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Whoever wrote this document wrote to make readers hate Youn and Hun Sen by he started lying from the beginning . No one know exactly how many people have been killed from 1975 to 1979 . Most researchers said somewhere between one to two million people have been killed but this guy said three million by youn , not by Khmer Rouge . I hate CPP and its leaders but I don't believe a word of what he wrote in this document . Too exaggerate .
Dear Anonymous 3:37PM, You ever studied in school of People's Republic of Kampuchea, or not? Vietnam and PRK taught us that "Khmer Rouge" killed Khmer people more than 3.5 million people. But After the evidences show about Khmer Republic made a war against Viet Cong. Every Khmer people just know the reason Khmer Rouge was founded by Vietnam and Viet COng, Viet Ming. The amount of killing was decreased because of related to Vietnam. I think you are Red Children of Vietnam who were sent to studied in Hanoi, so you tried to neglect every true history. You don't believed me, you asked Khmer people who ever studied in PRK regime from 1980-1985, How many people werer killed? Three and half millions of Khmer people were killed by Khmer Rouge. Nowadays, technological knowledge can't tell lie, except you are red children in the same generation of Great dod_Suan Sereyratha, so you must protect Vietnam.
Dear Anonymous 3:37PM, You ever studied in school of People's Republic of Kampuchea, or not? Vietnam and PRK taught us that "Khmer Rouge" killed Khmer people more than 3.5 million people. But After the evidences show about Khmer Republic made a war against Viet Cong. Every Khmer people just know the reason Khmer Rouge was founded by Vietnam and Viet COng, Viet Ming. The amount of killing was decreased because of related to Vietnam. I think you are Red Children of Vietnam who were sent to studied in Hanoi, so you tried to neglect every true history. You don't believed me, you asked Khmer people who ever studied in PRK regime from 1980-1985, How many people werer killed? Three and half millions of Khmer people were killed by Khmer Rouge. Nowadays, technological knowledge can't tell lie, except you are red children in the same generation of Great dog_Suan Sereyratha, so you must protect Vietnam.
Ah Hun Sen Klaing Khang Tveu Knhom Yuon. Ah Runteas Banh!!
Chhub Tveu Knhom Yuon Touv Ah Choy Marai!!
Whoever wrote this document wrote to make readers hate Youn and Hun Sen by he started lying from the beginning . No one know exactly how many people have been killed from 1975 to 1979 . Most researchers said somewhere between one to two million people have been killed but this guy said three million by youn , not by Khmer Rouge . I hate CPP and its leaders but I don't believe a word of what he wrote in this document . Too exaggerate .
I agree with you ; There were many fanatic nationalists who destroyed
Cambodia , during Pol Pot era . The writer is too fanatic .
Dear Anonymous 3:37PM,
You ever studied in school of People's Republic of Kampuchea, or not? Vietnam and PRK taught us that "Khmer Rouge" killed Khmer people more than 3.5 million people. But After the evidences show about Khmer Republic made a war against Viet Cong. Every Khmer people just know the reason Khmer Rouge was founded by Vietnam and Viet COng, Viet Ming. The amount of killing was decreased because of related to Vietnam. I think you are Red Children of Vietnam who were sent to studied in Hanoi, so you tried to neglect every true history. You don't believed me, you asked Khmer people who ever studied in PRK regime from 1980-1985, How many people werer killed?
Three and half millions of Khmer people were killed by Khmer Rouge.
Nowadays, technological knowledge can't tell lie, except you are red children in the same generation of Great dod_Suan Sereyratha, so you must protect Vietnam.
Dear Anonymous 3:37PM,
You ever studied in school of People's Republic of Kampuchea, or not? Vietnam and PRK taught us that "Khmer Rouge" killed Khmer people more than 3.5 million people. But After the evidences show about Khmer Republic made a war against Viet Cong. Every Khmer people just know the reason Khmer Rouge was founded by Vietnam and Viet COng, Viet Ming. The amount of killing was decreased because of related to Vietnam. I think you are Red Children of Vietnam who were sent to studied in Hanoi, so you tried to neglect every true history. You don't believed me, you asked Khmer people who ever studied in PRK regime from 1980-1985, How many people werer killed?
Three and half millions of Khmer people were killed by Khmer Rouge.
Nowadays, technological knowledge can't tell lie, except you are red children in the same generation of Great dog_Suan Sereyratha, so you must protect Vietnam.
ទីប្រឹក្សាង្វៀងសម រង្ស៊ី,(កៅអីជើង១)
យើងចង់ដឹងការពិតណាស់ ថាតើ យួន សម្លាប់ខ្មែរ
ជាង៣លាន ឬ ក៏ លោក សមរាង្ស៊ី?
សម រង្ស៊ី(ជាមេឃាតករ សម្លាប់ខ្មែរប្រយោល)
បន្តពីការដែលយួនបាន សម្លាប់ខ្មែរជាង៣លាន គឺសម រង្សីសម្លាប់ខ្មែរ
-ខ្មែរជាអ្នកចាញ់ដដែលៗ !!
សម រង្ស៊ីជាអ្នកជួយOxygene អោយអាCPPហ៊ុនសែន....
តាំងពីគ្មានយួន រហូតយួនជាង៨លាននាក់
គណបក្សប្រជាជនកម្ពុជា (cpp)និងគណបក្សសង្រ្គោះជាតិ (cnrp)
សត្វស្វាសម រង្ស៊ី កុហករាស្រ្តខ្មែរថាប្ដឹងហ៊ុន សែន...ម្តងប្ដឹង...ម្តងឈប់ប្ដឹង...ហើយសុំចូលស្រុក ដោយសុំទៅសអាយួន ហ៊ុន សែន !
ដូចជានៅពេលដែលអាហ៊ុនសែននិយាយប្រាំម៉ោង តែឯកឯងនៅរដ្ឋសភា អាប្រឆាំងបិតប្រដាប់ខ្លាច
អាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុន សែន,ឲ្យពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរអស់ជំនឿ!
លោក1:41 PM
ទេព វ៉ាន់នី និងលោក ម៉ម សូណង់ដូ
កំសាកខ្លាចគុកសម រង្សី
-តើវារំដោះខ្លួនវា បានហើយឬនៅ?
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