

Anonymous said...

AH Ping Ang was told by AH Hun Sen that all this pictures are fake and CPP cops dont kill or beat up Khmer.

Anonymous said...

These pictures are the documentation of the brutality by AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave regime committed against innocent Cambodian people! Whether you like or not and this is the reality for these helpless Cambodian people! If AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave has his way and nobody including me would be able to see such brutality! I thank those people for the taking the time to post these pictures!

AH HUN SEN can lie to Cambodian people and the world but he cannot lie to himself for all the sins he committed against Cambodian people!

Anonymous said...

Ah Pi Anh.

You go blind like Ah Kwack too!
It is a fake to you as long as she is not your mother.

Anonymous said...

Tous vos écrits ne valent pas cette photo !

Anonymous said...

Ah Pi Anh and Ah Mike, we all know that you are Ah Hun Sen’s spies.
Your mission is to protect your boss at all cost and to create havoc here, if not you will lose your jobs. So your comments here don’t worth a damn.

Anonymous said...

AH Ping Anh and Ah Youn Mike have no shame in themself, this is why Youn kill Khmer and tells the world Khmer killed Khmer.

Ah Ping Ang and Ah Youn Mike cant read Khmer or write Khmer but claim they are Khmer and then protect Hun Sen and CPP.

Anonymous said...

To make it short , post it . Picture tells a million words.

Anonymous said...

As dramatic, emotional, and appealing a photo
might be, it rarely, if ever, can tell its story without
words. Captions, subheads, and headlines are
critical to the reader’s understanding of the connection
between an image and its story.
Photographers are often charged with writing their
own captions, but the responsibility may fall to the
photo editor to write it based on information provided,
or to polish it and ensure it complements the
rest of the layout.
A photo editor’s work may be guided by the
findings of media effects research. Readers make
decisions about whether to read an article in less
than a second, and their decision is influenced in
part by the size, type, and placement of related
Photo editors rarely make any of these decisions
unilaterally. They work closely with individual
photographers, reporters, and layout artists. In
part because of the teamwork involved in photo
editing, and to reflect the wide range of decisions
involved, the NPPA in 2006 changed the title of its
annual competition from “Picture Editing” to
“Best Use of Photography.”
The decisions of a photo editor reverberate
beyond the aesthetic and informational elements
of individual images and pages. Their work has
larger cultural implications over time.Do photos of female
politicians reflect a sexist tendency to focus on
their bodies or fashion choices? Photographs of
individuals accused of crimes, for instance, might
prejudice potential juries; even photographs
of individuals not accused, but depicted with
police or near the scene of a crime, might unfairly
impugn them. Photo editors must ensure that a
publication’s overall use of imagery is socially
Image technology is likely to continue to change,
and along with it, the methods photo editors use to
conduct their work. Video is becoming a popular
element to include on newspaper websites; photo
editors have been charged with the task of not only
learning how to gather video news, but how to edit
and deploy it on webpages. Yet even as the pressures
of convergence continue to change the daily
routines of photo editors, their guiding informative,
aesthetic, and ethical considerations, and their
key role as the “visual thinkers” for a publication
will endure.
Mary Angela Bock

Brought to you by


Anonymous said...

The picture is speaking louder than words,most powerful for the world to judges the regime of jungle's gook.. .This is shameful to regime that doesn't respect women nor human rights in generals.Please exposes all of the evil act by this regime of puppetieers of Yuon Hanoi.There was nothing wrong nor disgrace about the picture it was disgraced to Cpp regime that abused its people without regard of human rights.Stop voting for this jungle's regime that abused its people,stop voting for the puppetieers of Hanoi Cpp Hun Sen.Keep on exposes all the abuses to the world to see.Thank you.


Anonymous said...

You're very dumb/ignorance in your part by looking at this picture as a porn all educators sees this picture as abusive towards women in generals or abusive disrespect human rights.This picture is more powerful than words and this is not a porn for you idiot to be excited about at all.You should ask Cpp Hun Sen that what if the picture happen to be his daughter Hun Mana or his wife Bunrany? What'd he think about the picture? porn or abusive towards women? You must be stupid to look at this picture and seeing as porno not abusing power.You're disgrace to yourself and your families[YOUR WOMEN] by seeing the picture as a porn instead of abused!!!!

Yobal Khmer

Anonymous said...

Nous saluons fièrement la lutte courageuse de nos Femmes Khmères !

Anonymous said...

Must continue to post all these pictures!!! All news medias in Cambodia are all controlled by CPP. They will never post anything that is truth-full which can damage CPP and ah traitor hun sen of their crimes. Keep posting people! This only to get your words out!!

Anonymous said...

B40 ==> Pi Anh ==> Booom…

Anonymous said...

To 12:35PM AH Vietcong slave

When did the victim ask you to speak for them? You Vietcong slave want to speak for the victim? Fuck you! How about speak for yourself Vietcong slave mother fucker!

KI just report what is going in Cambodia under AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave regime! It is too bad that you don’t like what you see and read. Now go fuck yourself!

Anonymous said...

N’ayez pas peur, votre lutte est juste !
Cette humiliation est minime comparée à la souffrance dans notre coeur !